Chapter 198 ([-] words)

Qi Ya waved to him, "Come on, train, I'll go back first."

Xianchen: "Yaya, are you still visiting me?"

Qi Ya thought about her recent schedule, and said casually: "It seems that there is no time, I will be busy for a while..." But she caught a glimpse of the disappointed expression of the beautiful boy because of her words, and immediately changed her mouth: " Definitely come when you are free."

Yu Xingshen saw Qi Ya and Xianchen reluctantly say goodbye from the floor-to-ceiling windows upstairs.

Obviously, they broke up after a meal, and they wanted to make it into a posture of "not seeing each other in a day is like three autumns, and I don't know when we will see each other again".

Yu Xingshen let out a "cut", not knowing whether it was envy or jealousy, "The old woman finally ushered in her first spring, hehehe."

Qiao Yinan looked up: "Yu Shen, you have such a wretched smile."

Yu Xingchen: "Hey, I said, are you looking for smokes?"

Qiao Yinan was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Gu Xishen and howled, "Captain, help! The tigress is going to beat someone!"

Gu Xishen was very dissatisfied with the title "Tigress", especially when Yu Xingchen twisted his fist joints threateningly.

Who is Gu Xishen?
As I said in the last episode, he is a person who can betray his teammates for the object.

So Gu Xishen touched the ground with the toe of his shoe, and with a hard push, the pulleys of the e-sports chair slid to the side with the person and the chair, very sharp.

Gu Xishen shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care, "I can't save you, you can do it yourself."

Qiao Yinan: "..." Ya Butterfly! ! !

Five seconds later, Qiao Yinan's wailing sounded in the training room. Yu Xingchen covered Qiao Yinan with the pillow of the sofa and beat him, "Who is the tigress?!"

Qiao Yinan: "It's wrong, it's wrong... Oh, don't slap your face!"

After beating Qiao Yinan, he will probably live in peace for several days.

It's the end of August, the countdown to the end of this season, the live broadcast time will be supplemented at the end of the month, and the regular season of the KPL autumn season is about to begin.

Everything is concentrated during this time, and the leisurely days of this group of professional players are coming to an end.

At one o'clock in the morning, Yu Xingshen finished the last few hours of August, and immediately felt relaxed, and went back to the dormitory to sleep.

After changing clothes and washing up, Yu Xingshen was laying on the bed with a facial mask on and was browsing Moments. He saw a friend in the circles coming back from country H, and wondered if he could ask if he could help bring some things. The new bag is so beautiful...

Just as he was hesitating, there was a knock on the door, Yu Xingchen pulled his slippers and walked over, looking through the peephole, he found that it was Gu Xishen again.

She rolled her eyes and opened the door, "Hey, why did you knock on my door at this hour several times?"

Gu Xishen: "You haven't kissed me goodnight yet."

Yu Xingchen: " old are you and you still need to kiss this thing goodnight."

Ma Ma hasn't kissed her since she was five years old, and when she was ten years old, she didn't ask anyone to coax her to sleep with a pink panther.

Gu Xishen is quite sincere: "It's fine if you don't let me touch you when I'm in front of people, but you have to give me some benefits when you're queen."

The reason is this reason.

Now the two of them are like an office romance, hiding it from their colleagues and superiors, and going out in batches in the next shift, for fear of being noticed by others.

Yu Xingchen pointed to the deep sea mud mask on his face, "I just put it on, and I will replenish it for you tomorrow morning."

Gu Xishen: "I don't, I want the current one."

Yu Xingchen almost collapsed the mask because of Gu Xishen's "I don't".

This coquettish tone really made her play well every minute...

Mr. Gu, do you always behave like this in front of your subordinates?
Wouldn't it really be detrimental to the majesty?
Yu Xingchen tried her best to keep her face sullen: "I'm wearing a mask, don't make me laugh." She opened the door a little bit, turned sideways, "Then you come in first."

Gu Xishen walked in and sat on the sofa.

Yu Xingchen asked casually, "Has your marriage contract been resolved?"

Gu Xishen: "It's resolved, are you going to continue it for me?"

Yu Xingchen sat next to him with a mask on, "Mr. Gu, it seems that you are not sincere when you ask like this?"

Gu Xishen took the little girl into his arms without any hassle, played with her hand and asked, "What kind of sincerity do you want?"

Yu Xingchen's hands are really beautiful, white, tender and soft, with slender and slender fingers, it looks like the kind of hand that plays the piano, just holding it like this is simply a work of art.

Yu Xingchen took advantage of the situation and found a comfortable position in Gu Xishen's arms, with his head resting on his thigh, his legs resting on the armrest of the sofa, and his calves dangling outside the sofa.

Yu Xingchen: "Women in ancient times like ten miles of red makeup. I think your Gu family doesn't lack this requirement, right? I don't want ten miles of red makeup either. Later, you can bring gifts from two big trucks to my house and propose marriage."

Gu Xishen: "There's no need to look back, it's fine now."

It's almost three o'clock in the morning.

Yu Xingchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't, don't, don't you usually enslave your subordinates like this?"

Gu Xishen: "It's only natural to use money to do things."

In fact, Gu Xishen really has a very loose management of his subordinates, because he has several managers with an annual salary of one million, and Gu Xishen usually doesn't care much about the company's affairs.

Gu Xishen would only come forward when they were uncertain about things.

Usually, he has always believed in the stock-raising principle of "If you don't cause trouble for me, I won't cause trouble for you" for his subordinates.

Just like Special Assistant Li, if things are done well, the red envelope year-end bonus is always willing to be given.

Yu Xingchen didn't know about this, and thought that Gu Xishen, a big boss, was so laid-back because he usually squeezed out his employees, so he was a little worried: "Under tyranny, there must be resistance, do you understand this? You have to be considerate and considerate of you." acridine employees."

Gu Xishen knew right away that Yu Xingchen had misunderstood himself as a tyrant boss.

But this is also very good, Gu Xishen continued, "I don't know how to be considerate, Madam Boss, when can you go to the company to help me appease the employees."

By the way, he secured the name of his boyfriend.

Yu Xingshen said, "No, I don't really want to make it public right now."

She was also afraid that Gu Xishen would not understand, so she grabbed Gu Xishen's hand and put it on her stomach, and said seriously: "There are so many things in the second half of this year, if it is made public, I will have to accept cross-examination from both parents. Single dog teammates are not very friendly, fans and friends are also troubled, but my fans are fine, so just take it off if you are a fan, but your career is still on the rise, and you haven’t finished a season of games to earn points Ranking, when the relationship is exposed, the negative news will come, saying that you are not here to play the game, but to flirt with girls, and if you lose the game, then the fans will probably blame you."

Negative news is a great blow to any public figure, and Yu Xingchen does not want Gu Xishen to bear this burden for her.

Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen talked a lot, and finally paused, and suddenly said with a sad face: "The most important thing is that I still feel a little embarrassed."

She was the one who vowed to break up at the beginning, and she was the one who resisted Gu Xishen's PR and made it known to everyone. She no longer has the death flag of "she will never have anything to do with Gu Xishen again, if she is involved, she is a dog". I know how many people have said it.

If it wasn't for the mask still on her face, she would have buried her face in his abdominal muscles long ago, she was really ashamed.

Gu Xishen: "It's okay, listen to you, the Gu family's circle is too dangerous, wait for me to deal with some people and things, let alone two truckloads of gifts, ten truckloads will be fine, I will bring it to you at the gate of Yu's house Propose marriage."

At that time, if Yu Xing was not formally brought into his circle, someone would have framed him. If those people hadn't been eliminated, then she would be the one who was hurt.

When the time came, Yu Xingshen went to the toilet to wash off the mask, ran back wearing slippers, and said to Gu Xishen, "Okay, come and kiss."

Yu Xingchen said it so proactively and so bluntly, so can Gu Xishen bear it?

Must not!
His throat moved, before Yu Xingchen could take the initiative to lower his head, he grabbed Yu Xingchen and pressed her on the sofa.

Yu Xingchen: "Hey, hey! Good night..." Kiss.

Before she could finish her words, her two lips kissed, and Gu Xishen swallowed her directly.

Yu Xingchen: "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Every time!

Aren't goodnight kisses all the kind that are tasted and stopped!

Why does she always have the illusion of being kissed by a big dog!
Yu Xingchen had just finished applying the mask, and his entire face was as icy and slippery as an egg with its shell removed.

In addition to being easy to use, these expensive things have another feature.

It is fragrant.

The fragrance that Gu Xi couldn't put it down.

Kissing Gu Xishen seemed addicted, and Yu Xingchen was also dazed by the kiss. When her waist suddenly felt cold, she realized that it was Gu Xishen's hand that opened the hem of her clothes and stretched in.

However, he still knew how to restrain himself. He just put his hands on her waist and didn't move around.


This is a bit exciting...

Yu Xingchen blushed, and hurriedly pulled Gu Xishen away, and when he kissed his earlobe, he quickly took the opportunity to say, "Enough is enough, how long do you want to kiss?"

Gu Xishen didn't kiss anymore, and buried half of his face in her neck, panting.

Yu Xingchen could feel Gu Xishen's hot side face pressed against the skin around her neck.

In just a few seconds, the heat spread to Yu Xingchen's body.

He pressed on her body in such a completely relaxed manner, "Can I stay here tonight?"

Yu Xingshen's heart was ringing with alarm bells, "Not good, very bad, get down quickly."

Gu Xishen: "I'm just holding you to sleep, and I promise not to move."

Gu Xishen was really far away. He sat up, hugged Yu Xingchen along the way, and sat face to face on his lap, "Do you have any credibility now? Can I stay?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Gu Xishen was really omnipotent, he rubbed his head against her neck, then raised his head, looking at her with shining eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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