e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 156 Spring Finals 7

Chapter 156 Spring Finals 7
At 71 minutes, CVG finally seized the opportunity to wipe them out, and the resurrection time of nearly 1 minute in the later stage was enough for them to bring the line to push down the high ground.

But everyone can see that when CVG pushed down the high ground and prepared to go to the crystal, PR's top laner and mage had obviously been resurrected, but they stood motionless in the spring and let CVG push the high ground.

defeat (failure).

Strangely, this CVG won, the CVG fans at the scene did not cheer deafeningly like the previous two PR fans, but whispered.

"Isn't it resurrected? Why don't you come out to clear the line?"

"...I guess I don't want to fight. I feel annoyed for the PR. If I played such a long match, I would hang up already, let alone a highly tense match."

As soon as the beating was over, Yu Xingchen stood up from his seat, took off the headset and threw it on the table.

Everyone can see that Yu Xingchen is now an active volcano on the verge of eruption, and it only needs a few sparks to erupt.

Only Lin Yuan dared to stop Yu Xingchen, and said helplessly, "Xingchen..."

But Yu Xingchen went straight to the CVG seats under the curious eyes of many audiences.

Then she directly tore off the CVG jungler's headset.

The audience was in an uproar, and some even stood up to see what happened.

The surrounding staff were afraid of accidents, so they hurriedly wanted to come forward to stop them.

Yu Xingchen slammed the headset in front of the CVG jungler, and squinted at the staff who came forward, "What are you doing? Are you afraid that I, a woman, will eat up the five elders?"

The staff was a little embarrassed, and reminded Yu Xingshen hesitantly: "... Yushen, calm down, you will be banned by the competition committee if you make a move during the competition, and you have to think about your own team. It's the finals, it's not worth it .”

Yu Xingchen directly said in front of the five CVG members: "I'm not stupid. If I want to do it, I must hire someone to do it after the game. After all, beating a dog will dirty my hands."

Yu Xingchen's voice was not loud, and only the surrounding players and staff could hear her voice.

CVG's jungler was so satirized by a woman, his face turned black, and he slapped the table and stood up from the chair. He wanted to start scolding directly, but he saw many fans in the auditorium not far away who were looking around. He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "So many people are watching, this is a victory we won by our ability, what exactly do you want to do? Are you making trouble?"

Yu Xingchen was about to be laughed out of anger, but there was no smile at all in the twinkling peach eyes, and all the anger was brewing, "Okay, you guys have the guts! The victory is won by skill, right? I remember your words."

When the atmosphere of the two teams was almost on the verge of fighting, a more talkative event personnel finally came out of the director's room, and ran up to the stage angrily and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xia Tian came over to negotiate with him: "We applied to come off the bench, the starting jungler's hand injury has recurred, and there is no way to participate in the remaining games..."

Qiao Yinan took the opportunity to drag Yu Xingchen away and entered the backstage of the competition.

The commentator just received the news from the director, looked at the camera in the commentary room and said: "It seems that something happened to the contestants, let's rest for half an hour, and then let's transfer the images from the live broadcast to the offline event Go, the song and dance "The Covenant of Thousand Lanterns" will be brought to us later by King of Unlimited Boys Group."
Gu Gouzi is about to come out to avenge Team Lin, why am I a little confused about the cp of the supporting actor and the leading actor... I must be crazy

(End of this chapter)

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