e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 196 resolves the marriage contract with Xu Man

Chapter 196 (4 words) resolves the marriage contract with Xu Man
Gu Zheng snorted and didn't care much about Gu Xishen's retort.

He put his hands on his knees, raised his chin slightly, "Push me out."

Over there, after Xu Man and Gu Rao talked about the matter, Gu Rao almost lost his composure and stood up from the stool directly, "You said he is still involved with that Miss Yu's family?"

Xu Man: "Yes, yes... But Yu Xingchen doesn't seem to like Ah Shen very much."

Gu Rao breathed a sigh of relief: "That's fine, as long as the two of them don't continue to mix together."

But during the conversation just now, the meaning revealed by Xu Man's words was that Gu Xishen still didn't care much about her.

This engagement has been going on for several years, and there has been no progress at all.

Gu Rao couldn't help but hate iron for being weak: "If you have nothing to do, go to his side more often, then no matter how cold and hard a man is, he will turn into soft fingers!"

Xu Man was also wronged, as if she had never looked for a chance.

She wanted to, but what Gu Xishen said last time really scared her.

If she still has the guts to join him, then next time, instead of letting the project be terminated, Xu will go bankrupt directly!
Today's conversation made Gu Rao think about Xu Man again.

If Xu Man alone couldn't tie Gu Xishen, then he had to replace him.

There are so many rich and wealthy ladies in Yunjiang City, it is hard to believe that none of them can't hold Gu Xishen down.

A sternness flashed in Gu Rao's eyes, if Gu Xishen really wants to divorce when she comes back this time, then don't force her to use ruthless tricks.

After Gu Xishen pushed Gu Zheng downstairs, Gu Zheng left the Xu family to eat.

After the meal, we officially entered the topic.

Gu Zheng: "According to the calculation, Xu Man and Xishen have been engaged for many years."

A look of joy flashed in Xu's father's eyes, and he quickly answered: "Yes, yes, now that Manman has grown up, and the second son has started to take care of the family business, the more they look at it, the more they are right."

In fact, the underlying meaning of these words is to let the matter of the two of them come to an end quickly, and simply get married directly, and it would be best to save even the engagement process.

Even Gu Xishen's father, Gu Yang, said: "A beautiful woman is a good match, why don't you discuss a time and book the marriage."

It was rare for Gu Yang to praise Gu Xishen once in his lifetime.

Ever since Gu Xishen seized power and half-emptied Gu Yang, the father-son relationship between the two reached a freezing point.

Gu Zheng felt drowsy after dinner, and originally wanted to tell the story directly and go upstairs to rest, but it was very interesting to see the divergence between father and son.

So Gu Zheng glanced at Gu Xishen, and then slowly said to Gu Yang: "Actually, Ah Shen asked me to talk about retiring the engagement today."

The smile on Xu's father's face froze in an instant, and his expression changed so quickly that a funny and embarrassing look appeared on his entire face.

Father Xu panicked all of a sudden, and stood up from the sofa, "This, this..."

Gu Zheng waved his hand and signaled Xu's father to sit down and talk in detail: "It's true that it's not fun to marry with your fingertips these days. Young people's marriages should be decided by themselves."

Gu Zheng asked his servant to come over and push the wheelchair, "Not many people knew about it when we got engaged, so I just let you know today, let's forget about this marriage, Xishen, remember to compensate Uncle Xu afterwards, at least it will delay I have spent so many years of my daughter's youth."

Gu Zheng didn't ask him to directly compensate Xu Man, but Xu's father, probably because he wanted Gu's group to help Xu.

Gu Xishen only responded lightly, "Understood."

But knowing it doesn't mean you have to do it.

Seeing that the servant pushed Gu Zheng away, Father Xu quickly wanted to go up and chase him, "Master Gu, we can discuss this matter again, I..."

The housekeeper stopped Father Xu directly, and smiled at him, "My family is mainly resting."

The development of the matter was like a slap in the face, which directly slapped Xu's father in a daze.

Shouldn't they be called to the Gu family to discuss the engagement? !
Why is the divorce!
He couldn't care less about Gu's compensation!

As long as Xu Man can marry into the Gu family, most of the Gu family will belong to them!
What a small compensation!
Gu Zheng left, and the obvious person in charge was Gu Yang.

He was obviously dissatisfied with the divorce, but he didn't dare to disobey Gu Zheng, so he could only look gloomy. After Gu Zheng left, he became furious, "What are you doing?! Now that you have divorced, what will you do with the reputation of a girl?" ?!"

However, Gu Xishen looked at the message from Yu Xingchen: 【When will you be back? 】

He replied, [Before dinner, I'll bring you something delicious, good boy. 】

After answering, Gu Xishen said to Gu Yang unhurriedly: "What qualifications do you have to speak?"

Gu Yang choked suddenly, and after realizing what Gu Xishen said, he slapped the coffee table with a bang, shaking even the tea set on the table, "It's the other way around! Do you have the guts to say it again?!"

Whether it was once or countless times, Gu Xishen always had the courage to say it.

It's just that he was too lazy to waste time with Gu Yang on things like "say it again".

He slowly raised his eyelids, his expression could be said to be relaxed, and looked directly at Gu Yang, "There are outsiders here, I don't want to make you so embarrassed, grandpa has spoken, even if this marriage contract is resolved in this way, you take your time." Chat, I'm leaving first."

Gu Xishen left as soon as he said that, completely ignoring Gu Yang, who was almost so angry that he almost killed him.

Gu Rao hurried over to comfort Gu Yang.

Gu Yang gasped and pointed at Gu Xishen's back, angrily said: "If you walk out of this door today! Don't look back at home!"

Gu Xishen's footsteps really stopped, and he turned to look at Gu Yang.

He was supported by Gu Yuan, as if their father and daughter were a family, and he was just an outsider.

Gu Xishen was very puzzled when he was very young, why Gu Yang only liked Gu Rao because he was also born to the same mother.

Later, Gu Xishen was relieved, sometimes family affection is not that important.

After gaining power, what Gu Rao and Gu Yang couldn't get by all means, he, Gu Xishen, could get others to give it to him with a wave of his hand.

Gu Xishen's standing figure was particularly slender and tall because of the backlight, like a stretched string, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

He straightened his cuffs, and said to Gu Yang in a very rude manner: "How old are you in the Gu family? Letting you sit in the position is just a seniority cutscene, are you really planning to use chicken feathers as an arrow? Stop, Letting you live in the Gu family's old house for the rest of my life is my gift of fertility to you in return."

What's even more ironic is that the old butler, who was single-handedly promoted by Gu Zheng, saluted respectfully when Gu Xishen went out, "Second Young Master often comes back."

Completely ignored Gu Yang's words.

After Gu Zheng left, Gu Xishen, not Gu Yang, was the real master of the house.

Just like what Gu Xishen said, "How old are you in the Gu family?"

Seeing the old housekeeper's respectful attitude towards Gu Xi, Gu Rao almost gritted his silver teeth, but he still had to pretend to be a caring padded jacket to give Gu Yang Shun, "Father, don't be angry, you know, my brother is this temper."

Gu Yang's chest heaved up and down, his mouth trembled, "It's the wrong way... It's the wrong way..."

Gu Xishen brought Yu Xingchen her favorite beef rice for takeout, and bought a lot of snacks.

Because Gu Xishen said to bring her something delicious, her teammates asked her to have dinner, and Yu Xing sank there, just waiting for Gu Xishen.

Qiao Yinan and the others finally outperformed the youth trainees once, ate a dinner that was not leftovers, patted their distended stomachs, and returned to the training room contentedly.

Then they saw Yu Xingchen nibbling chicken feet with one hand and eating beef rice with the other, and there was a TV series on the computer that was usually used for live broadcasting.

Very moist, eat while watching.

Gu Xishen was still wearing gloves, helping Yu Xingchen remove the meat from the skewers so that Yu Xingchen could eat it.

Three teammates: "..."

Oh shit!They asked why Yushen didn't go to the cafeteria with them tonight!
It turned out that someone was giving her a small stove!

In an instant, I felt that I had gone through a lot of hard work today to outperform the youth training students. The chicken legs snatched by the kid are no longer fragrant!
Qi Ya also came to see Xianchen tonight.

Qi Ya still had a conscience, she didn't go straight to Xianchen, she came directly to her.

The team members of hers were already familiar with her friend, the local tyrant Yujie, so Qi Ya just said hello and came in.

Yu Xingchen also distributed the snacks that Gu Xishen bought to Qi Ya, and pulled an unused gaming chair over for Qi Ya to sit on.

The two chatted and ate melon seeds.

While eating melon seeds, Qi Ya glanced at Gu Xishen from the corner of her eye.

The location of the entire training room is like this. One entire wall is floor-to-ceiling glass, and the lighting is very good.

But nocturnal Internet-addicted teenagers don't need light, and are usually blocked by blinds.

Have you ever seen a vampire like light?

The five of them sat in a row on the other side of the side. Even if it was a useless computer, the configuration was very good.

There is a large Dripping Avalokitesvara plant growing well in the corner, and on the other wall are some hand-made and plush dolls given by fans.

No matter the decoration or the display of small objects, they are very comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

The PR Kings team is the face of the entire club, and they are the ones that attract the most money and fans, so the training room is the best in the entire PR club.

Gu Xishen's seat was separated from Yu Xingchen's by a high bow, and he was playing games with his head down.

Qi Ya whispered to Yu Xing in a low voice: "Why do you feel that the atmosphere between you and the scumbag has improved a lot?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."


The scumbag heard this and wanted to hit someone.

Although I explained to Qi Ya that Gu Xishen didn't love her back then, everything was just a misunderstanding.

But Qi Ya has been calling him a scumbag for more than half a year, and he still can't change his name for a while.

Yu Xingchen answered her vaguely: "Ah...the teammates are here, so we can't get too stiff."

In fact, she was thinking, why not tell Qi Ya and Mu Yanyan about her and Gu Xishen's friendship first...

But what Qi Ya said next completely dispelled her idea.

Qi Ya: "Hey, I thought you had something to do with him. Don't forget that you swore back then that you would never have anything to do with him again even if you died."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

So, it turns out that the flag really can't be set up randomly.

Look, retribution is coming.

While chatting, Yu Xing and Shen Sheng were afraid that Qi Ya would pick up some of her black history flags again, so he quickly changed the subject, "Didn't you say to see Xianchen, let me take you there, sister, I am very touched, first The time is to come and see me, not the beautiful boy."

Qi Ya looked at Yu Xing and said leisurely, "That's because I can't find which door Xianchen is at."

The unspoken meaning is that if she can find out what is going on with Yu Xingchen?
"..." Yu Xing said Shen Sheng Wuke: "This is not the first time I have doubted the plastic sisterhood between us."

Qi Ya smiled and walked out of the training room holding Yu Xingchen's arm, "Just kidding, it's not important for a beautiful boy to have sisters."

Yu Xingchen didn't know what tricks this old bastard Qi Ya used, and he obviously felt that Xianchen was getting closer to Qi Ya.

Obviously, she is the one who is training under the same roof now!
Yu Xingchen led Qi Ya to the training room where Xianchen was.

The conditions of the training room for the youth trainees are not as good as those for the full-time players, but it is still not bad, but there are more people.

There are [-] children in a room, and there is a separate place. The wall next to the corridor is made of toughened glass, and the entire wall is covered.

So they had to face the coach and Ji Mao who made surprise inspections from time to time, and they were clearly seen through the glass, and they didn't dare to be lazy at all.

When Yu Xingchen led Qi Ya into the training room, there was a slight commotion in the training room.

It was as if the teacher suddenly walked in in the classroom, and the students hurriedly packed up their novel books and mobile phones.

Yu Xingchen doesn't care about them, the ultimate goal of the youth training camp is only one, and that is to get the PR contract, so those who want to work hard during this period will naturally work hard, and there is no need for her to say more.

Yu Xingchen pointed to a boy in the second row with his head bowed, "Hey, your beautiful boy, you can talk, I won't bother you."

After Qi Ya and Yu Xingchen waved goodbye, Qi Ya walked in.

With his back to her, Xianchen was still playing ranked with his earphones on. He controlled Liu Bang and his teammates to play a team together. It just so happened that this was the last wave of the team. After the game was over, the shooter quickly pushed the crystal.

At the final settlement, Xianchen was the MVP and gold medal support.

Good Ji You is a professional player, and Qi Ya often plays with him, and she knows a little bit, so she praised, "It's pretty good."

Hearing Qi Ya's voice, Xianchen took off his earphones and raised his head, "Sister Qi Ya."

Actually, Qi Ya didn't have anything to talk about with Xianchen, she came here just to see how Xianchen was doing here, and whether it was worth her effort to get her out of MN, and left after reading.

But Xianchen put down his phone and stood up, "Let's go outside and talk."

Qi Ya: "Can you go out? If you can, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

The tone was the same as always, as if coaxing a child.

Xianchen didn't know why his mouth was a little bit bitter, but Qi Ya was usually busy, so it was rare to come to him once, and he couldn't refuse this opportunity, "I can go out, sister Qi Ya, wait a while, I will ask the coach for leave."

The two walked out in the sight of everyone gossiping in the training room.

After the two disappeared behind the glass wall, whispers started in the training room.

"Is this the rich woman who keeps Xianchen uploaded on the Internet?"

"Bah, bah, what's the matter, you only have internet access in your village? It's been clarified a long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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