e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 153 Spring Finals 4

Chapter 153 Spring Finals 4
Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, everything was on guard, but Yu Xing couldn't prevent Yu Xing from sinking his mouth.

CVG that doesn't play dirty tricks is really not capable.

After being sprayed by Yu Xingchen for a while, the background board on the CVG side seemed to be a huge black.

The CVG mid laner asked the jungler in a low voice: "Are you delaying the time?"

The jungler thought of the record of being almost completely abused by the opponent, gritted his teeth, and replied in a low voice: "Wait a little longer."

But wait, it didn't take long.

In the second round, the PR team took them to their high ground in 10 minutes, and the carnival of the PR fans on the scene couldn't even stop the earphones.

He could even catch a glimpse of CVG's fan seats from the corner of his eye, several fans had already put away the waving light signs.

At 10 minutes, the PR jungler grabbed a master from CVG, and took the initiative to fight the team with the advantage of the pawn line.

Yu Xingshen looked calm, and after manipulating the Bull Demon to find an opportunity to start a group, he immediately flashed his big move, and the big move knocked away the double C that CVG had no time to dodge.

Yu Xingchen's Bull Demon pressed in: "Go."

After Lin Yuanjin's Han Xin cut quickly, his teammates followed the team quickly, and the opponent was helpless in a wave of team battles.

PR wins without injury.

The second crystal was soon exploded by Qiao Yinan's Sun Shangxiang under the voice of the commentator "Congratulations to the PR team for winning the second victory!"

In the third hand, in the CVG, seeing Yu Xingshen's Zhang Fei dangling in the grass in the middle lane, he couldn't help but think of when the first hand was overshadowed, he was a little hesitant, and even the clearing line was huddled under the tower.

Seeing Zhang Fei appearing in the bottom lane, CVG's Guiguzi wanted to go up to the mid laner with a wave of PR, trying to provoke the first small-scale team battle.

CVG's jungler said, "Don't."

Guiguzi glanced at the jungler's position, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​going forward to fight a team. He was stunned, and instantly understood the jungler's idea, gritted his teeth and left the grass in the middle lane, and wandered in other lanes for support.

After 10 minutes, the head ratio between the two sides was still 0:0.

Commentator A said: "So far, the development of the two sides has been very stable. Zhao Yun of CVG and Pei Qinhu of PR are the kind of junglers who are particularly capable of doing things, but they both grow in their respective jungles. The intention to go to the opponent's wild area to harass."

Commentary B: "Wait a minute, we saw that Pei Qinhu from PR wanted to come forward to do something..."

God's perspective is fixed at the dragon pit in the upper right corner, and you can see Pei Qinhu rushing forward to fight a wave of encounters.

Commentator B: "Huh? But CVG's jungler Zhao Yun backhanded a big move and retreated back to Longkeng, without any plans to fight."

Commentary A: "The economies of the two parties are now at the same level. In fact, Zhao Yun's position just now is pretty good. If you forcefully cut the bomb cat that came to support from the opposite side, you can cut it off. Maybe it's because you are worried that you will be blocked by Yu Shen Zhang Fei and you won't be able to go back. So I chose to retreat."

This small-scale encounter still did not form a group, because the CVG jungler retreated and stopped inexplicably.

This is not the first time. After Lin Yuanjin's Pei Qinhu got the equipment of Grandmaster Power, he has the ability to quickly kill the enemy's crispy skin and often looks for opportunities to start a group.

But CVG seems to have put an end to all the possibility of them starting a group, whether it is in the wild or online, as soon as they see a PR person coming, they will retreat quickly.

They are not even given the chance to jump over the tower and kill them.

This reminded them that CVG also used this routine back then, and then dragged the game to an hour, which directly caused Team Lin to suffer a hand injury and lose the game.

(End of this chapter)

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