e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 175 Gu Shen said to the Internet celebrity: Then I ask you to get out of here and stop follo

Chapter 175 Gu Shen said to the Internet celebrity: Then I ask you to get out of here and stop following me
The net red girl also prepared a stack of postcards for them to sign,

They were already starving, and they were too busy dealing with her.

After everyone signed seven or eight postcards, it was a bit overwhelming.

Yu Xingchen said that he didn't want to sign anymore.

Girl: "Sign two more."

Yu Xingchen put down the marker pen, "I said, sister, even if you send so many cards to your relatives and friends, is it enough? Our team members have been concentrating for a whole day, and we want to eat quickly."

Qiao Yinan, Lu Bai and Gao Li immediately cast grateful glances at Yu Xingchen.

The girl was still muttering: "But I promised the fans to draw [-] people to send autographs."

Everyone: "..."

Taking their signatures to send favors, this operation is no one.

Yu Xingchen: "I don't want to sign anymore, that's all. The promise you made to your fans has nothing to do with us. Let me show you the way. The counterfeit sign on Xianyu costs a few cents per piece and includes free shipping."

All the team members looked at Yu Xingchen with admiration.

Awesome, God Yu, that's it!
That girl was embarrassed by Yu Xingchen's words, and the few people around were watching her, not at all trying to help her.

So the girl could only sensibly put away the signed postcards, and she was quite strong enough to continue beeping.

"It took a four-hour flight to come here. I want to visit again. Are you still busy later? I just want to take a photo together as a souvenir, okay?"

Yu Xingchen's bones were gone by his sister's sentence "Is it okay, Gu Shen", and he quickly took a sip of soup to suppress his shock.

Gu Xishen was expressionless, and even wanted to change places with Qiao Yinan next door.

Qiao Yinan quickly hinted with his eyes: No need, no need, I can't bear it.

Gu Xishen raised his head to look at Yu Xingchen across the table, and even saw Yu Xingchen with a smile on his lips, watching his show in a good mood.

Gu Xishen's mood suddenly turned bad, and he said to the internet celebrity girl with a worried expression, "Let's shoot."

The girl got Gu Xishen's approval, and the smile on her face became brighter, and she even got closer to Gu Xishen to talk to him.

"Hey God, I don't think the food in your cafeteria is very good... How about I order takeaway for you in the future?"

Yu Xing thought deeply: Don't just order it for one person, if you say our canteen is not very good, then sponsor it.

Although the canteen at the base is not as good as a five-star restaurant, it still has fish and meat, and the buffet-style dining window is much better than other clubs.

Originally, Yu Xingchen only wanted to see Gu Xishen look deflated, but he didn't expect to see the net red girl approaching Gu Xishen but Gu Xishen didn't avoid him, and he didn't know what was going on, the more he looked at it, the more glaring he was.

Yu Xingchen poked the dish with his chopsticks, took a few mouthfuls and then picked up the plate, "I won't eat, you guys continue."

The girl looked at Yu Xingchen's back, and said to Gu Xishen delicately: "What's wrong with Yushen, are you jealous? Looking at the comments on the Internet, I thought it was just Gushen's unrequited love for Yushen?"

As soon as Yu Xingchen walked out of the corner, Gu Xishen also stood up, and said to the girl with a calm face: "You know I miss her unrequitedly, so why do you come here to find a sense of existence?"

The expression on the girl's face froze immediately, and the atmosphere became awkward as Gu Xishen got up.

The girl suddenly threw her chopsticks, and became angry on the spot because Gu Xishen's face changed: "I'm your fan! How can you say that about me!"

Gu Xishen: "Then I ask you to get out of your way and stop fanning me."

(End of this chapter)

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