e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 186 If you are unlucky and don't terminate the contract, just wait for me to kill you i

Chapter 186 If you are unlucky and don't terminate the contract, just wait for me to kill you in MN

The coach paced back and forth in front of Xianchen, with a fierce tone: "At that time, that was the contract you agreed to sign! We paid you eight years' salary in advance! After all, at that time, no one knew whether you could make a name for yourself! We risked You signed you only at the risk of losing money! Is this how you repay us?!"

Xianchen: "At that time, it didn't say that the live broadcast contract was also included, but in the end, it swallowed my 60 signing fee. Not only me, but you also played word games with the contracts of the other four people, right?"

"What does the contract of the four of them have to do with you? You just want to turn against us?!"

Xianchen didn't say anything, so he accepted it.

The coach was so angry that his liver hurt, "Okay! You are amazing! Even if you win the lawsuit and terminate the contract, I want to see where you can get hundreds of thousands to pay off the remaining usury."

He smiled coldly, and continued: "If you are unlucky and don't terminate the contract, just wait for me to kill you in MN!"

After finishing speaking, the coach strode downstairs stepping on those indictments.

With an uneasy expression on her face, Xianchen leaned against the wall of the corridor and took a deep breath, waiting for her mentality to adjust before she went to take out the phone in her pocket.

Xianchen put on the earphones, "Yu Shen..."

Yu Xingshen took Gu Xishen's mobile phone and recorded the whole process, and saved the recording as soon as the coach left.

"Okay, the Qi family's lawyer team is top-notch in the world. Those who die can be said to live. You can get back the money you got cheated. Don't worry too much recently. Train well. When the time comes, our PR Whether you can pass the selection of youth trainees is up to you.”

Yu Xingchen looked at the mobile phone with the recording in his hand, and suddenly sneered, "MN...it's awesome, I want to see how they kill people in MN."

On the other side of the screen, Xianchen let out a soft "hmm".

No one has ever helped him like this since he was a child.

In the past, he thought that MN was his savior, but later he realized that it was just a contract to lure him into a more desperate hell.

Xianchen's lips muttered a few times, not knowing what to say, she was obviously very grateful, but those emotions came to her lips, and in the end she managed to squeeze out two words, "Thank you..."

Yu Xingchen said indifferently: "Ah, ah, go and thank Qi Ya."

Xianchen humbly asked, "What does Sister Yaya like?"

Yu Xingchen raised his eyebrows, suppressed his excitement and gossip, tried to keep his tone calm, and said to Xianchen: "She likes to eat, you can treat her to a meal."

After breaking the mic with Xianchen, Yu Xingchen put down his phone and leaned back, leaning against the back of the gaming chair, with a perverted arc on the corner of his mouth, and sighed, "Qi Yaya, sister can only help you so far... "

Gu Xishen waited for Yu Xingchen for a long time, but she didn't wait for her to pull him into ranking, so he said quietly: "What about playing ranked?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Wrong, she forgot.
Ranran to answer some small questions, the first is the update, Ranran will fix the update time at nine o'clock, and it will be released regularly in the future.

Then some readers asked me if I had a book friend group. I’m sorry, cute, but I don’t want to start a group for the time being, because book friend groups are more prone to conflicts. Ranran doesn’t have much time to manage them, and Xiao Pujie is not worthy Has a book friend group woo woo woo

Also, the contact information of Ranran is at the top of the comment area of ​​QQ reading (the text is not allowed to post the contact information...), because QQ reading is the first platform of Ranran, including Hongxiu and starting point are only channel platforms, so these two I don't pay close attention to the comment section of the forum, please poke my QQ if there is something urgent (but it seems that there is nothing urgent except typos...)
Because it's an urgent matter, don't ask if you are here and talk about it directly. If there is no accident, Ranran has been here for the past few decades
(End of this chapter)

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