e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 125 Gu Shen joined the PR team official announcement

Chapter 125 Gu Shen joined the PR team official announcement

The official blog of the team posted all the promotional photos of the five members of the team at the prime time of traffic.

#2020New Year Makeup Photos, come and get your exclusive team members~#
There are a total of seven pictures, except one is a group promotional photo of team members, and the remaining six are all single-person promotional photos.

The PR team is worthy of being a good-looking team in the circle. In the past, Yushen and Lin Yuanjin were in charge, and now they have another star.

[I can lick Ma Ma's face for a year! ! ! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Yushen, I took you away and continue! ! 】

[Team Lin, I took you and continue]

[Take Yushen away, you see that my 40 long knife has been unsheathed, I allow you to run 39 meters first]


The young lady who managed the team's official blog asked Gu Xishen if he had a Weibo, and asked Gu Xishen to repost one, and post a solo photo of himself by the way.

Gu Xishen's tone was a little confused: "...Will it affect you if you don't have it?"

Miss: "..."

Can you imagine?Brother Yi, an anchor with eight-figure fans, has never even opened a Weibo.

In the end, under Qiao Yinan's hands-on guidance, Gu Xishen opened a Weibo, reposted the official blog's makeup photo, and then posted a separate Weibo.

There is no accompanying text, just a promotional photo of myself wearing a PR team uniform.

Several members of the team retweeted it one after another, accompanied by various congratulations on picking up the stars and joining the PR, and finally the team official blog retweeted the congratulations.

This is the final official seal.

Ji Mao scrolled through several people's Weibo, imagining how popular the headlines would be tomorrow, but accidentally saw that Yu Xingchen hadn't retweeted the official announcement that Gu Xishen joined the PR.

Ji Mao gave Yu Xingchen a threatening look.

Yu Xingshen thought of the bold ambitions he had made at the beginning.

"Even if I'm starving to death, I won't agree to get a star and get PR!"

Yu Xing sighed deeply, and the villain in his heart slapped himself both left and right, and finally forwarded Gu Xishen's Weibo.

#PR.star Yu Xingshen: Congratulations for joining PR~//@PR.拍星: [Picture]#
[Ah ah ah ah @云起直播获星艺星 Fan Support Group! !look!Steaming finally opened Weibo! ! ! 】

[Sisters, we have squatted until the official announcement! 】

[Gu Shen opened Weibo to remember the business, you know? ! !Post more photos!I thank you all! ! 】

In just a few hours, due to the number of fans of the PR team and the popularity of Gu Xishen himself, Gu Xishen's new account skyrocketed to millions of fans like a gold coin.

At the same time, the popularity of Weibo's popular search #PR 超星# also rose in real time, and it was on the homepage within a few hours.

Before Yu Xingshen went upstairs to sleep, he tidied up his position, raised his head and said to Gu Xishen: "I'll trouble you about posting the bar."

Gu Xishen: "It's quite troublesome."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Why doesn't this buddy play his cards according to the routine?

Shouldn't it be normal to say "Isn't it troublesome?"

Probably because Yu Xingchen's bewildered expression was too obvious, Gu Xishen couldn't hold back his laughter, and lines of laughter appeared in the corners of his eyes: "I even asked the GM to give priority to testing."

Yu Xing was expressionless.

Being powerful and rich is amazing.

Only then did Gu Xishen show his fox tail: "It's such a trouble, please treat me to a meal."

Yu Xingchen pulled out the drawer, took out the all-purpose magic weapon - instant noodles in a bucket, put it in front of Gu Xishen, patted the bucket of instant noodles: "Please eat."

Gu Xishen's face froze.

Yu Xingchen tilted his head, "Do you want me to help you?"
Gu Gouzi: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Whether Gu Gouzi can meet Yushen for a meal depends on your comments, votes and rewards! ! ! (dyed akimbo)

(End of this chapter)

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