e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 155 Spring Finals 6

Chapter 155 Spring Finals 6
There is nothing wrong with Lin Yuanjin's hands playing games for a short period of time, especially in games like Glory of Kings, where the average round is only about 10 minutes. Resting for a while after playing a round will basically not affect any operations.

But this game has lasted almost five or ten minutes.

Five to 10 minutes, even normal people can't stand the game with high concentration.

Especially when the opposite CVG is watching, any mistake can make them lose everything.

Qiao Yinan worried: "Can you hold on with your hands?"

Lin Yuanjin felt the increasingly intense pain at the tiger's mouth, let out a breath, and didn't try to be brave, and told the truth: "It's a bit difficult, and I can't hold on for too long."

Yu Xingshen swam around the river, but still didn't see anyone from CVG.

Now that the game has progressed to 51 minutes, even the two commentators looked at the canyon sand table where both sides did not even drop the high ground. They didn't know where to start the commentary, so they could only start from the team players.

Commentary A: "Actually, to be honest, many players may not know the professional resume of PR captain and jungler."

Commentator B pretended to be curious and answered: "What resume?"

Commentator A said: "Team Lin can be said to be the first batch of professional players. Those players in the past were called ancient gods. At that time, when the Dota and LOL leagues had not officially entered the public eye, Team Lin was playing. Players, and with the HG team won the first intercontinental championship in the history of LOL China. At that time, it was no less important than winning the Olympic Games in the circle."

"It's just that for some unknown reason, Team Lin retired from HG and moved to the PR team. There is a saying? Gold always shines, and excellent people will not be buried anywhere."


The two commentators were bragging on the stage. At this time, the game duration had reached 61 points, which directly refreshed the longest single game duration in KPL history.

Lin Yuanjin made more and more mistakes, and CVG caught a mistake and cut directly.

The two commentators who were still bragging saw that the game finally started to fight, so they quickly started to explain seriously.

"...CVG finally took the initiative to start a team after a disagreement! PR's Pei Qinhu didn't know why he didn't hand in the skill immediately when he cut into the back row, and was shot to death by CVG's Jia Luo kite. PR saw that the situation was not good Zhang Fei withdrew after the break, and kept the double C in time without being seconded, preventing even greater team battle losses."

Lin Yuanjin's right hand could no longer be controlled, and it trembled visibly to the naked eye.

The last time Yu Xingshen saw Lin Yuanjin suffer such a serious hand injury, it was after CVG also delayed the game for an hour.

CVG, CVG again!

Yu Xingchen couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't even hold back the anger in his heart.

It was the first time she was so angry that she even wanted to drop her phone and stop calling.

Yu Xingshen suppressed his anger with the last trace of calmness in his heart, and calmly said to Xia Tian behind him: "Coach, let's vote, the Lin team can't fight anymore."

In fact, Xia Tian has always seen Lin Yuanjin's forbearance and persistence, but in the KPL arena, there has never been a surrender.

Xia Tian hesitated, "This..."

Lin Yuanjin refused straight away, took a deep breath, his voice was a little hoarse, "After the fight, you can't surrender until you finish the fight."

(End of this chapter)

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