e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 152 Spring Finals 3

Chapter 152 Spring Finals 3
As soon as they entered the game, the thinking of the two sides' middle assistants was similar, they both wanted to grab the river in the middle lane first.

Yu Xingshen's Daoist Taiyi first occupied the left river in the middle, cooperated with his skills to help Zhou Yu clear the pawn line, and then went to the enemy wild area in the upper right corner to eat the three little wild boars.

Zhou Yu and the opponent's Dunshan walked around and threw the circle of fire to consume Shangguan Wan'er's bloodline.
In the early stage, Shangguan Wan'er's damage was not enough, she just carried the ring of fire, and half blood dropped the line of soldiers.

However, Wan'er was still relying on the shield mountain to block the damage in an attempt to accept the next wave of soldiers. Originally, Wan'er thought that after the first wave of lines was cleared, the real Taiyi would go to support the shooter. Taiyi pulled himself to Wan'er with a second skill and then added a first skill. Zhou Yu saw the opportunity to make up for the final damage.

First blood in hand!Nice!
Even the headphones can't stop the crazy screams of the PR fans.

Under the gloomy gaze of the opposite CVG mid laner, the perfectly coordinated Zhongfu duo clapped their hands, and once again arrogantly went to steal wild monsters to farm economy.

When Zhou Yu was in the lead financially, Yu Xingshen manipulated the Taiyi real person to go to the bottom lane to support. Yun Zhongjun got the red BUFF and caught it, but unfortunately he didn't find anyone.

On the opposite side, Li Yuanfang threw a dart on Marco Polo and blew him up. Marco Polo was half-blooded, and when the second wave cleared the line, Li Yuanfang caught him twice.Seeing that Marco Polo's blood line was getting shorter and shorter, Li Yuanfang let go of his courage and rolled forward with his second skill to output a wave.Because Marco Polo's blood line is shorter than Li Yuanfang's after being consumed just now, Marco Polo dare not face A, and wants to retreat after knocking out half of Li Yuanfang's blood.

Taiyi Zhenren, who had just followed Yunzhongjun to invade the enemy's wild area, pulled Marco Polo with his second skill and quickly added a healer.

Yu Xingshen was simple and clear: "If you have the skills, go."

At the same time, Daoist Taiyi activated a skill to blow up Li Yuanfang. Fortunately, Marco Polo didn't consume displacement just now, and now he can step forward and follow a wave of output, and use a skill to kill Li Yuanfang.

The second blood is in hand.

The commentator couldn't hold back his excitement and said: "Yu Shen Taiyi's support in these two waves of wandering is very good! In less than 2 minutes, he cooperated with the double C to take the two heads on the opposite side! Under the agitation of Taiyi The economy picked up very quickly in the early stage!"

Commentary B: "Actually, I think Yushen Taiyi is a bit like a shit stick...Will Yushen see this replay and kill me hahahahaha."

Commentary A: "Remember to close the windows and lock the doors tonight."

The two commentators pounded the table and laughed in the commentary room.

Yu Xingchen couldn't hear the commentary, otherwise he might just throw the phone at the heads of the two unscrupulous commentators.

She was completely holding her breath, showing the momentum of threatening CVG to "twist her neck into the five rings of the Olympic Games, hang a ceiling fan and turn it around". All of them have her assists.

After the economy started to rise in the early stage, the pressure on Yunzhongjun was also reduced a lot, and he developed wildly. Relying on the advantage of snowballing, he took the lead in the 10K economy in 4 minutes.

At 15 minutes, Yun Zhongjun forced a group. After winning the group, he quickly pushed the crystal. The head ratio was 6:0.

Complete abuse.

After finishing the first fight, Yu Xingchen was a reformer who was full of Chinese people's spirit, and under the eyes of the CVG jungler, he said arrogantly and directly: "If you want to provoke, then provoke, and even lip-synch, The ghost knows if you have eaten too much shit and your mouth is cramping, let Dad tell you that provocation is like this." Yu Xingshen paused for one syllable, and spoke clearly and slowly: "Cai Cai, Ji Chicken, can fight these two Is it written?"

(End of this chapter)

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