e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 151 Spring Finals 2

Chapter 151 Spring Finals 2
Their PR team struggled for a whole year in secondary city competitions and various commercial performances before they entered the KPL.

A jungler who has played three games in the e-sports circle and has been ups and downs for ten years, two top laners and shooters who met on the top of the king list, a mid laner who was dug out from an Internet cafe, and a third player who was attracted by his appearance. The pink girl assists.

That's how the patchwork team gathered five starters.

The first time they touched the threshold of KPL, they won the crown, and two people in one team won the highest individual award.

That year's PR was in the limelight, but this glory didn't last long, and the PR team went to Korea for further training.

PR, who returned half a year later, received overwhelming attention from the media when he participated in the 2020 Spring Split. He thought this team would still be a blockbuster, but fell into the loser group during the regular season, causing countless fans to be in an uproar.

This is their second time standing in the KPL finals.

As soon as Yu Xingchen looked up, he saw the CVG team less than ten meters away.

As soon as he saw Yu Xingchen, a new and old grudge surged in his heart, and what was even more annoyed was that the jungler on the other side caught a glimpse of Yu Xingchen's gaze and laughed mockingly, saying something with his lips——



Qiao Yinan caught a glimpse of Yu Xingchen's face becoming more and more gloomy until it dropped to freezing point, so he cried out in his heart that he was sorry, and quickly walked in front to block Yu Xingchen's sight, pulled her to the seat and sat down, comforting Yu Xingchen repeatedly: "My little aunt will be suspended for fighting before the game... After we finish the fight, find someone to wrap a sack and hang it on the ceiling fan so that you can beat me?"

Yu Xingchen rolled his eyes, focused on the equipment, and began to tidy up the earphone cable, "Come on, I'm not so bloody yet."

After the pre-match preparation, it is the first game of BO7.

"...The main thing here is to see whether CVG chooses to play its own strong lineup or choose a lineup aimed at PR. Let's first see what hero CVG will ban first. If it is against the opponent, the real Dunshan Taiyi... ...Hey? But CVG has another way! Ban Sun Shangxiang first!"

Commentator B continued: "In fact, Sun Shangxiang is a representative hero of the Four Guarantees, and one of the commonly used heroes of the PR shooter Yinan. His appearance rate this season has reached..."

Yu Xingchen put on the headset to block out the voice of the commentary.

The first four bans, Sun Shangxiang, Guan Yu, Jiang Ziya, and Gongsunli were thrown into the cold palace.

Qiao Yinan chose Marco Polo.

Opposite CVG are Zhu Bajie and Pangu.

Qiao Yinan: "It's easier for Mark to fight pigs in the early and mid-term, but it will be a bit difficult after the pigs are equipped."

Yu Xingchen thought for a while and said, "Shall I take Taiyi to repair the injury?"

Qiao Yinan: "Stable."

After that, they banned Genghis Khan and Sun Bin.

The three shooters who were banned and Marco Polo selected by Qiao Yinan can be regarded as relatively strong C positions in the current season.

The final lineup is CVG's Zhu Bajie, Pan Gu, Shangguan Wan'er, Dun Shan, and Li Yuanfang.

Marco Polo of PR, Taiyi Zhenren, Zhou Yu, Liu Bang, Yun Zhongjun.

Standard wild nuclear system.

Abandoning the previous double C in the middle and bottom lane, the jungler carries the role of starting the team and the main output.

So once the wild core gets the head advantage, it will snowball, and the development speed will be ahead of the traditional output point.

With the shouts of fans at the scene, ten heroes were projected on the big screen at the scene.

The finals officially kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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