e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 124 Even thinking of the names of Yu Xingchen and Lin Yuanjin together, he can go crazy with

Chapter 124 Even thinking about the names of Yu Xingchen and Lin Yuanjin together, he can go crazy with jealousy

In a few days, the team's promotional photos were also repaired, and the retoucher sent them to Ji Mao's computer, and Ji Mao sent them all to the team group, letting them choose the official pictures by themselves.

Qiao Yinan: I think the one with the thumbs up is handsome!
Lu Bai: You can pull it down, it feels like you are the spokesperson of Jinkela.

Qiao Yinan angrily threw the phone on the sofa, grabbed Lu Bai's neck next to him, and yelled, "Who looks like Jin Kela's spokesperson??", pinching Lu Bai so that he rolled his eyes.

Yu Xing flipped through it, chose a random one, and accidentally saw a photo of Lin Yuanjin when scrolling through the photos.

Yu Xingshen pointed at the picture and teased Lin Yuanjin, "I think this picture is good. The gold-rimmed glasses are a gentle scum, hey, he's handsome. Recently, this type is very popular on the Internet. Maybe it will attract a group of good-looking fans."

Lin Yuanjin, who was taking off his coat, paused and smiled, "Then let's take this one."

Yu Xingchen has been with these team members for two years. Because of the linkage between shooting and assisting, Yu Xingchen has the strongest relationship with Qiao Yinan, and the most harmonious relationship with Lin Yuanjin.

If Lin Yuanjin revealed a little bit of meaning to Yu Xingchen, there should be no reason for Yu Xingchen to refuse...

Just thinking about it like this, the jealous vat in his heart seemed to be overturned.

Gu Xishen never knew that he still had the psychology of jealousy.

Even thinking about the names of Yu Xingshen and Lin Yuanjin together, he can go crazy with jealousy.

Gu Xishen smiled in a half-joking tone: "You girls have good aesthetics, how about you help me choose one?"

Yu Xingshen said casually: "The number one nobleman in Yunjiang doesn't even have this bit of self-confidence?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Gu Xishen's reply, so she looked up at Gu Xishen.

Gu Xishen was unexpectedly a little embarrassed, his thin lips were pursed lightly, but his eyes were shining brightly as he looked at her.

Yu Xingchen: "..." As for it?

During lunch in the afternoon, Lin Yuanjin stepped out of the training room, followed closely by Gu Xishen until he stood shoulder to shoulder with Lin Yuanjin, "You like Yu Xingchen?"

Lin Yuanjin paused, but the pause was very small, if it wasn't for Gu Xishen beside him, he might not have noticed it.

Lin Yuanjin said lightly: "You think too much."

"Is it?"

This person is even more polite than him. He knows the difference between men and women, and he is polite both outside and inside. He has never behaved out of line with Yu Xingchen.

But if Yu Xingchen was really regarded as a teammate or a friend, it would give him a completely different feeling.

Just like Yu Xingchen, when he was playing games with his teammates, they got stuck, twisting their ears and choking their necks, but it didn't take long.

For general physical contact, there will be no other charming colors.

Gu Xishen didn't even look at him, but just looked ahead. Those who didn't know the content of their conversation thought it was a mutual greeting between friends, "You concealed it very well, but you missed one point."

Lin Yuanjin finally turned his head to look at Gu Xishen, with gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, his brows furrowed behind the lenses.

Gu Xishen: "You are too restrained, that's why you appear out of place."

After the voice fell, Qiao Yinan, who was holding the handrail of the stairs in front, turned around and looked at the two people who seemed to be walking, "Not active in eating? Why can't the cooking aunt keep you warm?"

Gu Xi smiled deeply, "Here we are." He quickened his pace and walked down the stairs.

Leaving Lin Yuanjin and his footsteps slowing down, he finally stood on the spot, looking at Gu Xishen's back as he descended the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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