e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 145 Not His Breathing Is Wrong, But His Existence Is Wrong

Chapter 145 Not His Breathing Is Wrong, But His Existence Is Wrong
Yu Xingchen's poisonous tongue played a role at this time.

She complained to Huahua about Gu Xishen for half an hour, and he was different in every aspect.

Only then did Gu Xishen realize that he was in the team, not because his breathing was wrong, but because his existence was wrong...

Gu Xishen silently wrote down Yu Xingshen's complaints, and corrected them one by one later.

If Yu Xingchen didn't tell him, then he really didn't know that there were so many things she didn't like about him.

For example, he likes to cling to her. When he has nothing to do, when Yu Xingchen looks up, he will often find that his gaze is fixed on her, and that gaze makes her skin crawl.

Gu Xishen was also aggrieved, he hadn't seen a real person in the past six months, wouldn't it be enough to take a second look?
And all kinds of trivial things in Gu Xishen's life run counter to the living habits of Internet addicted girls.

When eating, I knew that she must be sitting on the farthest side from him, so Gu Xishen would choose to sit on the side with more meat and vegetables, and most of them would be vegetarian dishes in front of Yu Xingchen, Gu Xishen just wanted her to eat more Vegetables only...

As a result, in Yu Xingchen's eyes, it turned into making her feel uncomfortable.


Half an hour later, Yu Xingchen was still talking about him.

Huahua: ...do you hate him that much?
Citalopram: No, no, no, it used to be disgusting, but now it’s not, it’s purely the unhappiness caused by seeing him live more comfortably than me?

Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he doesn't hate it...

Yu Xingshen was also a little embarrassed to see Huahua working hard and listening to her complaining about trivial matters in life for half an hour.

Citalopram: I'm sorry for letting you listen to me for so long.

Huahua: It’s okay~ You can chat with me when you’re bored~
Citalopram: Haha, I always thought that the big boss should be very busy.

Huahua: ...Ahem, the family business has raised many managers. If I am busy, they will starve to death.

Citalopram: It’s like being a friend of mine~ Everyday it’s very cool to walk in the building in a small suit, bag and hip skirt.Huahua, are you the same?
Gu Xi answered her vaguely: emmmmm.

Citalopram: Wow!Not only is she good at playing games but also manages so many people, Huahua must be A in real life too!I'm a little curious about how Huahua looks~
Gu Xishen immediately changed his number and found his cousin whom he hadn't contacted for several years.

Gu Xishen: Send me the picture of you wearing a hip skirt.

Cousin: Brother, what are you doing?My family is still studying now. Their studies are heavy and they face the sky every day. How can they wear a hip-wrapped skirt~
Gu Xishen: If you don't send them over, I will send all the photos in your circle of friends to your mother, including those photos of club dancers, leather motorcycles and luxury car bags.

Cousin: Don't, don't, don't!Bridge Bean Sacks! !I send me send!

She was quite fast, and within a few seconds, she sent a few photos of her wearing a hip skirt.

Cousin: Brother, I was wrong QAQ, give me a way to survive... But why do you want my photo?Let me tell you, I'm a showman but not a person! ! (Handsome guys don't count) Don't you owe money outside and use your cute cousin to pay off the debt!

This cousin is actually Gu Jiu's older sister, named Gu Moli, who was intimidated by Gu Xishen's aftermath when she was a child, so she listened to him very much.

Now Gu Xishen didn't have time to explain to her, so he just left a sentence, "If you tell me, I'll give you more bullshit" before switching back to Huahua's account, found a photo of her back and sent it out.

(End of this chapter)

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