e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 149 Say I'm Sorry to Team Lin and Send Him a Good Person Card by the Way

Chapter 149 Say I'm Sorry to Team Lin and Send Him a Good Person Card by the Way
Yu Xingchen picked up the warm water that Lin Yuanjin gave her, not understanding why Lin Yuanjin would ask such a question.

Yu Xingchen looked up at him, tilted his head, and said as a matter of course: "You are my captain, I don't care who you care about?"

Lin Yuanjin met Yu Xingchen's gaze, like a monster in ancient Greek mythology who bewitched the world, and gently induced Yu Xingchen to give the answer he wanted, "What if I'm not your captain? Would you care? "

A rare blank appeared in Yu Xingchen's mind.

She suddenly had a very unbelievable conjecture, which directly caused the spring in her head to be suddenly stuck, and she couldn't even speak fluently with her, "Yes...Of course, I, I...how should I say it?" We are also teammates who have been together for two years, even if you are the captain, we are still friends after you retire..."

Yu Xingchen didn't even know what he was talking about, he spoke incoherently like a fool.

Lin Yuanjin had never formally asked her such emotional questions like this before. The anticipation hidden in his eyes behind the lens was self-evident, and Yu Xingshen was immediately at a loss.

Lin Yuanjin sighed, and Yu Xing's heart couldn't help but lift up.

Lin Yuanjin sat on her small makeup chair, the incandescent lamp above his head cast a layer of light on his black hair.

Lin Yuanjin: "Originally, I was very satisfied with this status quo and didn't want to destroy it, but I will leave next season. If I don't say something, I will have no chance."

He paused, "From the very beginning when the team was established, whether it's Qiao Yinan or Lu Bai, they all liked you, but that was the love between teammates, Xing Shen, my love for you... is between men and women."

The atmosphere became solidified in vain because of his words, just like a musical that came to an abrupt end in a theater, everything exited in silence.

Yu Xingchen even stood up from the sofa, at a loss, "Team Lin, I, I, I, I am a little confused..."

Lin Yuanjin smiled with curved lips, and stood up from the chair, "It's okay."

Yu Xingchen's mind is now in a muddled state, all the hustle and bustle in her mind has faded away, as if only this sentence is left filling her head——

Team Lin likes her, the kind of man and woman...

men and women! !
she's going crazy she's going crazy she's going crazy...

To Lin Yuanjin, she hadn't thought about the relationship between men and women at all. In her eyes, Lin Yuanjin was not just the captain who strictly demanded them during training.

These few players can be crazy or riot, play games like shit, and even desert and stay late at night.

Even if they are caught by Xia Tian or Lao Ji, there will still be Lin Yuanjin to help them wipe their buttocks and get rid of these bad things.

In fact, Lin Yuanjin's tenderness and care, whether towards her or Qiao Yinan and the others in private, is exactly like a mature and stable big brother image.

No matter how much Ren Yu Xingchen controls his face, no matter how brute he is, he won't think of tarnishing his brother!
In a trance, she didn't even know how she answered Lin Yuanjin's words, as if she only remembered that she said "I'm sorry" and sent him a good person card by the way...

Lin Yuanjin's words before leaving were clearly and deeply engraved in her chaotic mind: "Today's conversation is actually not a confession, you don't need to have any psychological burden, it's just because I don't want to let these It's just rotten in my stomach forever, in fact, I never made any plans to be accepted by you from the beginning to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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