e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 253 Aunt, Are You Sleeping?I am too poor to sleep.

Chapter 253 Aunt, Are You Sleeping?I am too poor to sleep.

"Ah?" Xue Anya said with an innocent face: "In order to run faster, I plan to get a full six-double, and then the opponent will not be able to hit me."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Gu Xishen read the document and listened silently, and finally couldn't hold back the shaking of his shoulders to muffled laughter.

The first game was completely lost, and Yu Xingshen took out the hero he thought would be the best carry and show off in the second game.

Diao Chan.

She is a professional-level substitute mid laner, so there's no way she can't even be a rookie!

Seeing Yu Xingchen playing mid laner, Xue Anya excitedly said, "Then I'll follow you!"

Yu Xingshen hastily said, "Don't, don't! Auntie, you can continue to play shooter!"

Before Yu Xingchen finished speaking, Xue Anya chose Daji in seconds, "That's fine... ah, why can't I change the hero?"

Yu Xingshen: "... Auntie, you are locked. After you are locked, you cannot change heroes."

Xue Anya: "Then Daji is Daji, Daji is also fine."

Yu Xingshen asked cautiously: "Auntie, which way would you choose Daji to go?"

Xue Anya: "I'm here to assist you!"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

At the beginning of the game, Yu Xingchen was walking, and Xue Anya followed.

Yu Xingchen learned his lesson this time, so he checked Xue Anya's equipment first, and saw that she had a small shoe as expected, "Auntie will buy a gem later when she has money, so she can help get the gem."

Xue Anya clicked on the equipment bar: "Gem? What kind of gem? Ruby or sapphire?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

She could only teach Xue Anya how to produce equipment and how to synthesize equipment.

Yu Xingchen originally thought that with the right equipment, a hero like Daji would be easy to use. It really wasn't difficult to operate, so Xue Anya should be able to control it.

But the facts prove that Yu Xingchen is still too young, and there is a limit to a certain level of mastery.

As for vegetable chicken, there is no lower limit.

Xue Anya doesn't even know how to play Daji squatting in the grass, she just stays beside Yu Xingchen, bumps her head when she sees someone, and runs back to seek protection after her head is blown away by Xiao Qiao, "Xingchen, beat her up!" ! She slapped me!"

Yu Xingchen: "...Auntie, I can't touch her right now."

Xue Anya: "Why?"

Yu Xing thought silently: Because she was hit by two waves of soldiers in a row, she was too poor to beat her.

Aunt, are you asleep?I am too poor to sleep.

It's okay for Xue Anya to have a hard head, but she still has a face.

Seeing the dragon on the other side, shouted "There are a lot of people here, I will harass a wave!"

In the end, he was beaten into a skinny by a group of people, and they were dragged to the middle road to ask for help, and Yu Xingchen was buried with him along the way.

Probably because the expression on Yu Xingchen's face was too helpless, Gu Xishen put down the unfinished documents in his hand, and said to the two of them: "I'm done, let's stop after this one, I'll talk to you first. The stars have returned."

Xue Anya was still a little unsatisfied, "Huh? We only fought twice."

Yu Xingchen was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "No, no, I have to go back to practice, and the regular season of the autumn season will start in a few days! The coach said hold on tight!"

What she said was as if she wasn't the lazy person who came to Gu Xishen to avoid training a few hours ago.

Xue Anya: "Okay, okay, tell me when you don't train, I'll still row with you."

Yu Xingchen: "..." Auntie begs you to let the child go, the child is still young.

After playing this game, Yu Xingchen left the company amid Xue Anya's reluctant farewell.

(End of this chapter)

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