e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 144 Reaching for the Stars, You Are Awesome, You Dare to Pull the Hair off the Tigress’ Butt

Chapter 144 Reaching for the Stars, You Are Awesome, You Dare to Pull the Hair off the Tigress’ Butt

This time, not only Qiao Yinan, but also many members of the team erupted.

Everyone Loves Team Manager: ? ?

Hanami Blossom Team Coach: What happened? ?

Lu Bai: What's the matter, God Gu, why do you have to apologize?

Qiao Yinan: It is said that women should not be messed with during menstruation... you are such a nb...you dare to pluck the hair on the ass of a tigress (thumbs up)

Gu Xishen: ...

Everyone in the team knew what Gu Xishen bought for her. If he said more, others would probably understand why she was so violent later.

So just when it appeared, Yu Xing cut it off with quick eyes and hands.

Yu Xingchen: Get out and play your games!Join in the excitement, keep rolling!
Everyone: "..."

They were all thinking at the same time: Sure enough, the woman who came to the big aunt can't be messed with, she is even more violent than a dinosaur...

Gu Xishen wanted to say something more.

Gu Xishen: I was really wrong...

Yu Xingchen: Stop it! !This matter is over, I don't want to hear any more, and your apology will never be accepted.

Yu Xingchen: Manually smile.

Gu Xishen: ...

It's over, basically there is no second way to survive if you piss off a woman in the aunt period.

The large size is no longer available, only the small size is available.

At this time, the importance of the vest was reflected, so Gu Xishen was very shameless and shameless and put on Huahua's cute girl vest again.

In order to prevent Yu Xingchen from noticing the strangeness, Gu Xi endured it for a few minutes before hitting her.

Huahua: QWQ What are you doing?

Sure enough, Yu Xingchen was only angry with Gu Xishen, and responded to Huahua's news quite quickly.

Citalopram: My aunt is in pain and I can't sleep.

Huahua: Remember to keep warm, especially the belly, do you have a warm baby?You can apply it on your stomach and drink plenty of water.

Citalopram: Huahua you are so kind.

When he saw Yu Xingchen's Aunt Chen in pain for the first time, he didn't ask the male compatriots for advice, and told Yu Xingchen to drink more hot water without any actual action.

Then Yu Xing ignored him for a week.

It was only later that he realized that the phrase "drink more hot water" was true in itself, but it was almost the same as "drink more magma" to girls' ears during menstruation, and if conditions allowed, they would definitely feed their partner a cup of magma backhand.

He didn't know why, he didn't dare to say anything, he didn't dare to ask anything.It was only later that I learned how to be good. Every time Yu Xingchen came, my aunt would be by her side, and she didn't dare to get in the cold water.

However, now the phrase "drink more hot water" was said by a female friend who is more fun, and it has become "you are so kind" in Yu Xingchen's mouth.

So is it wrong for a boyfriend to breathe during menstruation...

Gu Xishen watched this reply in silence for a long time, and suddenly had the urge to go to the balcony to smoke a cigarette.

He still gave up this impulse and went back to Yu Xingshen for news.

Huahua: Your team has entered the finals today!awesome.

Yu Xingchen guessed that no one was chatting with her, so he slowly started chatting with him.

Citalopram: It's alright, I didn't finish the game today because my aunt came, and I was miserable.

Huahua: I saw it, he played as a substitute, he is pretty good~
Gu Xishen shamelessly praised himself.

Ten seconds later, Yu Xing Shen replied to him.

Citalopram: Heh, he's a dachshund and a corgi crossed, Latky.

Huahua: ...

Citalopram: Not only is he a lakki, but he is also a naive person. He said he was a top student who graduated from Nantah University, but he couldn’t understand the words when he bought something. If he said he was 2B, the pencil was not happy.

Huahua: ...


Gu Gouzi: My wife has a vicious tongue...but I still have to hold back and face everything with a smile, Ollie

(End of this chapter)

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