e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 163 Team Lin has retired

Chapter 163 (3 words) Team Lin has retired
Lin Yuanjin is really going to retire.

The few of them probably knew the first-hand news that the operation was still very successful. If they seriously rehabilitated and rested properly in the later stage, it is not impossible to return to the peak period.

However, there is not so much time to rest in e-sports. Once there is no training, the hand speed response will be greatly reduced.

However, Lin Yuanjin's age and body are no longer suitable for playing e-sports, and PR won the championship again. Taking this opportunity to retire is the best.

After consultation with the PR executives, it is enough to draft a retirement statement and post it on Weibo.

Ji Mao originally said that he would meet his fans for the entire retirement ceremony, but Lin Yuanjin said that it was unnecessary: ​​"That's it, and there is no need to make it too grand."

Lu Bai also tried to keep Lin Yuanjin back: "Team Lin, will you stay in the team in the future? After the new base is put into use, you can still teach those young trainees."

Lin Yuanjin smiled: "No, the period of job burnout has arrived, let's do other things before turning 30. I originally wanted to wait for Xingshen's 20th birthday before leaving, but it seems that I can't wait."

On the day Lin Yuanjin retired, they were playing an exhibition game in Yunjiang City.

The fans saw that Lin Yuanjin also showed his face, but he didn't come to the stage to compete. It wasn't until the one-day exhibition game ended half an hour earlier that the bad premonition in the hearts of the fans became stronger and stronger.

In the last exhibition match, when the contestants stepped off the stage, Yu Xingshen saw Lin Yuanjin standing at the entrance of the stage at a glance. The host handed him the microphone and whispered something to him.

Yu Xingchen's eyes turned red, "Team Lin..."

Lin Yuanjin smiled at her, patted her head, "Go back to the lounge and wait, I'll be right there."

Yu Xingchen is a girl, there must be a difference between male and female, the remaining teammates can't control so much, they all threw themselves on Lin Yuanjin and hugged him full of arms.

Qiao Yinan's tone was obviously choked up, "We miss you."

They understand that there is always a banquet in the world, but for them who have only been together day and night for two years, it is still too short.

Lin Yuanjin patted the backs of these big boys, his voice was soft but undeniable: "Go."

It was the calm tone when commanding them in the game as always, without the regret of retiring due to injury, and there was no unfair resentment encountered in the game.

It's like after a day's game, when everyone is clamoring to go out to eat out, Lin Yuanjin is also so helpless and conniving: "Go."

Lin Yuanjin pushed away the three big boys who were about to lean on him, turned around and walked towards the stage, waving with his back to them.

A few seconds later, Lin Yuanjin's voice came again from the stage.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lin Yuanjin. This is probably the last time I will stand on this field as the starting jungler for PR..."

No e-sports player will admit that he is old and unable to play.

But at the beginning of the ups and downs in the career process, there will eventually be a day of curtain call.

They bowed and apologized to the fans in this arena where they used to fight, and signed the last autograph representing professional players on the retirement curtain with their ID and team printed on it.

But neither teammates, fans nor themselves are looking forward to this day.

Lin Yuanjin's curtain call also let her see her future.

Yu Xingchen took a deep breath, feeling that the tears in her eyes could no longer be contained, she could only look up at the ceiling slightly, trying to force the tears back.

After a while, she felt that something was covering her eyes.

Yu Xingchen stretched out his hand to touch, and touched a warm hand, which was pulled away in the next second.

Yu Xingchen turned his head and saw that it was Gu Xishen standing beside her, holding a tissue in his hand, "Don't be sad, I'm still here."

Yu Xingchen suddenly felt that all her sadness had been fed to the dog, and she rolled her eyes: "Whether you're here or not is none of my business!"

She said so, but still reached out to take the tissue, and blew her nose with a "poof", not caring about the image.

Yu Xing said in a dull voice: "...Don't be complacent if I talk to you, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are active."

Gu Xishen said with a good temper: "Don't dare, you are the biggest."

Satisfied, Yu Xingchen turned and went back to the lounge.

Gu Xishen was not feeling well, he clearly knew that Lin Yuanjin had plots against Yu Xingchen, but when he saw Yu Xingchen lost because of Lin Yuanjin's retirement, he couldn't tell Yu Xingchen that he was jealous.

Although he knew that Yu Xingchen didn't have that kind of intention towards Lin Yuanjin, he still didn't want Yu Xingchen to put too much eyes and attention on Lin Yuanjin.

He also hoped that Yu Xingchen would give him a little more attention as before.

In the evening, Yu Xingchen came out of the room after taking a shower, and found that Gu Xishen had sent her a WeChat message.

Gu Xishen: I just ordered takeaway.

Gu Xishen's WeChat account was forced to be added by Ji Mao some time ago. The reason was that the team members who worked together in the same team didn't even leave a contact information.

After adding WeChat, Gu Xishen would often send her messages about trivial daily matters, even though Yu Xingchen only replied to him about once in ten times.

Yu Xing glanced at Gu Xishen's news, and replied casually: What?
Gu Xishen: Sweet and sour fish.

After a while, Gu Xishen sent another sentence: No fish and no sugar.

Yu Xing was stunned for a while, wondering what this sentence meant.

It took her a while to realize, and she replied to him with a few words: ... What kind of jealousy are you eating?
Gu Xishen: You cried because of Lin Yuanjin.

Yu Xingchen: That's not crying! !It is the reflex lacrimal gland secretion after mood swings!Even if Qiao Yinan Lu Bai Gaoli retired, I would still be sad!
Gu Xishen: That's good, I also want to have this kind of treatment when I retire.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Lin Yuanjin's retirement caused an uproar in the circle. Immediately, the PR official blog released the poster of the five-member group shot last time, and Zhai Xing officially took over Lin Yuanjin's seat, becoming the new PR captain and starting jungler.

Numerous related posts popped up like mushrooms after rain on the e-sports forum.

#PR jungler announced his retirement due to a hand injury, and his ten-year e-sports career in three unions has come to an end! #
#PR.lin said that he will not engage in e-sports related work in the future#
#PR.lin local tyrant fans package the largest IED screen in the imperial capital to support him in his retirement! #
What changes will PR usher in after #超星takeover? #
Many e-sports players will also engage in related jobs after retirement, such as behind-the-scenes coaches or data analysts, or the most well-known anchors.

But Lin Yuanjin really quit the circle this time, and even the number of things sent by Lin Yuanjin's fans to the team has skyrocketed these days.

Countless fans co-signed on Weibo to persuade Lin Yuanjin to stay, hoping that even if Lin Yuanjin retired, he would broadcast live occasionally to let them know the current situation.

When he officially announced his retirement in the exhibition game, the audience in the audience was silent.

Whether it is a fan of PR or a passer-by, at this moment, they can feel the same empathy and sadness as Lin Yuanjin.

Such a few short sentences represent the entire career of an e-sports player.

Even if countless new teams spring up like mushrooms after rain, they will eventually reach the height of PR, or even exceed PR.

Numerous capable newcomers will follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, push the waves one after another, and carry forward the profession of e-sports players even more.

However, the ID of PR.lin will be shelved forever, sealed in history, and when it reappears in people's mouths, it will only be memories and sighs.

They will remember that this player is very good and has played for a very long time, but his era has completely come to an end.

Lin Yuanjin finished his last sentence on the stage: "PR.lin, retire here."

Afterwards, facing the auditorium, he wore the PR team uniform for the last time, bent down and bowed, and did not straighten his waist for a long time.

A young lady who was a fan of Lin Yuanjin all the way from playing Dota to playing king was also present, almost crying to tears, but she still tried her best to shout with the loudest voice: "-Team Lin! We will always support you! Support PR!"

The voice of Miss Fan woke up everyone present, and the shouts of countless fans rang out one after another——

"We will continue to guard your PR after you retire!"

"PR come on!"

"Come on Team Lin!! PR and Gu Shen! And us! You can still witness the glory that you can't participate in!"

"You will always be the strongest in our hearts!"


The day Lin Yuanjin moved out, everyone in the team was unprepared.

Yu Xingchen didn't have any classes that day, and as usual, she slept until midnight. She went to the training room and asked them what kind of takeaway they had.

"Spicy pot."

"Thank you for the dry pot shrimp."

"Downstairs Malatang."

Yu Xingchen ordered these for them while muttering, "You won't be afraid of getting hemorrhoids if you eat such spicy food."

She asked casually, "Where's Team Lin? Didn't you get up?"

Qiao Yinan and Lin Yuanjin slept in the same room, and he was stunned for a while: "I thought he had already gone downstairs."

Yu Xingshen suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart, and said to Qiao Yinan: "Go back and have a look."

After a while, Qiao Yinan came back and said with a mournful face: "Team Lin seems to have left, everything in the closet has been cleaned up."

Yu Xingchen was almost driven to death by Qiao Yinan, "Are you a pig?! You can sleep so hard with such a big movement of packing up?!"

Qiao Yinan was also aggrieved: "...It was too late to play games last night."

But Lin Yuanjin probably didn't wake Qiao Yinan up on purpose, thinking that they were tired from training at night, so he didn't disturb them when they left.

For a while, the atmosphere in the training room was extremely oppressive.

Lu Bai was still calling Lin Yuanjin, but they were all turned off.

Qiao Yinan said: "I remember Team Lin's hometown is the imperial capital. If you want to go home, you should be on the plane at this time, right?"

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Lin Yuanjin took the initiative to bubble up in the group.

Lin Yuanjin: When I got up in the morning, I saw that you were not up, and I didn't bother you, I just got off the plane.

Qiao Yinan: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu We haven't had a dinner party to commemorate your retirement, why did you leave like that.

Lin Yuanjin: ...I just went home to rest for a while, how do you say it looks like I passed away.

Lin Yuanjin seldom joked, and his relaxed tone dispelled the depressed atmosphere all at once.

Lu Bai also said in the group: Team Lin, have you returned to your hometown to farm?

Half a minute later, Lin Yuanjin took a photo.

In the photo, he is sitting in the car with the camera facing outwards. Through the glass of the car, it can be seen that it is a very luxurious villa area.

Lin Yuanjin: You have a good idea. Later, I will ask my nanny to set up a vegetable patch for me in the garden.

Crowd: ………………

They really forgot that Lin Yuanjin has been considered a first-line e-sports player in recent years. It is not a problem to buy a villa in a place like the imperial capital for a year just because of the live broadcast platform and the signing fee of the team.

Farming, what kind of farming, is the corrupt life of capitalism, isn't it delicious!
Lin Yuanjin: In the future, listen to the manager more in the team, and no one will help you if you are scolded.

When everyone was flirting with Lin Yuanjin in the group, Yu Xingshen poked Lin Yuanjin secretly.

Yu Xingchen: Captain...you don't want to work in the e-sports industry because of that incident...and you don't want to see me.

The words "The other party is typing..." are displayed above the chat box.

Lin Yuanjin typed for more than half a minute, but in the end, only a few words were sent, as if deleting, deleting, and subtracting.

Lin Yuanjin: Don't think too much, I'm really tired.

The more Lin Yuanjin made it clear that this matter had nothing to do with her, the more uncomfortable Yu Xingchen became: Captain, I'm sorry.

Lin Yuanjin: It's okay, it really has nothing to do with you.

Lin Yuanjin: In the team, if Zhai Xing bullies you, tell Lao Ji that he loves you the most, and it is a girl's privilege to complain.

Yu Xingchen: He dare not.

The intimacy that could not be concealed in Yu Xingshen's words made Lin Yuanjin's typing hands pause for a while before replying: Okay, I'm almost home, let's talk back.

Yu Xingchen: Be careful!waving handkerchief in circles.jpg
Lin Yuanjin couldn't help but smile: OK.

He put away his mobile phone, and the driver had already come over with his luggage to help him open the door, "Master, Madam didn't go to the company today, she said she cooked a table of dishes and waited for you to come back."

The environment of the high-end villa area is beautiful and quiet. At the end of May, the weather in the imperial capital is refreshing, and more than 20 degrees is the most suitable temperature for human beings.

Lin Yuanjin was wearing a layer of shirt, standing at the door of the house that he hadn't been back to for several years, his eyes slightly squinted under the warm sunlight, and he couldn't help feeling relieved when he heard the driver's words, and walked towards the villa with his legs open: " Uncle Li, you too, look at Madam more, if she is not in good health, don't let her make such a fuss."

Driver: "We can't stop Madam if she wants to do it herself."

(End of this chapter)

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