e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 197 Spew out the career ideals of Yu Shen, who intends to inherit the family property of th

Chapter 197 (4 words) Spewed out the career ideals of Yu Shen, who planned to go home and inherit the family property
"I'd rather believe it than believe it. I don't believe Xianchen can be friends with people of that class."

"Don't gossip all day long, look at your results in yesterday's training match before talking about others, at least they are still among the best in terms of overall score."

"He is a player from a serious team. If he doesn't rank among the best, he will be sorry for his status as the city-level champion."

"When the two-month training period ends and the assessment begins, Xianchen will probably be stable..."

When Xianchen and the coach asked for leave, the coach asked casually, "Is that your girlfriend outside?"

This coach is not Xia Tian, ​​but a new coach hired to manage the youth trainees.

When Xianchen was asked, his face turned red strangely. He coughed, and said a little too embarrassedly: "It's a friend. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's go out to have a meal. Please treat me for three hours."

The coach is not much older than this group of youth trainees, and understands their exhausted excuses for asking for leave.

So the coach snorted: "I understand, I understand, it's done, I'm afraid three hours is not enough, I'll give you a night off."

Xianchen: "..."

After marking Xianchen's vacation in the notebook, the coach was filled with the comfort of having done a good person and good deed. He covered the notebook, put the ballpoint pen in his breast pocket, patted Xianchen on the shoulder and walked out, leaving a sentence, "" Young people, who haven't had a puppy love yet, have a good night."

Xianchen: "..."

Puppy love with a hammer!
Happy fart!

Although she was forced to invite her all night for no reason, Xianchen really didn't want to spend the night outside.

Aggrieved, he walked to the parking lot of the training base, followed Qi Ya into the car, saw Qi Ya skillfully put on her seat belt and inserted the key, Xianchen said suddenly: "I passed the driver's license test the year before last, let me drive."

Qi Ya smiled: "You can't drive until you're eighteen."

Xian Chen pursed her lips, "It's full, it was full a few days ago."

Qi Ya asked in surprise, "Why didn't you notify me of the birthday?"

Xianchen: "It's been too long, I don't have the habit of celebrating birthdays."

Qi Ya thought of Xianchen's oppressed life in the past, and sighed: "You can live it in the future, and you must invite me for your birthday next year."

Xianchen: "Definitely."

Qi Ya was also not afraid that Xianchen hadn't touched the steering wheel seriously, so she was quite bold, and let him do it if she asked him to: "If you want to drive, you can do it."

She decisively changed seats with Xianchen and took the co-pilot, "You drive to whichever restaurant you want to eat."

Xianchen stepped on the accelerator, drove away from the parking lot of the training base, and said to Qi Ya: "Sister Qi Ya, I will give you the money for taking me to dinner last time."

Qi Ya has forgotten which time it was, and to be honest, she didn't care about such a meal or two, so she said: "It's okay, Wei..." Letters are also fine.

WeChat can't!
So Qi Ya's remaining words were abruptly swallowed by her, and she changed the words, "It's a... trivial matter, just please come back today."

Please come back for a meal and give money directly on WeChat, which are two different things.

How cheesy to give money!How hurtful!Treating a meal can also connect feelings.

Next time Qi Ya invites her back, and Xian Chen replies, then she will be able to entangle with the beautiful boy forever.

Hee hee hee she is such a chicken juice girl.

Xianchen didn't notice anything strange about Qi Ya, "Okay."

Qi Ya: "Oh, that's right...don't call me Qi Ya, sister Qi Ya, just call me Qi Ya, or just call me Ya Ya just like Xing Shen."

Xianchen was still a little hard to say, but she decisively chose the latter address, the two words rolled on the tip of her tongue, and she still choked it out, "Ya Ya."

The young man's voice already had the outline of a man, and the two words wafted to Qi Ya's ears as clear as the night wind tonight.

Qi Ya was puzzled because of the word "Ya Ya", and got shot with an arrow.

Woooooo what kind of beautiful boy did I pick up!The face is beautiful and the voice is also beautiful!
Obviously, the word "Ya Ya" was called to death by her relatives and friends, why did it sound so comfortable and sweet from Xianchen's mouth.

Probably due to male innate skills, Xianchen drove quite steadily for the first time on the road, at least more stable than Qi Ya, a female driver who has been driving for several years.

Xianchen drove to a very famous but expensive western restaurant nearby.

Qi Ya has also been to this restaurant, and knowing the prices inside, if the two of them had a serious meal, it would cost at least seven or eight thousand.

Before Xianchen drove the car into the parking lot, Qi Ya said to him: "Home-cooked food is fine, there is no need for it to be so expensive."

With a conscience of heaven and earth, under the influence of a superior family background, Qi Yake never said the words "it doesn't need to be so expensive".

She strives to be the best and the most expensive no matter it is eating, drinking and having fun.

Unexpectedly, Xianchen was at an age when he was particularly macho and face-saving, and Qi Ya's words, which she thought she was thinking of for him, accidentally poked the fragile heart of the innocent boy.

Xianchen pursed her lips, with a boyish stubbornness, "I have money."

Qi Ya just remembered that last time the MN club returned most of the money it swallowed to Xianchen, and now it is considered a small local tyrant.

Qi Ya smiled, and let Xianchen make the decision, "All right, treat yourself, and listen to you."

After Xianchen stopped the car, she came over to help her open the door in a rather gentlemanly manner.

After Qi Ya said thank you, she got out of the car, but her high heels got stuck in the gap on the ground, causing Qi Ya not to stabilize her body when she stood up, and almost fell down.

Simply Xianchen stood in front of Qi Ya, holding her with one hand and supporting her waist with the other, letting Qi Ya fall into his arms, avoiding falling into the mud.

Qi Ya was terrified, "Sun, I want to complain about this parking lot, and I won't fix such a big crack!"

Xianchen's voice rang above her head, "Be careful when getting out of the car, not every time someone will help you."

Only then did Qi Ya remember that she was still in the arms of the beautiful boy, and quickly stood up straight, "Thank you."

Xianchen: "It's okay."

He gently rubbed his fingertips.

Sister Qi Ya's waist is really thin...

Qi Ya specially walked in front to prevent Xianchen from seeing her blushing cheeks, and at the same time scolded her mother in her heart, what the hell does a beautiful boy eat...

No matter how she wears high heels, she is shorter than the beautiful boy!
And is the male hormone in him worthy of the title of beautiful boy? !


Xianchen said that he was rich, Qi Ya didn't want to put on a show to save him money, so she ordered a few favorite dishes from the menu, and recommended them to Xianchen, saying: "I remember the last time I came to this restaurant to eat This milk corn soup tastes very good, I don’t know if you can get used to it.”

With the mentality of "anything Qi Ya recommends is delicious", Xianchen said, "Okay, I'll have a portion too."

Qi Ya is used to Western food, so the etiquette and meals are particularly pleasing to the eye.

Unlike Yu Xingchen and Mu Yanyan, who are cute and girly, Qi Ya is more suitable for that kind of elegant and dark tone.

She is wearing a dark brown skirt today and high heels of the same color on her feet. Just looking at it like this, she has the charm of an oil painting beauty.

She has been handling family affairs for almost a year, and the calmness and elegance of a young superior who has been honed in the group is particularly attractive.

Xianchen looked at the sauce that accidentally got on the corner of Qi Ya's mouth, and suddenly stretched out his hand to wipe it with the pulp of his finger as if obsessed.

With such a touch, both of them were stunned.

Especially Qi Ya, when she was about to wipe her mouth with a napkin, she paused, and the look she gave Xianchen for a moment could be described as horror.

Suo Xing Xianchen was calm enough, and after only a second of ignorance, it seemed as if nothing had happened: "Virgo, I can't hold back all of a sudden."

This explanation is quite reasonable, Qi Ya coughed in embarrassment and didn't think much about it.

But because of Xianchen's action, the dinner became inexplicably awkward.

Qi Ya even looked at the roses on the table with a hint of intimacy.

Qi Ya couldn't stand the atmosphere, so she took the initiative to find a topic to talk about, "How does it feel to be in PR?"

Xianchen said: "Everyone around is very nice, and God Yu takes good care of me."

Qi Ya has heard from others many times that they called Yu Xingchen "Yu Shen Yu Shen".

She really couldn't think of the little sister who wore crotch pants together when she was a child as the e-sports idol who is now sought after by young people, so she laughed out loud, "Why do you call her Yu Shen?"

Xianchen explained to Qi Ya: "This is the name for these players in the circle. It can be understood that this circle is creating gods. There are not many gods in the domestic e-sports circle. For example, Yu God Gu God Sigh God Kalends God A few of them are the most famous group in the circle, and this title is an affirmation of their strength."

Qi Ya: "You probably don't know that Xingchen actually doesn't have any gaming talent at all, and he was still a rookie two or three years ago."

"..." Xianchen was stunned by the sudden melon, "No way?"

Two or three years ago, even he could reach the level of glory.

"All her talent for games was probably inspired by her ex-boyfriend. I think her ex-boyfriend is not good at anything, but his bad tongue is good. He directly plans to enter the family business to inherit the family property, and he will live in a mess all his life. Yu Xingshen spewed out his career ideals."

While talking, Qi Ya couldn't help laughing, took a sip of red wine, "I don't dare to say anything else, but I know the secrets of Yushen the most. Guess who her ex-boyfriend is?"

Xianchen always thinks that Qi Ya is so mysterious, she should be an extraordinary person: "Who?"

Qi Ya motioned Xianchen to lean forward, and said a name in a very low voice.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Xianchen almost choked to death on his own saliva.

I had expected this kind of reaction from Xianchen, but Qi Ya, the culprit, was still looking at Xianchen and smiling, "Are you surprised or surprised?"

Xianchen: "Surprise, surprise..."

And a little excitement.

Yu Shen is also a ruthless person, and no one can tell that he is still in a daze when he gets along with his ex-boyfriend day and night.

They finally finished their meal, and it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when the two of them came out. The night breeze was blowing, and the whole of Shanghai turned into a neon city that never sleeps.

Qi Ya was a little lazy after eating, and said to Xianchen: "Go and drive the car over here, I'm too lazy to leave."

Xianchen replied "Hello".

As a result, when he drove the car over, Qi Ya was blocked by three gangsters.

Her face was full of irritability, "Go away, don't mess with my old lady."

One of the gangsters with red hair had a wretched smile on his face, and his hand was about to move, wanting to put it on Qi Ya's shoulder, "The girl is quite hot, and there is a bar next door, brother pays the bill, can you play with brother?"

Qi Ya rolled her eyes, and was about to take off her high heels as a messenger, thinking that the self-defense skills my mother learned all these years were for nothing?
But at this moment, Xianchen was driving the car over, the car door slammed shut and walked straight out, twisting Hongmao's shoulders, and without saying a word, Hongmao fell over his shoulder.

Qi Ya: "..."

Unexpectedly, the beautiful boy looked thin, but his strength was not small.

The villain in Qi Ya's heart was clamoring crazily: Well played!I still want to hit my old lady's idea!I can't kill you!

She instantly gave up the idea of ​​taking off her high heels, and pretended to be a pitiful little white flower on the surface, "Xianchen..."

Hearing Qi Ya's weak and helpless (crossed out) voice, Xianchen couldn't bear it anymore, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and poured something so secretive that he couldn't vent it on Hongmao.

He kicked the red hair aside, and then said, "It's okay, I'm here."

day!This sentence is too sloppy!

The red hair was kicked and lay on the side, howling.

Those two little bastards saw that their red-haired companion was thrown by a delicate and frail (crossed out) little boy, so it's okay?He hurried forward to avenge his companions.

So 3 minutes later, the remaining two punks also went with the red hair, and the three of them lay down in one place, with blue noses and swollen faces, crying for their parents.

Xianchen went to open the door for Qi Ya, "Get in the car first."

Qi Ya suddenly became very kind and worried about the physical condition of these three punks, "Should I call the police and call an ambulance?"

Xianchen: "It's okay, just a skin injury."

He looked up again at the doorman who was scared by the conflict just now and was hiding behind the restaurant door. His eyes were gloomy, and he saw the doorman's feet go weak, and his head shrank back.

Xianchen sneered, "The restaurant should call the police for the conflict at the entrance of the restaurant, we don't care about it."

Who made that kid just stay huddled behind the restaurant door and watch the excitement indifferently.

Afterwards, Xianchen had already driven two miles away, when Qi Ya remembered to ask, "I don't usually see it, but you are very skilled!"

Xianchen didn't seem to care much about his skills, until he was asked by Qi Ya, he was quite embarrassed and said: "I practiced it when I was being chased for debts."

Qi Ya: "..." All right.

Xianchen drove the car back to the training base, he got out of the car and prepared to go back, Qi Ya also got out of the car and sat back in the driver's seat.

Qi Ya waved to him, "Come on, train, I'll go back first."

Xianchen: "Yaya, are you still visiting me?"

Qi Ya thought about her recent schedule, and said casually: "It seems that there is no time, I will be busy for a while..." But she caught a glimpse of the disappointed expression of the beautiful boy because of her words, and immediately changed her mouth: " Definitely come when you are free."
Digression, tomorrow's preview, Gu Shen crawled on the bed, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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