e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 162 The FMVP skin is a birthday gift for Yu Shen

Chapter 162 (4 words) The FMVP skin is a birthday gift for Yu Shen

Gu Xi was deeply in pain, took a deep breath, and let Yu Xingchen's hand be pulled out without paying attention.

Yu Xingchen directly said harsh words: "Next time you try to touch your feet, I will not step on your feet."

Yu Xing glanced between Gu Xishen's legs with deep eyes, and sneered with the corners of his mouth.

Gu Xishen: "..."

What follows is a series of awards interview process.

The whole stage was shrouded in golden glitter, and the huge cheers of the audience resounded.

In order to create the atmosphere of the game, all the lights on the scene were turned on when the commentator announced that PR won the championship.

The five members of the team were holding the trophy in the dazzling follow-up lights, and gold powder and ribbons were scattered all over the sky.

The applause and glory at this moment belong to them.

The host handed the microphone to Yu Xingchen, and the next moment Yu Xingchen's voice was transmitted to every corner of the scene and the live broadcast platform through dozens of cameras.

Yu Xingchen: "Thanks to my teammates for their dedication and fans' support along the way, this champion..."

It was still rare for Gu Xishen to see Yu Xingchen speaking with such a serious face, his hands were itchy and he wanted to pinch his face, but in the end Yu Xingchen's threats prevailed and he gave up this bold idea.

Qiao Yinan, who hadn't had his turn to speak, stood aside, watched Yu Xingshen's serious and moved post-match summary, poked Gu Xishen who was standing beside him, and whispered to him: "How about it, our team Although Chong is usually a little silly, it can still play a role in this situation."

Gu Xishen was a little afraid of Yu Xingchen now: "...you're not afraid of being kicked out of the team after you chew her tongue like this, and you will be posted a notice that 'Qiao Yinan and the dog' are not allowed to enter?"

Qiao Yinan smiled meanly: "God knows, the earth knows, you know, I know, I only told you as if you were a brother."

Gu Xishen was silent, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided not to tell Qiao Yinan that he was actually the kind of person who would betray his brother just to please his wife.

The star-seeking fans who were watching the live broadcast saw that Gu Xishen was still whispering "kindly and harmoniously" with his teammates, and finally let go of the broken heart of a mother.

Sure enough, their family, Gu Shen, had a good time in PR, was not bullied, and seemed to get along very well with his teammates.

Yu Xingchen summed up a long list, because Lin Yuanjin's hand injury couldn't be concealed, and finally he also revealed the reasons why they went to Korea for training camp.

"The golden age of e-sports players is these few years. Team Lin could have shined in the LPL competition, but had to transfer due to physical reasons."

The cheering atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heavy because of Yu Xingshen's words.

Yu Xing took a deep breath, "He didn't win this trophy immediately, so we will bring it back to him. No matter whether he will stand on this stage in the future, the ID of PR.lin will still be ours. One of them."

Lin Yuanjin, who was watching the live broadcast in the hospital, sighed and turned off the phone screen. All the applause and cheers at the scene stopped abruptly.

The doctor has checked the condition of his hand, and concluded: "Your hand injury has reached a serious level now, I still suggest that you suspend all training first, otherwise it may even be a problem for normal use in the future."

Lin Yuanjin said: "If you have an operation now, can you recover?"

The doctor shook his head, "The tendon injury is very serious. Even if the operation is successful, the possibility of returning to the peak is not very high."

Lin Yuanjin pursed his lips, looked down at his right hand, lowered his palm down, and put it on his knee, "Let's do the surgery first."

After winning the PR championship, there were overwhelming offline activities and sponsorship endorsements, overwhelming everyone.

On the second day after the finals, PR official Weibo posted the reason for Lin Yuanjin's withdrawal.

Even though Yu Xingchen gave a general explanation in the post-match interview, but seeing the official more comprehensive and detailed explanation, the fans still couldn't help feeling sorry for Lin Yuanjin.

It turned out that Lin Yuanjin had the root cause of his illness when he participated in the LPL Intercontinental Tournament.

At that time, Lin Yuanjin's hand injury had already affected his daily training, and the LOL team recruited a substitute for Lin Yuanjin, so Lin Yuanjin was the starting jungler and was pushed on the bench for two full seasons.

That was also the period when Lin Yuanjin was at his lowest point. Afterwards, the game of Glory of Kings exploded. As long as the movements were standardized, the wrist tendons would hardly be involved in playing the game. Lin Yuanjin moved to PR and formed a team with four players.

That year was also the most difficult year for PR. For thousands of dollars in bonuses, they played pheasant competitions and city commercial performances.

Later, when they entered the KPL and won the championship in the first season, it was the most glorious period for the PR team.

However, Lin Yuanjin's hand injury recurred again. At this time, he needs to attract a lot of fans. It is absolutely impossible to break the news that the starting jungler will not be able to participate in the game.

So the PR executives gritted their teeth and sent PR to South Korea, saying that they were participating in a training camp, but in fact it was to treat Lin Yuanjin's hand injury.

It's just that just after returning, I met a team like CVG again. Fortunately, the final result is that the end result is all the hard work, otherwise many fans will be heartbroken.

[The PR club is actually quite affectionate and righteous. At that time, they did not give up on Team Lin. On the other hand, Team Lin was in the LOL team before, and they put Team Lin on the bench to kill their youth for two seasons... Really There is no harm without comparison. 】

【WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOtt. 】

[Although I like Gu Shen very much, I don't want Team Lin to retire just like that, woo woo woo]

[Actually, Team Lin has been in service for a long time. The current Glory of Kings players may think that Team Lin is not as famous as Yu Shen. In fact, Team Lin was once a god in the era when the Dota exploded. Pros. 】

The PR official blog did not mention the CVG team incident in a single sentence, but fans are not forgetful, and they have no tolerance for this matter.

Regarding the crusade by many PR fans, the CVG official blog stated that it was just a delaying tactic, and they did not know about the hand injury of the PR jungler.

But netizens will not believe their nonsense.

If it was a tactic once, why not use this "tactic" on other teams, but PR is unlucky?

And he was unlucky twice in a row?

But CVG insisted on being stubborn, denying that they deliberately delayed the time on the premise that they knew that the PR jungler had a hand injury.

This matter has been debated on the Internet for two full days, and finally someone came up with substantial evidence.

It was Lin Yuanjin's former rehabilitation physician who revealed that someone had repeatedly used his identity as a member of Lin Yuanjin's team to inquire about Lin Yuanjin's rehabilitation.

And according to the video data provided by the rehabilitation hospital, that person is the coach of CVG!
Now that the evidence is a stone hammer, CVG will never have to wash it again.

Ji Mao also collected evidence and applied to the competition group for arbitration, canceling the CVG runner-up award and banning CVG for up to six months.

It's just so satisfying.

After solving this matter, PR has to face many publicity activities.

Especially this season's two highest honor individual awards, all of which are in the bag of PR.

The FMVP award was Gu Xishen.

The most popular player is Lin Yuanjin.

What made Yu Xingchen angry was that Gu Xishen only showed up a few times this season, and when it came time to vote for the most popular contestant, Gu Xishen had only 500 million fewer votes than her!
What is this concept?That is to say, if Gu Xishen participates in the entire battle next season, when the votes are counted at the end of the season, Gu Xishen's votes will most likely surpass her.

over her...

Yu Shen, who didn't have the burden of being an idol, never cared about fan votes, but because of Gu Xishen's appearance, she panicked.

Yu Xingshen has been firmly at the top of the star player list for two years, and she is firmly nailed to the number one position. What she didn't expect was that Gu Xishen had just arrived and might shake her position.

Yu Xingchen made a special trip to spy on Gu Xishen's Weibo, which he just opened not long ago.

Seeing Gu Xishen's 900 million fans, Yu Xingshen was in a bad mood, and muttered in front of Ji Mao, "...I knew you were uneasy about recruiting him, are you thinking that internal competition is good for you? Team development?! I have worked hard for you for two years! Lao Ji, I never thought you would treat me like this!"

Ji Mao with a confused face: "??" What did he do?
So even Gu Xishen found out that Yu Xing and Shen Mingming's attitude toward him warmed up a little, and it fell to freezing point in the past few days.

Gu Xi thought deeply: He didn't stop her from eating meat, and he didn't look at her from time to time, so where on earth did he provoke Yu Xingchen...

It wasn't until the next day that Ji Mao told Gu Xishen the reason. Gu Xishen couldn't laugh or cry, thought for a while, opened the Weibo that he had only posted once, edited a Weibo and sent it out.

#PR. Reaching for the Stars: Don’t brag about my votes, my votes are threatening our family Yushen, she ignored me for a few days. #
The evil forces of Yu Gu CP, who had grown up secretly, suddenly fell from the sky, almost snoring all the CP dogs to death.

day!The adjective of our family Yushen!


[Although those old bastards in PR are very fond of Yu Shen, but I just can't afford to form a CP. Why did I come to Gu Shen's place? For some reason, I feel that the two of them are particularly suitable? 】

[Let me explain to you, my CP is actually not inexplicable. First of all, when Gu Shen was still the anchor, he said in public more than once in the live broadcast room that he liked Yu Shen very much and was a fan of Yu Shen. After returning to China, Gu Shen joined PR!This really has to make me think about love and hatred! 】

[Loan building, video link, click in to watch!If I don't get snorted, I lose! 】

Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen really didn't have many interactions in public, but every time they could make everyone wear colored glasses.

What this netizen edited was the picture of the two of them appearing together in front of the screen.

First of all, some time ago, Gu Xishen played a live broadcast of Miyamoto, and when he saw Yushen, he excitedly pressed the behead in the spring water, and when he was beaten by Yushen's bull demon, he remained motionless and gave away his head.

When the fans teased Gu Xishen, Gu Xishen said with a smile: "Well, I'm so excited, I will pay attention next time."

Then there was the clip of Gu Xishen blocking Yu Xingshen from her in the spring finals. The two people's ambiguous postures and whispers could make up a small composition of hundreds of words.

Then there are some clips of the king team Mai announced by the competition group.

Gu Shen chose Li Bai, and Yu Xing asked deeply: "Isn't your big Li Bai a whiteboard?"

Gu Shen smiled, with a soft tone: "...I also think I'm a little unreliable, or you and I?"

Yu Xingchen's complexion became perplexed by the naked eye, but he obediently followed Li Bai in the game, for fear that he would suddenly die suddenly in the jungle.

In the end, when he won the spring championship, Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen high-fived, but Gu Xishen grabbed Yu Xingchen's hand and looked at her with gentle and doting eyes.

That look can make the audience feel weak.

Many passers-by who clicked into the video with curiosity were forcibly fed a mouthful of candy.

[Mist Grass!If you don't tell me, I don't think so!That dog Gu Xishen must have plans for my family Yushen! !Ahhh, stay away from my daughter! (Cry of the old mother!)]

[Sisters give up resistance, come and join our fishbone CP organization]

[I can't eat this CP, Gu Shen, you allocate it yourself, Yu Shen, I can't take it away]

【Ah ah ah ah ah! !sisters! !Gu Shen just liked that video! ! 】

【day! !I saw it too! !It's official! 】

[Gu Shen, you are a bad old man!You really have plans for God Yu!She is still a child! 】


Yu Xingchen still doesn't know that he and Gu Xishen have somehow developed a group of black and evil CP fans, and it is still growing. When she finds out in the future, it has already become an uncontrollable group...

During this time, Lin Yuanjin was preparing for the operation, and rarely participated in offline activities or training with them.

Although Lin Yuanjin kept saying that it was just a minor operation, the team members who had been together for two years still found some clues.

Maybe Team Lin will really retire.

In the past few days, everyone has been deceiving themselves and trying their best to ignore this point.

After Gu Xishen won the FMVP award, the King of Glory officials came to him and asked about the FMVP skin.

The first is the choice of heroes. Everyone thought that Gu Xishen would choose his natal hero Luna or some commonly used jungle heroes.

But what everyone can't think of is.

When discussing the hero of the FMVP skin with the official art team of the king, Cai Wenji was finally confirmed.

Everyone was stunned.

Ah? ?

Cai Wenji?
Gu Shen, have you ever played Cai Wenji? ?
Gu Xishen said this: "It won't take long for Star to turn 20 years old. This should be considered as a birthday present for her. I originally wanted to choose the Bull Demon King. After all, it is her destiny, but I always feel that the theme The skin on the Bull Demon King will feel inconsistent..."

But these words were of course said behind Yu Xingchen's back, firstly to create surprises, and secondly to fear Yu Xingchen's rejection.

Qiao Yinan couldn't hold back his shock: "...Damn, the few of us originally wanted to buy all the large IED screens on both sides of the Huangpu River to celebrate Yu Shen's birthday. This is the plan we have been thinking about for a long time. Take a look, compare Thinking about you is so weak..."
I don’t know if you are used to orz chapters of [-] words at a time. Let me test the waters. If you are not used to it, I will change to a chapter of [-] words or a chapter of [-] words next time.
(End of this chapter)

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