e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 171 The beautiful boy's WeChat is also hers!

Chapter 171 The beautiful boy's WeChat is also hers!

The villain in Qi Ya's heart beat her chest and stomped her feet. If she had known earlier, she would not have allowed Yu Xingchen to drink. In this way, the co-pilot would be hers, and the WeChat of the beautiful boy would also be hers!

But she had the steering wheel in her hands, so Qi Ya used Yu Xingchen's excuse of being too drunk and motion sickness to send Yu Xingchen back to the training base, and then drove Xianchen to a hotel.

When Xianchen got out of the car, he was a little speechless when he saw that the luxury was no less than that of a five-star hotel.

He has never been in such a high-end place in his life.

The doorman at the door saw that Xianchen was dressed like a trash picker, and wanted to stop Xianchen from going in, but Qi Ya stared at him and shut up embarrassingly.

Qi Ya came to the front desk, pointed to Xianchen behind her and said, "My friend, open a room."

The lady at the front desk was very discerning: "Good boss."

Qi Ya waited for several seconds before the lady at the front desk said the price, so she glared at the lady at the front desk, "How much is it for one night!"

The lady at the front desk: "..."

She was aggrieved, thinking that the boss had personally brought her friends over, so she confiscated the money, but she didn't expect that cleverness was useless.

"...Five thousand four, mobile payment or cash?"

Qi Ya turned her head to ask Xianchen.

Xianchen coughed in embarrassment, "Sister, an ordinary express hotel will be fine."

Qi Ya's reason made Xianchen unable to refute, "How can the security facilities of the express hotel be as safe as this place, and you still want to be beaten up by them while sleeping?" She also glanced at Xianchen's messy coat, "Your cell phone Didn’t bring it, so did you bring your ID card?”

Xianchen: "...No, no."

Qi Ya had expected this earlier, so she said hypocritically: "It's okay, my hotel is reliable, you can also write down my WeChat account, and just pay me back on WeChat later."

Poor Xianchen didn't know Qi Ya's careful thinking, and felt that what Qi Ya said was quite reasonable, so he quickly took out a pen and wrote down Qi Ya's WeChat in his palm, and thanked Qi Ya for his thoughtfulness after finishing the matter.

After getting the room card, Qi Ya watched Xianchen enter the elevator, and sighed in her heart that Jiang was still old and spicy.

Carrying her platinum bag, she said to the front desk lady: "Give him some clothes, cut off the tags, and say that they are clothes left by previous guests. By the way, ask him if he has had dinner. Stop in and tell him that meals are included in the room rate."

Qi Ya always felt that there was something missing, so she thought for a while and said: "Oh, tell him that the five thousand and four tonight is half a month's rent, if you are still worried about those people catching up, let him live here alright."

The lady at the front desk repeatedly agreed, and after watching Qi Ya walk out the door, she murmured to herself: "Why is the boss so stingy and generous..."

My hotel let friends stay on credit, but said that their dinner, which cost several hundred yuan, was included in the room rate.

After this incident, Xianchen really added Yu Xingchen's WeChat account, but he just said hello and left without saying a word.

Yu Xingchen thought it was nothing serious, but a few days later, when Qi Ya came to find her, her voice on the phone could be regarded as a growl.

Qi Ya: "Damn it! I'm going to blow up this fucking club, MN!"

Yu Xingchen: "..." Her ears were almost deafened by Qi Ya's decibels.

The last time Yu Xingchen saw Qi Ya have such an aura, it was when he scolded Gu Xishen for her.

Yu Xing grinned and took the phone away, and asked Qi Ya: "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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