e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 187 President Qi Looks at Me! !I prepare the rich woman happy ball myself! !

Chapter 187 President Qi Looks at Me! !I prepare the rich woman happy ball myself! !
Yu Xingshen guessed that the MN club might jump the wall in a hurry, knowing that this lawsuit was indeed unwinnable, and after the high-level discussion, he took the initiative to terminate the contract with Xianchen.

And online PO came out to understand the contract manual.

The general meaning is that Xianchen is so ambitious, after gaining a little fame, he wanted to terminate the contract and find another family, and even published a lawsuit, implying that Xianchen still wanted to get some benefits from them before leaving.

Judging from the contract termination agreement, MN was completely on the most innocent side, and did not trip Xianchen in the slightest.

Xianchen's reputation is not that great, and their MN team has only achieved a small result in the KOC, and is planning to hit the KPL again next season.

In this era of looking at faces, Xianchen has attracted a large number of fans because of his handsome looks, and has tens of thousands of fans on the Internet.

After this incident was exposed, all the fans were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the player they fanned was this kind of person.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Xianchen wanting to find a team with better conditions, but if you want to leave, you can leave, it is not good to bully the old owner like this...

【Xianchen wants to fly just because he is a bit famous, trying to make him fat with one bite, so he won't be able to choke him to death! 】

[I'm about to leave, but I didn't forget to shave off the oil from the club, and even filed a lawsuit, giving him a big face. 】

[After this incident, I want to see which club is willing to take him]

【If you terminate the contract, you will terminate the contract. If you don’t want to leave, see you again】

At the same time that Xianchen was being crusaded on the Internet, MN's next operation was even more disgusting, trying to make Xianchen's reputation even worse.

They didn't know who they were looking for to secretly take pictures of Xianchen and Qi Ya meeting.

Cong Xianchen got into Qi Ya's luxury car, and then Qi Ya took Xianchen to a high-end restaurant, took him to dinner, and sent him back to a five-star hotel, with all the photos.

There is also a team of lawyers who sued the MN club, and they also gave evidence that it was the lawyer team of the rich woman's family.

Everything implicitly shows that Xianchen may be taken care of by a rich woman, that's why she wants to terminate the contract so eagerly.

Thinking that there is a financial backer after all, are you afraid that you won't find a better next home than MN?
Maybe after the contract is terminated, he will withdraw from the circle.

Isn't it delicious to be taken care of by a rich woman?Who works so hard to play the game?

And this fucking rich woman is still a super A royal sister!
One of them is very clear.

Xianchen got out of the car first and waited for Qi Ya. Qi Ya was wearing a little black dress with suspenders. She had a slender figure, long hair and shawls. Her long legs outside the car were beautifully lined. Her ankles were wrapped in strappy high-heeled shoes, revealing her fair skin.

In just a few hours, someone picked up Qi Ya's outfit.

The handbag is a Hermes platinum diamond bag, more than 200 million.

The car is the most well-known president of Martha, the global limited MC12 show purple model, more than 800 million.

Even the seemingly most common black dress with suspenders is the new version of Chanel's 2020 spring conference.

There are also those unremarkable strappy high-heeled shoes, Taobao’s low imitation hits are 29.9 free shipping, but the rich women definitely wear genuine ones, and the price starts at 30.

And the identity of the rich woman is not difficult to guess, the youngest head of the Qi Group, worth over [-] million, the legendary female version of the domineering president.

Oh shit!What kind of top beautiful rich woman is this!

If they were Xianchen, the cliff wouldn't be living in a place like MN!
[President Qi look at me! !I prepare the rich woman happy ball myself! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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