e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 195 How about creating a shopping district for Yushen?

Chapter 195 (4 words) How about creating a shopping mall for Yushen?

Yu Xingchen won't find another family, but there are not a few men who covet her.

For example, Lin Yuanjin.

She really is a little self-aware of her charms.

Yu Xing gulped down his saliva under Gu Xishen's aura, trying to fish out of troubled waters, and laughed a few times without embarrassment, "Haha...I didn't expect you to be so good."

Gu Xishen's hand slid down Yu Xingchen's temples little by little, and stopped on the first button of her shirt, and said slowly: "As long as it's your mouth, I like sweet and sour."

The hidden threat just now turned into tenderness in an instant, and Yu Xingchen was caught off guard by Gu Xishen, making his expression dazed.

Yu Xingchen must go to meet Gu Xishen and his brothers when he has time. If he can train a person like Gu Xishen, who the hell is it?

The straight boys in the past don't like to hate people anymore, and they have turned their mouthful of hateful quotes into a collection of gossip.

Yu Xingchen laughed and pushed him: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth..."

Gu Xishen also followed the trend and gave Yu Xingchen a hand.

Yu Xingchen stood up and tidied up the messy clothes lying on the bed: "This apartment is too small, I've already planned to make it bigger."

Gu Xishen also thought of the past when the two pretended to be poor in order not to put pressure on each other, and couldn't help laughing, "I wronged you at those times."

Yu Xingchen was rich and raised since he was a child, and he never tried the pain of lack of money.

But she didn't expect that she would make such a big determination at the beginning. In order to hide her family background, she ate in the school cafeteria every day, wore Taobao hot clothes, lived in a small duplex apartment, and lied to him that it was all her family's property.

At first, even he didn't notice anything unusual.

Yu Xing groaned and said, "Be kinder to me if you know you've been wronged. You don't know that the food in the cafeteria is really bad."

Gu Xi responded with a deep smile, thinking how he could not be regarded as wronging the little princess of the Yu family.

How about building a shopping mall for her?

Yu Xingchen looked at this apartment and thought of his little aunt, and then he joked to Gu Xishen, "I met a girl online who is very good at playing games. At first I thought she used my little aunt's photo They came to lie to me, but later I found out that the two of them are girlfriends, so they posted the photos together."

Gu Xishen remained calm, and even cooperated with Yu Xingchen to act like he was listening to gossip: "It's a coincidence."

Yu Xingchen said regretfully: "But she seems to be very busy recently, she doesn't like to talk to me very much."

Gu Xi thought to himself: Isn't this nonsense, the real person is right in front of you, who would bother talking through the screen to comfort him?

He is not stupid.

While talking, Yu Xingchen suddenly laughed, "She told me earlier that her name was Huahua, and I thought it was a screen name, but I didn't expect her real name to be Zhang Huahua."

Gu Xishen: "..."

It took a long time for Gu Xishen to hold back a question: "Who told you that her name is Zhang Huahua?"

Yu Xingchen: "Of course my little aunt said it."

Gu Xishen was expressionless, thinking about it in his heart, he turned around and sent the picture of Gu Moli dancing to her mother.

I'm used to her talking nonsense.

Gu Huahua's name sounds better than Zhang Huahua's!
Taking Gu Xishen to familiarize herself with the way to her new home, she stopped by the restaurant downstairs before returning to the training base.

Yu Xing woke up the next day and found a small card inserted under the door panel.

At first, Yu Xingchen thought it was the hotel that issued such things, but later realized that this is a fucking training base, who would be so brave to slip small cards under other people's doors!

Then she picked it up and found it was a bank card.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

She twitched her eyebrows, and immediately realized who gave it to her. When she took out her phone and wanted to ask a question, she found that Gu Xishen had already left a message for her.

Gu Xishen: Brush casually, don't wrong yourself.

Yu Xingchen: ...

The happiness of the rich is so simple and unpretentious.

Yu Xing returned to him: Actually, at first I thought it was the small yellow card that was going to be thrown away.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xishen was able to reply her message in seconds: it contained the money your boyfriend earned in half a year.

Yu Xingchen, a small money fanatic, saw the money eyes open, and asked curiously: How much is there?

Gu Xishen said the number conservatively: There should be nine digits, and if you don't have enough money, ask me for it.

Yu Xing thought to herself, was she being slapped in the face by someone with money?

Can she be wronged?

The only daughter of the dignified Yu family, the precious daughter of a single family, when did she ever lack money?
Even if she lacks money, she can't go to her to shave her partner's oil.

So Yu Xing sneered, opened his own bank app, and thought about what shame it would be to transfer some money to Gu Xishen.

Then when Yu Xingchen opened it, he saw that he only had a five-figure balance.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

It was only then that she remembered that a few days ago, when she bought furniture and dormitory layouts for a new home, she only picked out the expensive ones, and then returned the money for buying the house to her little aunt.

She hasn't asked her family for money for several years, and the bank card given by her parents is also in her new home, and she hasn't even opened online banking.

She bears the title of the top star player list, no matter how much money she can make, she can't help a top celebrity like her to buy and buy once a day.

Occasionally, she was dragged to the mall by Qi Ya and Mu Yanyan, which was just a shopping spree.

How can she afford that little salary!

Is there anything more embarrassing than "being humiliated with money and intending to humiliate you back, only to find that your account balance is not even a fraction of the other party's money"?
Yu Xingchen coughed in embarrassment, and resolutely took the card Gu Xishen gave him in his pocket, and quickly typed back to him: The password is my birthday, I know, I love you.

In life, no one has time to eat soft rice.

Gu Xishen replied to her: No, the password is my birthday.

Yu Xingchen: ...

Gu Xishen seemed to be able to feel Yu Xingchen's embarrassing desire to scratch the wall through the phone screen.

He smiled, and finally replied to Yu Xingchen, "I have something to do, I'll be back later." Then he put away his phone and leaned on the sofa in the back seat in a good mood.

The driver saw Gu Xi's deeply stretched brows and a faint smile on his face through the rearview mirror, and wondered for no reason, could it be that a certain project made a lot of money again?
Gu Xishen actually went back this time to deal with Xu Man.

As soon as he entered Gu's house, Xu Man's father, who was sitting in the living room, stood up and said respectfully, "Hi, Second Young Master."

On the contrary, Xu Man next to him looked very hesitant.

Seeing that Xu Man didn't respond, Xu's father quickly pulled her behind her back, signaling her to get up and say hello.

It was only then that Xu Man came to his senses and stood up. The honorific title was still a more intimate title. After rolling in his throat for a long time, he didn't know how to call it.

She remembered Gu Xishen's warning when she was at school last time. Now that her father is by the side, if she is called the second son, it will probably arouse her father's suspicion. The last time the project was terminated was because she offended Gu Xishen...

The marriage contract between her and Gu Xishen is the whole confidence of their Xu family standing in the Gu family.

Gu Xishen didn't look at her, but said "Yes" to Father Xu, and then went straight upstairs.

Seeing Gu Xishen disappear at the corner of the stairs, Xu's father looked at Xu Man with hatred: "Stupid? The fiancé doesn't even know how to call him!"

Xu Man was even a little panicked: "I...I am..."

Father Xu didn't care about her, he was just thinking about the purpose of Second Young Master Gu's letting them come to Gu's house this time.

Xu's father even wondered if Xu Man was old enough to discuss engagement matters...

Father Xu's little calculation was well done, and he didn't notice the strangeness of Xu Man around him at all.

Xu Man can be regarded as self-aware, knowing that Gu Xishen has no feelings for her at all, and even after the incident with Yu Xingchen last time, she hated her extremely.

How is it possible to get engaged!It's almost time to retire!
Do not!
Must not divorce!
If Gu Xishen voluntarily divorced her, she would be completely finished after her father knew the reason!
At this time, another person walked in the door, "Manman."

Xu Man looked up and found that it was Gu Rao who walked in.

A glint of hope flashed in her eyes, and she hurried over, "Sister Gu Rao!"

Gu Ruo: "Uncle Xu is here too." She looked at the anxious Xu Man, "What happened?"

With Xu's father here, Xu Man couldn't speak, so he could only hold Gu Rao's arm and signal Gu Rao with his eyes.

Gu Ruo was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, and said to Xu's father calmly: "Uncle Xu, my father is playing golf in the back garden, and he is worried that he has no company. I will ask the servant to take you there."

Father Xu: "It's troublesome."

Gu Ruo laughed, "No way."

After sending Xu's father away, Gu Rao asked Xu Man, "What's the matter?"

Gu Rao came and gave Xu Man a little confidence.

Only then did Xu Man panic and say to Gu Yao: "This time, the Second Young Master asked us to come. I think it is very likely that Mr. Gu will call off the engagement."

Xu Man was on the same front as her.

When Xu Man was chosen as a pawn, she felt that she was obedient and Xu's family background was not very big, so it was easy to handle.

It's much better than the daughter of the Yu family that Gu Xishen knew before.

If the two of them were really together back then, relying on the Yu family's status and financial resources in Shanghai, it would definitely be an extra help for Gu Xishen.

Bad for her.

That's why she tried so hard to stir up the two to turn against each other. As long as Xu Man can marry Gu Xishen, is she afraid that Gu Xishen will be able to cover the sky with one hand in the Gu family?

Hearing that it was for the purpose of retiring the engagement, even Gu Rao couldn't help raising his voice in surprise, "Retiring the engagement? Why retiring the engagement?"

Xu Man quickly motioned Gu Rao to keep his voice down, and tugged on Gu Rao's arm, "Let's go upstairs and talk about it."

Here Gu Xishen went to find Gu Zheng.

Ever since he had a falling out with his father and sister after he seized power last time, Gu Xishen seldom went back home, and usually came back to visit his mother or grandpa.

Gu Zheng is almost eighty years old, and his body is not as good as before, especially after the stroke. Even after treatment, he can get out of bed and talk, but his spirit is still not very good every day.

Especially in these years, the power has been left behind, and it is not only the Gu family who are trying to carve up the group, but also some shareholders who have been eyeing it in the early years.

If it wasn't for Gu Xishen's actions, then Gu's business empire should have changed its surname.

Gu Xishen told Gu Zheng the purpose of coming back today.

Gu Zheng only glanced at him, saw that he was still calm, and asked him, "Can't you solve this small matter by yourself?"

Gu Zheng was actually ambivalent about this grandson, because of Gu Yang's relationship, he and Gu Xishen were not close.

Gu Yang was not a legitimate son born in the main family, and had been raised outside earlier.

It wasn't until later that Gu Yang had some kind of shit luck, and Gu Xishen's mother fell in love with him.

Gu Xishen's mother's family background is also a well-known wealthy family in Yunjiang City.

To put it bluntly, Gu Yang just called the rich woman by his side, and let the rich woman give birth to a child, and was welcomed into the Gu family in a fair manner.

The relationship in this kind of big family is very complicated, the relationship between Gu Zheng and Gu Yang is not very good, and they are not even close to Gu Xishen.

It was only because of Gu Xishen's amazing talent and intelligence later on that Gu Zheng noticed him among the many juniors of the Gu family.

At that time, Gu Xishen, who was still young, already understood that the attention paid to him by the dignified Patriarch of the Gu family was definitely not based on the so-called family affection.

For so many years, he only respected Gu Zheng.

Gu Yang and Gu Rao tried to control Gu Zheng after he suffered a stroke, and one of the methods was to persuade Gu Zheng to help him get engaged with Xu Man.

It was related to Yu Xingchen, and this was what really touched his Ni Lin.

Gu Xishen used thunderous means to get rid of some people who tried to take advantage of Gu Zheng's stroke, and quickly gained power. Only then did he completely gain a foothold in the Gu family and became the person behind the scenes of Gu's enterprise that really had the right to speak.

But on the surface, Gu Xishen still respects Gu Zheng very much. After all, he has spent most of his life ups and downs in the shopping malls. , Can there be something outsiders don't know that is enough to base yourself on?

Gu Xishen was not rude to the old Patriarch because of his power. He still kept his usual flat tone with honorifics: "You are the head of the Gu family. It's better for you to come forward and talk about this kind of thing."

However, Gu Zheng took Gu Xishen's words as a polite way, and he was still writing his calligraphy on the desk, obviously not wanting to come forward: "Let your father talk, he is also the person in charge."

Gu Xishen: "The marriage contract you made will naturally be resolved by you."

Gu Zheng put the brush on the rice paper with a snap, and the ink blotched out immediately, and the words just written were immediately ruined.

Gu Zheng looked at Gu Xishen, his muddy but still sharp eyes fixed on Gu Xishen's face like a falcon.

Gu Xishen remained calm, his expression still indifferent.

Even if the politicians from the central government came, they would not dare to use this attitude towards the head of the Gu family, who is so wealthy.

If someone else faced Gu Zheng who had been in power for decades, even if Gu Zheng didn't say anything, he would probably be so frightened by the aura of his superior for many years that he couldn't speak clearly.

But Gu Xishen didn't move, and even had the guts to threaten Gu Zheng, "If I marry that woman downstairs, how much of the Gu family shares in my hand will be scrapped?"

The corners of Gu Zheng's drooping lips twitched due to aging, and he talked to his own grandson: "I helped you solve this matter, what benefits can you give me?"

Gu Xishen: "You helped me make an appointment, and you can help me solve it. It was you who caused the incident. What benefits do you want? Shall I let that woman be your companion?"
This chapter is four thousand words! !

Do not believe it can be counted! !

I am not lazy! !
I can not! !

(End of this chapter)

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