e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 150 Spring Finals 1

Chapter 150 Spring Finals 1
I don't know how long it took, Yu Xing stared at a certain point in the nothingness in the air, her expression was empty and confused, her hair was about to be scratched into a rotten chicken coop by herself. Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, tremblingly wanted to pick up the mobile phone and send a sentence in the rich women group, "I seem to have sent a good person card to my team leader just now..."

She searched for a long time but couldn't find the phone, and then remembered that the phone seemed to be somewhere in Ji Mao.

Wan Liao, now there is no one to confide in.

Before the start of the spring finals, the open and secret enmity between the two teams was spread on the Internet.

The Internet is full of speculation about how the two teams will fight wits and courage to deal with the finals... The PR team has been peaceful and calm these days, so calm that it seems that there are embarrassing elements floating in the air.

Yu Xingshen, who has always been lively, stopped flirting in the training room, and started playing the rankings.

Gu Xishen's face was expressionless, and he sat on the side with a cold face.

When I woke up this morning, Gu Xishen and Lin Yuanjin passed each other in the aisle. The hostile atmosphere created by the friction between the two of them almost made Gao Li, the melon-eating crowd passing by, weak in fright.

According to Gao Li, the person involved afterwards, responded: "...I don't know how to describe the atmosphere. Anyway, as a person who just peed and came out of the toilet, I can be so scared that I want to pee again."

After half a day, Qiao Yinan really couldn't stand the atmosphere, so he took the initiative to find someone to liven up the atmosphere.

As a result, as soon as he searched, he found the person who should not be asked the most, and asked the most should not be asked——

"Hey...Zhai Xing, you said in the interview after the last game that you have a girl you like, why didn't you reveal anything to our teammates?"

The Luna in Gu Xishen's hand didn't connect to the mark for a moment, broke off, and was beaten to death by the opponent.

Only then did Gu Xishen reply indifferently: "It's something that hasn't been written yet."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xishen ignored the unfinished qualifying match, left the phone and left the training room.

Qiao Yinan looked confused, and he didn't know if he had made a mistake in asking a word, which suddenly made the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

Only Lu Bai looked at the two remaining people in the training room who were the worst, swallowed his saliva, a bold idea emerged in his heart, and as if he understood something, he pulled Qiao Yinan's sleeve and threw him a " The eyes of the Buddha saying "don't ask any more questions".

Three days later, the 2020 Spring Finals officially kicked off.

Countless stars retweeted their congratulations before the game, and countless players from all over the world cheered for their favorite teams.Tickets for the finals were sold out as early as the first minute of sale.

On the day of the competition, Yu Xingchen finally got his mobile phone and ended his closed life like a caveman.

However, the first time she got the phone, she didn't go to the post bar or the forum to see who the netizens were more optimistic about.

Instead, he clicked on Weibo directly and clearly, and found the Weibo that CVG mocked them that day, and forwarded it in a large size.

PR.star Yu Xingshen: Forget about pretending to be a pair of underwear in the next life so much//Glory of the King CVG team: The former champion team does not mean that it will be in the future...

After reposting, Yu Xingchen didn't care what kind of bloodbath this sentence would cause, he threw his phone on the sofa in the lounge, put on his team uniform and went to the game site.

To be honest, this is actually the second KPL level event they have experienced.

(End of this chapter)

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