e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 184 Deducting Gu Shen's 5 Salary to Vent Yu Shen

Chapter 184 Deducting Gu Shen's [-] Salary to Vent Yu Shen
Little X is the online name of the internet celebrity girl.

[Mouth area, the real name makes me sick, this woman can't see that the PR team really wants her to disturb their private meal time, is it interesting to be so shameless? 】

And the fans suddenly thought of one thing.

The fact that Gu Shen is chasing Yu Shen is basically known on the Internet, right?

So why is this woman still sitting next to Gu Shen in this situation, and doesn't care whether she is welcome or not, she deserves to be scolded by Gu Shen, right?
For a while, everyone ate a big wave of reversals. Fans who said they would quit their fans a few days ago apologized and returned to their fans.

Originally, gamers were rather irritable and aggressive, not to mention fans in the e-sports circle, with sharp words and almost sprayed the net red girl into quitting the Internet.

Yu Xingshen also asked Ji Mao: "Old Ji, how much do you plan to deduct from his salary?"

Ji Mao flipped through the team rules that he hadn't read for a long time, and found the one that Gu Xishen had committed, "Words that cause serious consequences, more than [-] but less than [-]."

Ji Mao misunderstood the meaning of Yu Xingchen's question, and wondered if something happened to Gu Xishen, maybe Yu Xingchen would buy a fucking box of firecrackers to celebrate.

So Ji Mao and Yu Xingchen said as if discussing: "How much do you think is appropriate to deduct? How about deducting a cap of [-] to vent your anger?"

Yu Xingchen hadn't reacted yet. Ji Mao didn't know that the two of them had already organized things behind their backs, so he didn't agree with Ji Mao's thinking: "Ah? Why are you angry with me?"

Ji Mao took it for granted, "Don't you hate Gu Xishen so much? Don't say that I don't love you as a manager. I took his salary as an outlet for you. Be good."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

How should I explain it? In fact, she didn't really want to see Gu Xishen being deducted so much money.

Suddenly, I feel that there are so many things to recombine, so it's better to divide them.

During the live broadcast that night, Yu Xing clicked on the solo queue, and then saw Xianchen online in the friends list.

After thinking about it, she still dragged Xianchen into the group.

A few seconds later, Xianchen clicked into the ranking room, and Yu Xingshen typed on the team channel and asked him: Turn on the mic?
There was a thin rustling sound from the wheat on Xianchen's side, and after the noise disappeared, Xianchen spoke: "Can you hear it, Yushen?"

The voice of the boy who was still in the period of changing his voice instantly touched the hearts of all mother fans in Yu Xingshen's live broadcast room.

[My day!This boy's voice!Brother I can! 】

[MN. Xianchen? Which team is MN? 】

[The champion team of this year's Shanghai City Competition has played KPL once, but lost to PR. Xianchen is MN's support, and he is also a handsome boy~]


Xianchen: "Yu Shen, the two of us are assisting?"

"I carry in the mid lane, steady."

Yu Xingchen: "Is there anyone else you want to pull?"

Xianchen turned her head to ask her teammates, and said to her four or five seconds later, "No."

Yu Xing nodded and started the competition: "Then I will start."

Gu Xishen had just finished playing, and said to Yu Xing, "I'm coming too."

While Gu Xishen was speaking, Yu Xingchen had already made preparations.

She praised her phone to Gu Xi, and the game entered the ban hero interface.

Yu Xingchen said innocently: "You didn't say it earlier."

Gu Xishen: "..."

So Gu Xishen didn't speak, and turned on the entertainment mode by himself. After a while, he said sullenly: "You must remember to call me."

Yu Xingshen agreed: "Okay, okay, I'll call you."

(End of this chapter)

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