e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 185 Look at how many Yao and Cai Wenji Yu Shen has laid down this season

Chapter 185 Look at how many Yao and Cai Wenji Yu Shen has laid down this season

Gu Xishen asked her, "Who are you fighting with?"

Yu Xingshen reminded Xianchen to ban Shangguan Wan'er, then looked back at Xishen and said, "The support of the MN team is 17 years old."

She seemed to be afraid of Gu Xishen's misunderstanding, so she specifically explained the other party's age, saying that she didn't have the special habit of eating young grass like an old cow.

Gu Xishen: "You can play bastard heroes with me, no need to carry."

The barrage is full of "yoooo~"

[Receive the wild king, accept the wild king who let me play the bastard hero~]

[Since Gu Shen revealed in front of fans why he entered PR, his words have become more and more presumptuous]

[The whole network knows what he's thinking, so why hide it hahaha. 】

Although Yu Xingchen wanted to be confused, she still had a bit of professional ethics in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

She thought that when playing games with Huahua, she often used Yao and Cai Wenji to lie down and win. In front of the audience in the live broadcast room, she still said confidently: "How can I be confused as a professional support! You must watch all directions and listen to all directions to scout for teammates. All dynamics are."

Some fans were really touched by Yu Xingchen's game attitude, and sighed in succession.

[It would be great if I could meet an assistant like Yushen. 】

【This is what a support player should look like. 】

[No...you really don't want to see Yu Shen's record?Look at how many Yao and Cai Wenji she has played this season... I can't bear to look at the ratings. 】

[The housing management has gone to sea, brother upstairs, your number is gone. 】

After playing ranked with Xianchen, Yu Xingshen suddenly heard Coach MN's very familiar harsh voice from Xianchen's earphones.

"Where is Xianchen, let him get out!"

Yu Xing calmly said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I'm sorry to end the broadcast here today."

She turned off the live broadcast, and said to Xianchen in the headset: "Don't leave the ranking room, take your phone out."

As long as the queue room is not exited, the microphones on both sides are still communicating.

Xianchen suddenly knew what Yu Xingchen wanted to do, but he just pursed his lips, put the phone and earphone cable in his pocket, and followed the coach out.

Xianchen's team members looked at him worriedly.

His captain even went to stop the aggressive coach, "Calm down coach, Xianchen..."

The coach pushed him away furiously, and gave him a hard look, "Don't think I don't know that you guys are in collusion, I'll clean up you after I clean up Xianchen!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the training room and slammed the door behind him.

Xianchen was standing outside the door, and the coach threw the indictment in his face at him.

Xianchen turned her head slightly, and the overwhelming A4 papers fell on the ground.

The coach said angrily: "You are fucking capable! Who helped you repay the usury loan?! Who promoted you to where you are today?! You crossed the river and demolished the bridge before you made a name for yourself!"

Xianchen raised his eyelids and asked him, "Aren't you the ones who crossed the river and demolished the bridge first?"


The coach endured it for a long time before resisting the urge to do something. He gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't know you knew such a powerful person, and I hired you a whole team of lawyers to fight the lawsuit!"

Xianchen touched the back of his teeth with the tip of his tongue, and pulled the corner of his mouth expressionlessly: "If there is no real problem with the contract, why are you panicking? I just want to give myself a guarantee, and I don't want to call others for nothing. It's a waste of time."

(End of this chapter)

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