e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 254 Xue Anya: "Zhangtou remember to bring me to play games together"

Chapter 254 Xue Anya: "Remember to play games with me later"

Gu Xishen went to the garage to drive, Xue Anya accompanied Yu Xingshen and waited at the entrance of the company.

Xue Anya: "Actually, my son's personality was not like this before."

Yu Xingchen: "Ah? What kind?"

"Let me tell you something about his past." Xue Anya recalled: "In the past, he was taught by a private trainer. Later, when he grew up and had a circle of friends, he was sent to school in high school. At that time, there were bad students in the class picking on him, guess what happened?"

Yu Xing was startled, "How do I guess..."

Xue Anya stretched out her hand and wiped her neck.

Yu Xingchen thought of a certain point, and the hairs on his back stood up, "Kill...Kill???"

Seeing Yu Xingchen's appearance, Xue Anya wanted to laugh, "I'm lying to you, how is it possible in a harmonious society."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Auntie, her little heart can't stand the fright.

Xue Anya: "But it's more uncomfortable than death. Xishen didn't mess with them, and went directly to their parents. Bankrupt bankrupts, unemployed unemployed, even with them, they either transfer or drop out, as you can imagine. Can a 15-year-old child have such scheming and influence?

If it weren't for the turmoil in the Gu family at that time, he would not have accepted the mess of the Gu family. Since he was born, my relationship with his father has not been good. The high-ranking seniors rushed to kill them all, leaving no one behind.

Before the age of 15, I often took him out to play, and wanted to show him the world, because I didn't want to stay in Gu's house and see Gu Yang's stinky face, and I didn't want my youngest son to be brainwashed by him.

But I didn't expect that I failed in relationships and failed in raising children. This kind of life made Xishen feel insecure since he was a child, and he never took the initiative to open up his heart and tell me some of his thoughts. "

Yu Xingshen comforted Xue Anya: "Auntie, it's actually not your fault. Your intention is good, and the turmoil lies in other factors."

Yu Xingchen also couldn't imagine that such a strong person as Gu Xishen was an autistic boy who had no sense of security when he was a child.

Gu Xishen's strong desire to control is probably a psychological shadow left over from his childhood.

Yu Xingshen and Gu Xi were deeply angry because of the fact that her vest was taken off by her, and they had been embarrassing him for so many days.

Gu Xishen probably has no sense of security anymore, and she has to be autistic again.

In fact, it's not a big deal...or let's just forget it...

Xue Anya patted Yu Xingchen's hand: "Good boy, I feel more relieved to have a lovely teammate like you beside Xishen. You can see that his personality is much better now."

Yu Xing felt guilty for a moment, always wondering whether Xue Anya knew something, "Well... our team members have pretty good personalities, so don't worry, auntie."

Xue Anya was a little flustered all of a sudden: "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be at ease with you here!"

Yu Xingchen: "Huh?..."

Xue Anya: "Bah, bah, that's not what I mean, I mean, I'm sure I can rest assured that you are here!"

Gu Xishen's car drove out of the garage, Yu Xingchen said goodbye to Xue Anya, and trotted over.

Xue Anya was still waving with Yu Xingchen: "Remember to play games with me later."

Yu Xingchen almost sprained his ankle.

Before getting into the car, Yu Xingchen still had a stiff smile on his face. As soon as the door was closed, Yu Xingchen immediately said in horror: "Go, go!"

(End of this chapter)

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