e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 167 Little Aunt's True Face of Mount Lu

Chapter 167 (4 words) Little Aunt's True Face of Mount Lu
Huahua: You don’t usually have time to play with me, and my own account has high stars, so I can only call your account if I have nothing to do.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Well, her fault.

At the end of June, Yu Xingchen's birthday was approaching, and there was only Yu Xingchen, a precious junior in the Yu family, who said that he wanted to help Yu Xingchen hold a birthday party.

Yu Xingchen was not used to this kind of occasion, so he quickly rejected it, saying that it would be good to have a family dinner at that time, and she came back to eat.

Yu's mother was still complaining that she didn't go back to watch when she was free, Yu Xingchen could only comfort her repeatedly: "During that time, the competition schedule was tight, you don't know that I usually have training and classes."

Yu Xingchen has had smooth sailing since he was a child. Whether at home or in the team, he is treated like a group favorite. The biggest setback in his life is probably Gu Xishen.

To become a public figure of Yu Xingchen's level, birthdays and so on are beyond his control.

On the day before his birthday, Yu Xingchen was still broadcasting live.

The decimal point of the time was reset to zero, and it jumped to the zero o'clock of June 25th, and the bullet screen was filled with happy birthday Yushen.

Yu Xingchen didn't play games anymore, and only downloaded the broadcast after chatting with fans for a while, as if he didn't have the benefits of offline activities.

After the broadcast, she went to Weibo to check all kinds of support from fans, such as confession, happy birthday on the public screen of the game, contracting the big screen of IED, etc. Yu Xingshen liked them all. .

But the fans who contracted the IED big screen are probably not local tyrants?
Yu Xingchen zoomed in on the picture, and found that it was the large IED screen on the Bund, on which the words "Happy 20th birthday to star" and "Sponsored by your dear teammates" and the PR club icon were playing in a loop.

This is the most expensive large screen in all of China, and it can also be said to be the most expensive in the world. According to the so-called insiders in the comment area, this time for Yushen’s birthday, they booked it for 24 hours. It is probably a flat in Shanghai. The money is gone.

It was only after one o'clock in the morning, and the entry "Top tyrants celebrate star's birthday" became a trending search.

The comments below the hot search are either people who know or don’t know wishing her a happy birthday, or the people who eat melons shouted that they are local tyrants. It is really a treatment only at the group pet level, which is what many girls dream of.

Yu Xingchen flipped through the comments casually, put away his phone, turned around and scolded with a smile: "Are you devils?..."

But there was no one behind.

Yu Xingchen: "?"

They were still uploading points two hours before she started broadcasting, who?
Yu Xingchen called Gao Li, Qiao Yinan and the others by their names, walked out and opened the door of the training room.

As a result, as soon as it was opened, Yu Xing was sprayed all over Yu Xing's face with a bang and the gaudy things in the ribbon firework tube.

Yu Xingchen almost thought it was black fans who came to bomb the base, but in the next second he heard a group of young men yelling, "Happy 20th birthday, Yu Shen!"

"Congratulations! Another year older!"

"Yu Shen, did you see the hot search on Weibo? The few of us pooled the prize money of this competition to give you a big Aurora screen! Isn't it super touching!!"

"I know you don't like to eat high-calorie things like cakes at night, so we prepared roast chicken for you!"

Speaking of which, Qiao Yinan dubbed himself "General" and brought out a plate of uncut roast chicken from behind very artificially, with two candles in the shape of "20" inserted artificially on it. Pretentiously sprinkled gold leaf on the surface of the grilled chicken, in an attempt to make this one hundred yuan chicken more noble.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Why is it that I want to laugh when I am moved?

Gao Li lit a candle beside him, and he was more excited than herself to make Yu Xing Shen make a wish.

Yu Xingchen then pretended to pray devoutly in the flickering candlelight: "I hope that I will not gain weight in my life."

Lu Bai whispered: "...it won't work if you say it."

Yu Xing glared at him: "Shut your mouth!"

Lu Bai was scared, and shut up honestly.

Yu Xingchen thought about his second wish again, "PR is always only worthy of winning the championship! Make it to a higher level!"

It is said that there are three wishes, and there is one more wish. I don't know what to make, and I always feel a little bit at a loss.

Yu Xingchen frowned and thought, accidentally saw Gu Xishen standing next to Qiao Yinan through the candlelight.

The shadow of Gu Xishen's face swayed with the flickering candlelight, his eyelashes cast a feather-like shadow, his eyes were filled with warm colors, his eyes were extraordinarily gentle, his demeanor was subdued, and his demeanor was hard to describe in the words of the world. Like the elegant young man with wide sleeves and toga that came out of Jiangnan ink painting, people couldn't take their eyes off.

Yu Xing pondered for a moment, as if the urging and playfulness of the teammates around her had become the background, she clasped her fingers together, pressed them against her chin, and made a third wish: "I hope that the person I love can also love me."


Yu Xingshen was tossing with them until past two o'clock in the morning, and even the manager and coach, who always go to bed early and get up early, accompanied them crazy.

Yu Xingchen was stuffed with nearly one-third of the roast chicken into his stomach, and walked back to the dormitory while hiccupping.

What's the difference between eating so much greasy roast chicken and eating a high-calorie cake.

During the daytime of the next day, Yu Xingchen was still in bed and didn't want to get up and go home to have a birthday celebration meal. The glory of the king had already undergone a wave of updates.

The modeling team of the original painting team worked overtime for a whole month to discuss the FMVP skin with Gu Xishen and make models. Finally, on Yu Xingshen's birthday, Cai Wenji's FMVP skin poster and pre-sale pop-up window were officially launched on the official server.

The original painting group is not easy to draw, and the modeling group also needs time. Originally, Gu Xishen wanted to sell it on Yu Xingshen's birthday, but obviously time did not allow it.

Gu Xishen also regretted this.

The original painting team and the modeling team yelled behind Gu Xishen's back: Sorry!Sorry you shovel!You are here to flirt!We have suffered so much that we work overtime every day until ten o'clock in the evening, oh, oh, oh, devil...

The official released Gu Xishen's FMVP skin before the game update.

When everyone knew that Gu Xishen didn't choose Luna or Li Bai, but chose a nanny to make an FMVP skin, their expressions were like this: What the fuck? (softly)
Then when everyone saw the FMVP skin called "Happy Birthday" and the words "Star Happy Birthday" engraved on the back of Cai Wenji's baby stroller made into a cake model, their expressions were like this: Convex pan convex! (four tones)
[This damn thing can be hammered with a stone!Gu Shen is chasing Yu Shen. 】

【Be confident, remove the bar】

[Ah, ah, use a skin to celebrate Yushen's birthday!Originally, I was already sitting on the tall Lemon Mountain when I saw the birthday celebration on the big screen of Aurora, but this time the Lemon Mountain just collapsed for me! 】

[Fishbone CP: Let me be Kangkang, which woman's mouth is crazily rising. 】


After the game is updated, the first thing players do when they go online is to see Cai Wenji's pre-sale model.

Cai Wenji's model is really in line with the birthday theme. The baby carriage is modeled as a cake, with candles on both sides and flowers hanging down.

The overall color of the stroller is pink and white, which is Yushen's favorite color at first glance.

Cai Wenji is also wearing a pink and white foreign dress, holding a small cake in her hand, dancing mechanically on the cake like a music box doll. If you look closely, there are two cheering characters "PR" written on Cai Wenji's face.

After being hit by the models and posters, the players shouted wildly in their hearts: Day!so cute!

Buy and buy!
Cai Wenji's voice is very cute, the opening voice of the first game is: "I have a girl I like, I wish her a happy birthday today~"

CP dog: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !If it wasn't for my confession, I would eat shit live! !

At this time, someone picked up what Gu Xishen said in the post-match interview of the KPL Spring Finals.

"Because the girl I like she likes this arena."

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" 】

[This is a confession!Definitely a confession! 】

[In the original interview, Gu Shen said that because the girl he likes likes this arena, no one thought that that girl might be in this arena at that time!field!superior! 】

The above are the speeches of CP Dog and some fans.

Most of Yu Xingshen's fans are still not optimistic about this marriage. After all, she is her own daughter, so how could she say that she tied CP to someone else?
No!The group pet is theirs!

They are Du Wei!
Gu Xishen's fans also didn't want to mess with Yu Xingchen's fans, and they all expressed their opinions that they would not make an appointment to take Gu Shen away, and even started attacking star fans.

The star fans taunted back: "It's up to your boss whether to make an appointment or not."

When these things happened, Yu Xingchen didn't know it, and when there were no classes or activities, she set an alarm clock that she thought was the earliest and most suitable—wake up at 09:30.

It was too late last night, and Yu Xingchen could hardly get up, so he tidied up and yawned and got into the car.

Yu Xingchen's grandfather is a well-known traditional Chinese painting painter in China. His single works have been auctioned for hundreds of millions of dollars. His style is strict and old-fashioned.

Because her grandfather took the lead in opposing her becoming an e-sports player, even Yu Xingchen was a little afraid of him.

Even if people from her father's generation later went into business, they did not dare to bring the businessman's lure style to the house, as if they were from a scholarly family.

Yu Xingchen and his little uncle, who are relatively out of character, have to put away their personalities and be a good lady/young talent when they go home.

Yu Xingchen was the only young girl in the Yu family. The head of the Yu family was his grandfather Yu Hongyun. Yu Xingchen's uncle had no children. Yu Xingchen's parents were harmonious and had a good relationship.

The little uncle who has a good relationship with Yu Xingchen, that is, Yu Xingchen's father's younger brother, is 30 years old now, but Yu Xingchen's father is still in his twenties, and Yu Xingchen is only ten years younger, similar in age Yu Xingchen couldn't feel any barriers from elders, and Yu Xingchen was also used to being called "little uncle, little uncle".

The little uncle has a future little aunt, who is well hidden by the little uncle, who even codes when posting to Moments.

It has been several months since the relationship was confirmed, and Yu Xingchen has never been seen.

However, in WeChat, I heard my little uncle brag that she is a fair-skinned, beautiful, and long-legged Yujie. Yu Xingchen has her WeChat account, and he will send her many gifts from time to time in the past few months, which is also very good for Yu Xingchen. , It's just that the little uncle didn't live up to it, and he hasn't deceived anyone yet.

There are only a few people in the entire Yu family.

Yu Xingshen turned 20 today, and it is said that even his little aunt came over to celebrate her birthday.

When the car stopped at the door, Yu Xingchen saw a fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, wavy, long-haired elder sister, accompanied by her little uncle, walking down the stairs in front of the corridor.

Yu Xing Shen got out of the car, directly ignoring the handsome little uncle with 1.8 meters long legs, and fixed his eyes on Sister Yu.

She has a good-looking figure and charming facial features. Although the face is painted with light makeup, the facial features are more delicately supported, but it can also be seen that the skin is delicate and fair, and she is a big beauty.

Yu Xingchen paused when he stepped forward.

It's this figure... how come this big wave is so familiar...

Before Yu Xingchen could figure out why, she saw the little uncle next to her slap her on the head, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Look! Are you dumbfounded? Call me auntie!"

Yu Xingshen rubbed his head and muttered in a low voice: "...I'm afraid I won't be able to snatch it from you."

Before the little uncle became annoyed and raised his hand to give her the head again, Yu Xingchen quickly put on a bright smile on his face and greeted the little aunt, "Hello, little aunt~ You can just call me Xingchen, Don't be polite after being abducted by your little uncle, just treat it as your own home."

The little aunt immediately let go of holding the hand of the little uncle, and took Yu Xingchen instead, and couldn't help but said with a smile: "I've heard about Xingchen, a famous professional player, and take me to the top when you have time. "

Yu Xingchen: "Hey hey hey, sure, if my little aunt doesn't take me, who else will I take?"

Auntie: "It's something that hasn't been written yet. It's not good to let the elders hear it. My surname is Gu. You should call me Jasmine."

Who would have thought that Yu Xingchen, who was still chatting with his aunt just now, when he heard her words, he lost his foot when he went upstairs, and almost rolled down the stairs directly.

Gu Moli quickly grabbed Yu Xingchen, "Be careful."

Yu Xingchen didn't know whether it was because of the fear of almost rolling down, or the shock of hearing his aunt's full name, his legs were still shaking.

Not only were his legs trembling, but Yu Xingchen's voice was also trembling, "Gu Gu Gu Gu Mo Li??"

Gu Moli finally sensed something was wrong with Yu Xingchen, "What's wrong?"

Yu Xingchen: "No, no, no... just want to ask if my little aunt is a student of Nantah University?"

Gu Moli covered her mouth and smiled: "Yes, you still have to call me senior sister. This year, I am a senior. Do you think your little uncle is eating young grass like an old cow?"

The little uncle of the old cow eating tender grass: "..."

Yu Xingchen continued to tremble: "That Gu family in Yunjiang?"

Gu Moli pinched her little face: "How did Xingchen guess it?"

Yu Xingchen called out tentatively, "Huahua?"

Gu Moli was puzzled: "What?"

Yu Xingchen seemed to know something important: "..."
Digression: Auntie is Gu Moli whose picture was stolen by Gu Gouzi. Surprised or not, hahahahaha, I really look forward to what it feels like to have Gu Gouzi's vest stripped off!
Roasting chicken to make a cake is a routine I gave my roommate to celebrate his birthday the year before last. Hahaha is more fun than cake. Sisters can try it next time

Du Wei: I don’t accept anyone binding CP with the master, I only like the master alone
(End of this chapter)

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