e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 172 Xianchen's annual salary is only 1

Chapter 172 Xianchen's salary is only [-] a year
Qi Ya's anger continued: "When Xianchen signed a contract with the MN club, he signed a ten-year contract. From the age of 14 to 24, the golden age of playing e-sports was wasted in this club!"

Yu Xingchen asked in surprise, "Why did you sign for ten years?"

There are various contracts signed by e-sports players and clubs.

However, the rights and interests of the players must be protected. Some smart players usually sign once a year. When the time comes, the players choose to transfer due to their own value or considerations, and they don’t have to pay liquidated damages. dues.

The longest contract Yu Xingchen had ever heard of was only a five-year contract, ten years is really unheard of.

Qi Ya: "It's because when Xianchen signed the contract, he told MN that it was a loan shark. Originally, the contract was still a two-year contract, and MN paid Xianchen the salary of [-] yuan for the two years in advance. He won't get a penny of all the game bonuses he got, and they will all be confiscated to the club."

Yu Xingchen had never heard of this kind of coquettish operation before, and his eyes widened: "Fuck! Isn't this the goddamn overlord clause?! Xianchen's last KOC Shanghai city competition had a championship prize of [-] yuan. He It can be divided into [-] yuan! Even if he has not played in the KPL these years, the prize money he got in the KOC arena is about [-] yuan! Isn’t this a scam?!”

Qi Ya sneered: "Don't worry, MN has even more disgusting operations. Originally, after the two-year period expired, they realized the value of Xianchen, and agreed to advance eight years' salary and double the salary at the same time. Wan usury repayment, the contract stipulates that they will give Xianchen 80 living expenses every month, but Xianchen's bonuses and money earned from live broadcasts will all go to the club."

Yu Xingchen had never heard of this kind of club that eats human blood, and he was about to deduct 666 for their money-making operation.

Yu Xingchen: "They dared to make such a request because they knew that Xianchen was in urgent need of money. My god, it was 80 in eight years. Xianchen's signing fee on the live broadcast platform was more than 80, right? They used Xianchen as a money grab Tool??"

Qi Ya: "Forget about collecting money. When Xianchen took 80 to pay back the money, the creditor told him that the interest had doubled to 90. He still couldn't pay the [-], and the club didn't care. I have already paid all the wages and let Xianchen figure out what to do, how much do you think the last hundred thousand interest rolls to now?"

Yu Xingchen didn't know what the interest rate of usury was like, so he swallowed, and estimated a conservative figure, "20?"

Qi Ya: "20 times three, 60."

Yu Xingchen almost didn't choke to death from his own saliva, "One hundred thousand rolls to 60, why don't they go to the sky?? I said you are awesome, so many things have been picked out of people's mouths in just a few days ?”

Qi Ya coughed in embarrassment, but she was still cheeky when she said it, "Because my wife's charm is invincible."

Yu Xing said with a headache: "Take away your charm, she's only 17 years old."

Qi Ya: "Bah, bah, I'm just a very simple dog! Don't think my heart is so dirty!"

Yu Xingchen: "Well, you are innocent, you are innocent, Yangou Yaya, you have inquired so clearly, are you planning to be a hero to save the beauty and help the beautiful boy to tide over the difficulties?"

(End of this chapter)

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