e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 176 Countdown to Confession Success

Chapter 176 Countdown to Confession Success

As soon as Gu Xishen left, even the girl's eyes turned red with anger, she kicked the stool and left.

Gu Xishen has never been angry in the past few months in the team, and even the expressions of the remaining three players on the table have become "=口=".

Fuck, who was that person with the cold background board just now?
Is it really Gu Xishen? ?
It took several minutes for a few people to come back to their senses.

It was Gao Li who spoke first: "...Fortunately, I didn't offend Captain Gu in the team, otherwise I wouldn't know how I died."

Qiao Yinan: "No, no, no... The most important thing is not to provoke Yu Shen."

Lu Bai grasped the point: "So Captain Gu is really chasing Yushen?"

The few people were suddenly clarified by Lu Bai's words, and suddenly felt that the food in front of them was not as good as the gossip of the two of them.

Yu Xingchen went to the entertainment area for a walk to digest his food, with both hands in his pockets, and kicked the bottle caps on the ground with the tip of his shoes as he walked.

Yu Xingchen muttered: "When I see a beautiful girl, I stare straight..."

"Who's looking straight?"

Gu Xishen's voice suddenly came from behind, and Yu Xingchen almost jumped up in fright, "Are you a thief? There is no sound at all when you walk!"

Gu Xishen: "If I had a voice, I wouldn't be able to hear someone speak ill of me behind my back."

Yu Xing was furious, "I'm obviously speaking in an aboveboard manner!"

She pushed Gu Xishen away and strode forward.

In the afternoon at the beginning of August, the sun outside was already very strong. The temperature in Shanghai reached the early thirties. The clean floor shimmered. The sun shone in through the glass of the corridor, dipping the entire corridor into platinum. one slice.

Gu Xishen followed Yu Xingshen step by step: "Are you jealous?"

Yu Xingchen: "Fart!"

Gu Xishen: "You were jealous when I promised her to take a photo together."

Yu Xingchen: "Fart!"

Gu Xishen: "You were jealous when she was talking to me."

Yu Xingchen: "Fart!"

Gu Xishen: "You don't mind that internet celebrity sitting next to me just now?"

Yu Xingchen: "Fart!"

After Yu Xingchen yelled out impatiently and angrily, he realized that Gu Xishen had been tricked, and immediately his mind was dazed, his footsteps stopped, and he turned around and asked Gu Xishen in disbelief: "You tricked me???"

"Don't dare, I'm afraid of being beaten." A smile finally appeared on Gu Xishen's face: "I didn't take a photo with her, and I left after you left. I couldn't stand the smell of her perfume."

Yu Xingchen said angrily, "None of my business!"

Gu Xishen: "Except for you, I have never been close to any girl."

Yu Xingchen rolled his eyes: "Get close to whoever you like."

Gu Xishen: "I said I was chasing you."

It's been five months, and Gu Xishen still said the same thing.

Yu Xing was annoyed thinking about it, and even more annoyed when he heard the footsteps behind him.

Yu Xingchen: "Have you ever thought that I never agreed to your plan?"

"I can wait until you want to promise me."

Gu Xishen's voice was like a feather thrown into amber, causing ripples on the calm water.

Yu Xingchen: "What if I fall in love with someone else before that time?"

Gu Xishen: "They are not worthy of you, and you won't fall in love with them."

Yu Xingchen: "... There is a feeling that beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

Gu Xi smiled deeply: "You can have a good impression of the other party, that's only on the premise that you can like him, and then Ai Wu and Wu accept everything about the other party. Your family, upbringing, and vision can eliminate most of the opposite sex .”

(End of this chapter)

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