e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 168 The new base is completed and new characters are unlocked

Chapter 168 (4 words) The new base is completed and new characters are unlocked
Citalopram: So what... the flowers, the jasmine flowers are blooming very well this year.

Huahua: It’s very pretty, I like it too~
Yu Xingchen looked at Gu Moli who was whispering to her little uncle at the side, and then at Huahua who returned to her in seconds, her face was full of confusion.

How to do?
It seems that Huahua is really a stolen picture of Gu Moli.

But Huahua really doesn't have any purpose, she just chats with her to help her score.

Could it be that Huahua lied to her just to help her score?

It's still the kind that reaches 180 stars.

They are not stupid!
In the next second, Yu Xingchen's phone was taken away by his mother.

The well-maintained lady's face was calm, "You play with your mobile phone as soon as you come back. You are used to being outside. Your grandfather is going downstairs. You should be scolded if you see him later."

Yu Xingchen thought of his own old-fashioned grandpa, and sat up straight from the crooked sitting position, sitting on half of his buttocks, with his legs closed, and his hands resting on his lap like a lady.

After a while, Grandpa appeared at the top of the stairs, and Yu Xingchen hurriedly went to help him down the stairs.

The old man in his 70s has a strong body, wearing a Chinese tunic suit, the silver thread is neatly combed, and the corners of the mouth are drawn down due to sagging skin on the face, making Yu Hongyun look very serious and solemn.

Yu Xingchen took the pear blossom wood crutch from his grandfather, and then used his hand to help him go downstairs instead of the crutch.

Yu Hongyun glanced at her, "You came back so early?"

Yu Xingchen nodded quickly, and said with a shy face, "I'm missing Grandpa, so come back early and have a look."

If you really miss him, you should go straight to his room as soon as you enter Yu's house.

Yu Xingshen saw the corners of Yu Hongyun's mouth move, fearing that he was preaching to her again, he hurriedly approached his grandfather and said, "Little uncle brought his girlfriend back."

Sure enough, Yu Hongyun diverted his attention, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked around the living room downstairs to find his little aunt, completely forgetting to teach Yu Xingchen.

Before Gu Moli came to Yu's house, she probably inquired about her grandfather's preferences with her little uncle, and brought a rather expensive gift, which was a set of Langhao brushes made of Hainan huanghuali wood, which was said to be the orphan of a certain master.

Yu Xingchen didn't know the master's level in the industry, but seeing his grandpa's solemn look when he touched the body of the pen, he knew that this gift must have won his favor.

The last time Yu Xingchen looked at the photos of Gu Moli on the public platform, the photos of luxury cars and luxury leather clothes, she looked like a typical fun-loving rich girl.

At this time, Gu Moli was honestly wearing a long skirt with a celebrity style, buttoned up to her neck, and a small five-centimeter high heel that looked elegant. When chatting with her elders, she also spoke decently and behaved generously, fully embodying good family education.

When Gu Moli said that she was taking care of her family in Yunjiang, everyone's attitude became serious.

The Yu family is also well-known throughout Shanghai, so it doesn't mean that hearing the name of the Gu family makes them feel apprehensive.

But after all, the families of both parties can be regarded as top wealthy families. If they really want to rise to the level of marriage, then the consideration is indeed not as simple as two young people falling in love.

After lunch, Yu Hongyun called Yu Xingchen and his little uncle Yu Nanshu to the upstairs study.

Yu Xingchen was called here to give her a 20th birthday present, and Yu Xingchen happily held the small box, "Thank you, Grandpa."

Yu Hongyun chased her away, "You go down first, I'll have a chat with your little uncle."

Yu Xing sank out of his grandfather's study room, and just about to go downstairs, he took a step, then retracted it, and carefully leaned against the door to listen to the corner of the wall.

When Yu Xingchen's mother went upstairs, she saw Yu Xingchen who looked like a thief. She just said "You..." before being stopped by Yu Xingchen.

Yu Xingchen put up a finger on his lips, motioning for his mother to keep quiet, and beckoned for his mother to listen to the corner of the wall.

The dignified wife of the second master of the Yu family was naturally unwilling to do such petty things, but she couldn't hold back seeing Yu Xingchen listening to the corner of the wall with great interest, and leaned on Yu Xingchen to eavesdrop through the crack of the door.

Yu Hongyun: "Did you know from the beginning that the little girl is from the Gu family?"

Yu Nanshu, also Yu Xingchen's little uncle, said: "I just know that Jasmine is from the Gu family, so I only bring her home when the relationship is stable. Hey dad...just treat her as your future daughter-in-law."

Yu Hongyun: "There's nothing left in the horoscope! Nonsense! Do her parents know about this?"

"I know I know..."

Yu Xing Shen listened to it, feeling rather regretful, thinking that old-fashioned grandfather would do something like beating mandarin ducks with a stick.

After listening to Yu Xingchen's thoughts, Yu's mother gave Yu Xingchen a blow on the head, "I'm out of tune all day long, you see your little uncle has a girlfriend, and you didn't even come back with a fart."

Yu Xingchen: "...Mom, you are an elegant lady, how can you swear."

Yu's mother rolled her eyes at Yu Xingchen, "Your father is still a well-known entrepreneur. After your little uncle got married, you didn't move. See if your father doesn't beat you out of the house. Even if you find a beggar Bring it back to me."

Yu Xingchen: "I'm only twenty..."

Yu's mother: "Twenty is not too young. During the years of my arranged marriage with your father, I didn't even have a relationship. When I was a teenager, I took it home as a child bride."

Yu Xingshen had no choice but to agree with his parents' views on love, so he could only vaguely agree: "Okay, okay, I will definitely get married before I turn 25, okay?"

Yu's mother was still yelling "Don't lie to me" before she went downstairs, planning to leave more money for her grandchildren.

When grandpa is getting old, he always looks forward to the scene where his children and grandchildren are all around his knees.Yu Xingchen is the only junior in the family, so it's up to her whether grandpa can hold his great-grandson.

As soon as Yu's mother left, Yu Xingchen snorted, "Get married at the age of 25... at the age of 25, it would be nice if I could hold hands with a man."

Yu Xingchen looked back at his grandfather's study room again, with hope in his eyes: "Little uncle, the succession of the family depends on you and my little aunt, and whether your lovely niece can be relieved depends on you."

In the afternoon, the Yu family members were basically all present, and Dad had just finished a meeting and found time to come back to celebrate Yu Xingchen's birthday.

The uncle and aunt also came back before dinner, everyone brought gifts for Yu Xingchen, no outsiders were invited, and the whole family ate happily.

Yu Xingchen returned to his room with a bunch of presents in his arms, kicked off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and excitedly opened the presents.

The uncle and aunt gave Yu Xingchen a set of expensive jewelry, which was said to be worn when Yu Xingchen got married.

It was parents who knew Yu Xingchen best, so they directly gave her a bank card. Yu Xingchen had no doubts, it must be because his father didn't have time to choose a gift, so his mother just took a bank card to perfuse her.

But being perfunctory just suits her little money fan's heart.

What my aunt gave Yu Xingchen was the supreme annual card in the heaven and earth, free for membership.

Yu Xingchen took a photo to show off in the rich women group, and two rich women screamed in the group.

After Yu Xingshen finished venting his hatred, he put away his phone and continued unwrapping presents.

What the little uncle gave her was a sports car key, the car should be parked in the underground garage, and the long rosewood box that grandpa gave her was the most impressive.

Yu Xing pondered for a long time, guessing everything from land deeds to company shares, and even family heirlooms.

Then I sent the photo to the team group and asked them to guess what it might be.

Everyone loves the team manager: Look at the shape of this box, a feather duster.

Huajianhuakai team coach: I don't think so, Hua?

Qiao Yinan: What?The Moonlight Box will not work.

Only Gu Xishen was more stable: let's draw.

Yu Xingchen asked them to wait, opened the box to look, and found that it was really a painting.

A painting drawn by a master of Chinese painting for her.

Yu Xingshen thought of the painting that his grandfather sold for [-] million yuan a few years ago, and the little money fan's heart moved, and he began to tear down the painting.

Then Yu Xingchen saw a picture of a hundred sons welcoming blessings.

Yu Xingchen: "........."

Forget it, I can't go back to this family. Today I hinted that she is looking for someone to get married and have children. I guess the next time I come back, there will be a fiancé waiting for her at home.

The team group was still waiting for Yu Xingchen to reveal the answer, and they had been waiting for her all the time.

Yu Xingchen had no choice but to take a photo with nothing to love, which aroused merciless hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha did a from everyone.

On this day, Yu Xingshen spent most of the time at Yu's house. Mu Yanyan had to go to class, and Qi Ya had to have a meeting. They didn't have time, but they sent the gifts to the base early.

Yu Xingchen stayed at Yu's house for one night, and when he returned to the team the next day, he found that his room was full of all kinds of gifts, gifts from his teammates, from Ji Mao and the others, and from fans.

Yu Xingchen was thinking about being able to open the box and live broadcast, and he could also mess with the duration of the live broadcast.

Simply perfect.

After Yu Xingshen's birthday, she didn't take time off either. The final exams followed one after another, grinding her down to the point where she almost couldn't get out of the exam room.

At the end of July, the training base that the PR club took a year to build was officially put into use.

There are not only the glory of the king branch, but also the branches of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, League of Legends, Overwatch, etc., all in this club that occupies no less than half of Nantah University.

In addition to basic training facilities, the club has entertainment venues, fitness venues, canteens, etc.

The club spent a huge amount of money to build a training base this time, and also tore an online interview from other clubs to promote the training base.

Yu Xingchen was stunned when he heard the word "interview", "You want us to play games and flirt with the host, aren't you afraid that we'll tell each other what color our underpants are?"

Ji Mao: "..."

He resisted the urge to spoil the group, and explained: "Life variety shows are mainly to record what fans are curious about what professional players do every day, and to promote PR by the way."

Qiao Yinan: "Remember to mute the swear words that were recorded during our daily training." He said while playing the game, as if he suddenly remembered something, he raised his head from the screen, "Damn it, you have to record it while sleeping? ?”

Ji Mao rolled his eyes: "Who will watch you grind your teeth and snore? But your dorm cameraman will record it, so remember to clean up the kennel when you go back."

The current dormitory is a single dormitory, and they are not afraid of affecting others. Since they have only moved in for a few days, their dormitory is basically only the bed is clean, and the rest of the place is a mess.

Yu Xingshen lives in the female staff area, not in the player area, after all, she is a girl, and they were trustworthy when they were in the villa.

But now there are mixed fish and dragons, and I'm really afraid that something will happen to Yu Xingchen.

It is true that a group of Internet addicted teenagers have no experience in recording programs.

The focus of the club is still those popular players and popular teams.

That's just right, all of their King's Glory division teams have taken over.

Yu Xingshen, who is at the top of the list of star players, has become the focus of attention. Facing the cameraman and the long guns and short guns, Yu Xingshen asked with a look of bewilderment: "Brother cameraman, what should I do?"

The big cameraman said: "Hey, just take the host and leave. She will answer whatever she asks. It's not a live broadcast. Don't worry, it will be edited later."

The host is also a girl, which made Yu Xingchen feel less awkward, so he took the host to familiarize himself with the huge training base.

"This is the training room of the King's Glory branch. From below, there are basketball courts and badminton courts."

"This is the cafeteria building."

"This is the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds branch, and upstairs is the player dormitory."

The hostess asked her: "What is your dormitory like?"

Yu Xingchen smiled at the camera: "My dormitory is not here."

It just so happened that a player from an unknown game branch came around the corner at this time, and Yu Xingchen called him, "Brother!"

He turned his head, with a clear face and a tall figure. He was a young man in his 21s, with the word "PR" printed on the upper right corner of his clothes.

The host next to him couldn't help but let out a low voice, "Xiao Mo!"

The first team leader of the PR PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds branch, Xiao Mozai won the intercontinental championship after sigh, who was once above the altar, retired. He is known by everyone as the player most likely to inherit the mantle of sigh.

Yu Xingchen had also heard about the contestant Xiao Mo, but she didn't expect to stop him just by calling out.

Hearing this, Xiao Mo came over with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Is there something wrong?"

Yu Xingchen pointed to the camera teacher and host behind him, "The club arranged for the interview, is it convenient for you? Can you take them around the dormitory area."

Xiao Mo was straightforward, and agreed without hesitation. Before leading the program team upstairs, he smiled at Yu Xing and said, "I know you, star. I will meet you often in a base in the future. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Yu Xingchen: "Fortunately, fortunately."

It wasn't until the big cameraman disappeared at the stairs that Yu Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief, and rubbed his cheeks stiffened by laughing.

So tired, she still likes to slump on the gaming chair.

After walking around such a big base with the program team for two hours, Yu Xingchen's leg almost broke.

As soon as he opened the door and entered the training room, Yu Xingchen slumped on the sofa for rest, with his legs dangling on the armrests of the sofa.

Lu Bai asked her, "How do you feel?"

Yu Xingchen: "Tired like a dog." She pulled out the pillow that was under her waist, hugged it in her arms, and said to several team members: "I saw Xiao Mo today, the one from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds."

(End of this chapter)

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