e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 170 This title is as handsome as Ranran

Chapter 170 ([-] words) This title is as handsome as Ranran
Huahua: ...It's okay, as long as you know the truth.

No matter how you put it, Gu Huahua's vest was kept temporarily, that is, Gu Xishen's image in Gu Moli's heart completely collapsed.

Gu Moli got Gu Xishen's warning, she didn't dare to harass Yu Xingchen, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense, so she could only keep harassing Gu Xishen.

Gu Moli: "Wow! It's been 25 years since I saw your whole girl come home, and you have used all kinds of tricks this whole time. You are so awesome, does your aunt know about this?"

Gu Xi couldn't bear it anymore: "If you force Lai to believe it or not, I'll take a picture of you dancing..."

Gu Moli hurriedly: "I believe it! I believe it! Cousin, don't get excited, I'm just goingssip, what is it about Xingshen who is so unlucky that you fell in love with?"

Gu Xi was too lazy to beep with Gu Moli, so he hung up on Gu Moli's phone.

After the completion of the new base, the matter of youth trainees should also be put on the agenda.

Youth trainees, youth trainees, are a systematic e-sports training place for potential teenagers aged 13-17.

Taking advantage of this year's upsurge of winning the PR championship, and two popular players, Gu Xishen and Yu Xingshen, are in the PR lineup. The establishment of the youth training camp will definitely attract many good seedlings.

Their goal this year is to recruit the second team.

It just so happens that the summer vacation is approaching again, and the enrollment plan should be prepared in advance.

Unfortunately, the team next door, Gu Jiu, and the others were also preparing to start the youth training camp, which happened to coincide with PR's timing.

So Gu Jiu harassed Yu Xingchen on WeChat all day long.

Xian Jiu: Woohoo, how can you do this, do you want us to live!All the good seedlings have gone to your PR, so what should we do?

Yu Xingchen:?

Yu Xingchen: The people we snatched by strength, you have the ability to snatch them back by strength!The right to choose is in the hands of the registered youth trainees, and we have not blatantly tied people to our PR youth training camp.

Xianjiu: If I don’t listen, I won’t listen, bastard chant sutras!

Yu Xingchen: ...

The two siblings seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

One harassed Gu Xishen, and the other harassed Yu Xingshen.

And the final result is to be blacklisted.

It just so happened that Yu Xingchen was on vacation after finishing his exams, so Ji Mao could blatantly enslave Yu Xingchen.

The finals of the Shanghai City Competition were held in Jing'an E-sports Stadium, and Yu Xingshen was the finale exhibition match as a guest.

Mu Yanyan was also on vacation, so he took Qi Ya to watch Yu Xingchen play together.

When the contestant was still in the competition, Yu Xingchen had nothing to do, so she wore a cap and a mask and got into the audience seats, sitting next to Qi Ya.

Mu Yanyan did not know where to come from a certain team's support light board and handed it to Yu Xingchen.

Yu Xing took a closer look, and saw the words "FG Come on" written on it.

Yu Xingchen: "Which team is FG?"

Qi Ya raised her chin and signaled Yu Xingchen to look at the seat on the left, "This one, the contestants haven't entered yet."

Yu Xingshen played the competition for two years, and it was the first time to watch the players as a spectator, so he was a little excited.

After the players entered the arena, the spectators waved their lights and shouted loudly for the teams and players they supported.

Do as the Romans do, even Yu Xingchen followed suit, "Come on, Team FG!!"

One meter away from Yu Xingchen is the fan seat of the next team.

A female fan who was close to Yu Xingshen couldn't bear to show weakness, "Team MN must win!!"

Yu Xingchen's voice through the mask was really inferior to that female fan, so he took off the mask, relying on the dim lights of the audience seats so that no one could recognize her, and amidst the shouts of the crowd, he also opened his voice and shouted: " FG team, you are the best!!"

The female fan felt that her voice was familiar, turned her head to look, and caught sight of Yu Xingchen who was letting herself go.

The female fan almost screamed excitedly, "Yu!..."

Yu Xingshen hastily said, "Don't yell, don't yell, just watch the players play."

The female fan was extremely excited, she lowered her voice and said to Yu Xingchen: "God Yu, I like you so much!!"

Yu Xingchen signaled female fans not to climb the wall, "MN team, MN team..."

The female fan said confidently: "I am now in the fan seat of the MN team, but my heart will always belong to Yu Shen!"

Yu Xingchen: "..." Is climbing the wall in the fan circle so upright?
After signing an autograph for that female fan and quietly taking a photo with Mimi, she settled down.

The two teams started the match, and the commentators were also talking freely in the commentary seats.

"MN team's Xianchen style is exactly like PR's Yushen. They are relatively stable, but they are still young, and they are a little ready to be moved by the FG team..."

Yu Xingshen was caught off guard when he heard his name, and then moved his gaze from the game screen to the seat of the MN team, and saw a familiar face.

Yu Xingchen approached Qi Ya, and whispered to her in Qi Ya's ear: "Look at MN's support, last time in the loser's bracket of the spring game, they asked me to sign for my team uniform."

After not hearing Qi Ya's response for a long time, Yu Xingchen turned his head to look at Qi Ya, and found that Qi Ya's gaze had already been fixed on Xianchen.

Xianchen, who was on stage just now assisted his shooter to get a triple kill, was talking to the shooter.

The young man's face was full of vigor and confidence, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Because of his young age, his face had not yet grown, and the lines of his face were soft.

He wore a headset on his head, and stretched out his hand to pull the microphone next to his mouth. What the team member said made Xianchen smile, and his gestures were full of youthful spirit in fresh clothes and angry horses.

Yu Xingchen: "Yaya..."

Qi Ya quickly looked away, and coughed as if guilty: "Just now his operation of pulling three people in Guiguzi was very good, I just took a second look, don't think too much."

Yu Xingchen: "I didn't say anything, so why are you explaining so much..."

Qi Ya: "..."

It seems that the attribute of the face dog has been exposed again by accident.

Yu Xingshen made sarcastic remarks on the sidelines: "When Lin Yuanjin retired, who was crying on the phone saying that Bai Yueguang had retired and would never follow any professional players again."

Mu Yanyan next to him didn't think it was a big deal, he turned his head and laughed: "It's her, it's her, it's her, our friend Xiao Yaya~"

Qi Ya blushed when she saw the eyes of the two, and tried to explain: "Like the new and dislike the old, the fan circle is normal."

Yu Xing said slowly: "It's enough to be a fan of his skills. After all, this kid is only 17 years old, and some people are already 25."

Qi Ya: "..."

After Yu Xingchen's exhibition match was over, Mu Yanyan and Qi Ya said that they were waiting for her at the exit of the backstage.

When Yu Xingchen walked out, he saw the coach of MN reprimanding the five players, "What's the use of winning the city competition? If you have the ability, you can go to the KPL! Either you can obediently go to the live broadcast to make money or take commercial performances, and the club will sign you It's money!..."

Yu Xing listened and frowned.

This is what many [-]th-line small teams have experienced. The prize money of small games cannot maintain the operation of the team at all.

Yu Xingchen walked over along the way, MN's coach noticed her, and quickly put on a smile on his face, "Yu Shen, are you leaving?"

Yu Xingchen responded, originally she had no right to dictate the affairs of his team, but seeing the young man who was on the podium just now being scolded so bloody that he couldn't lift his head up, Yu Xingchen couldn't help but say more Two sentences: "It's good to take No.1, they are still young, please encourage them more, and they will not be worse than me in the future."

Coach MN: "Yes, yes, what Yu Shen said is..."

MN's young jungler looked at the coach's completely different attitude, and wanted to say something angrily. Xianchen pulled him, frowned and shook his head, signaling him not to show up at this time.

The status of the coach is higher than that of the players in the team, so it's normal to often reprimand them, even for their first-line team. Although they usually have nothing to do with Xia Tian, ​​but the game has become shit, and they will still be punished by the coach during the replay. Pointing at the nose and cursing.

This is the norm in the circle. Only when the players are famous, the club will treat the players as human beings.

It was rare for Yu Xingshen to love talents, and said to them: "I performed very well on the field. I didn't fully enjoy the 3V3 exhibition match just now. Let's play together during the live broadcast another day."

This is a promotional resource delivered to your door. Yu Xingshen has a lot of fans, and it will also drive their popularity. Coach MN's eyes lit up, "Are you stupid?! Hurry up, thank you Yu Shen for taking you!"

Yu Xingchen: "No, no, my friends are still waiting for me. I just won the game and take them to a celebration banquet. I'm leaving first."

Coach MN: "Okay, Yushen, go slowly."

Yu Xing smiled deeply, and walked out of the backstage with his hands in his pockets.

Qi Ya and Mu Yanyan also said that they were going to have a big meal, so they found a restaurant with a decent taste and had a meal.

After eating and drinking, Qi Ya sent Mu Yanyan home first, and then drove Yu Xingchen back to the training base in her fancy Maserati.

In the car, Qi Ya asked her while driving: "Did your ex-boyfriend harass you?"

The corner of Yu Xingchen's mouth twitched: "There is no blatant harassment, but a lot of things have been done behind my back."

For example, the Raoshizi Fishbone CP on the Internet is almost like a cult. If Gu Xishen hadn't unilaterally made troubles and talked nonsense in front of the public, how could this evil force have expanded so much!
Qi Ya was about to ask Yu Xing and Shen Gu Xishen what he had done, when he saw a person suddenly jumping out from the street light in front, with several people chasing after him, shouting "Don't run!" "Grab that kid!" !"

In the middle of the night, Qi Ya was driving so fast, she quickly slowed down and braked before hitting him, squinting her eyes, "Hey... isn't that who?"

Yu Xingchen was almost hit by the windshield by Qi Ya's sudden brake, was strangled by the seat belt, and bounced back on the backrest, almost knocking her out of internal injuries.

Yu Xingchen had already drank some wine, but now it made her dizzy, and she said aggrievedly, "Yaya, what are you doing?"

Qi Ya ignored her, put her head out of the window, and said to the man, "Get in the car!"

The person chasing behind was getting closer and closer, the person glanced at Qi Ya, without hesitation, without even opening the door, he just supported the back cover of the car with one hand and turned up Qi Ya's convertible Martha.

As soon as Qi Ya stepped on the accelerator, the sound of air waves from the sports car sounded, instantly throwing those chasing people hundreds of meters away.

Qi Ya looked at the road ahead, and said to the man: "You really dare to get in the car."

His voice came from the back seat: "I got into the car only when I saw Yu Shen in the passenger seat."

Huh?Does the sound sound familiar?
Yu Xingchen turned his head to look at that person, and asked in surprise, "Xianchen?"

The young man was quite embarrassed, his side face was bruised, there were small wounds on his face, and even his coat was scratched by something.

Yu Xingchen thought of the people who chased him just now, and asked, "Are you in a gang fight?"

Xianchen wiped the dust off his face with the back of his cleaner hand, accidentally touched the wound, and hissed in pain, "There was no gang fight, just being beaten on one side."

Yu Xing was furious: "Damn it! The gangsters dare to be so rampant in this age, you can't get used to it! Yaya! Go to the police station to report the crime!"

Xianchen: "It's not a gangster, it's a creditor."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

It was so rare to see Yu Xing's messy appearance, Qi Ya sneered a few times, and then asked Xianchen, "Can the team go back?"

Xianchen shook her head: "I'm afraid they will chase after the team and disturb others too much, so take me to a hotel, thank you sister."

Qi Ya's heart was refreshed when she called her sister, and she quickly navigated to a hotel to send Xianchen there.

Yu Xing Shen asked Xianchen: "Why do you have creditors at such a young age, and your salary and bonus are not enough for you?"

Xianchen: "...It's really not enough." He was afraid that Yu Xing would be delusional, and quickly added: "It's my father's creditor. He borrowed usury and ran away because he couldn't repay it. My mother died early, and my father Once you run away, it's natural that I, the little one, should pay it back."

Yu Xingchen: "Loan usury is an illegal act, you should call the police."

Xianchen: "Calling the police is useful, and I won't be beaten up like this. Thank you for today, and treat my sister and Yushen to dinner another day."

Yu Xingchen: "That's right, didn't you guys go to the celebration banquet?"

Xianchen twitched the corner of her mouth, and made a mocking arc, "It would be nice to order a takeaway for us, and a celebration banquet..."

Yu Xingchen saw Xianchen's expression in the rearview mirror, as if he knew what team Xinmi was.

She frowned and asked, "Is there any problem with your team?"

Xianchen shook her head, "It's nothing, it's just exploiting us a little bit."

Yu Xingchen asked him, "Did you bring your mobile phone?"

Xianchen: "I didn't bring it, what's the matter Yushen?"

Yu Xing and Shen Maliu took out her mobile phone, opened the WeChat interface, and handed the mobile phone to Xianchen, "Come on, remember my WeChat, add me later, and tell me about anything that can't be solved in the future."

Xianchen: "Don't meddle in other people's affairs, Yushen, so as not to get into trouble."

Yu Xingchen drank too much alcohol, once the alcohol was on, the words that he said without thinking suddenly changed his taste: "No, your business is my business."

Xianchen let out a bewildered "Huh?"

Yu Xingchen: "I'm a fan."

Xianchen: "..." Damn it can't be refuted.

"Big man, don't babble, quickly connect to the phone, my hands are numb."

Only then did Xianchen recover from Yu Xingchen's words "your business is mine", and quickly took Yu Xingchen's cell phone.

Qi Ya, who was driving on the side, couldn't spare his hands, seeing the beautiful boy write Yu Xingchen, the old bastard's wechat in his palm, he was so angry!
(End of this chapter)

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