Chapter 302

As a good best friend, she can joke about all kinds of flirtatious things at ordinary times.

But when it comes to serious matters, girlfriends still have to play a role.

No. [-] rich woman contestant Mu Yanyan: So the frequency of his rubbing against the bed, you two haven't reached the final step yet?Shouldn't normal men and women be home/base/hit long ago?
More than home/base/hitting, normal men and women probably have their offspring died in the sets more than a dozen times.

Yu Xingchen: ...I don't know why I haven't made it to the last step.

Mu Yanyan, No. [-] rich woman contestant: Gu Xishen can't be so pure that he hugs you every time and sleeps, can't move his hands and feet?

Yu Xingchen: Except for the last step, he ate all the tofu that should be eaten! !
Mu Yanyan suddenly had a frightening and bold thought: Fucking sisters!Don't be your man who doesn't/raise it!

Yu Xingchen: Bah, bah, bah!You don't lift it!He's very good at that!

It's not just good, it's really good, so good that every time Yu Xingchen thinks that his hands are about to peel off and catch fire...

No. [-] rich woman contestant Mu Yanyan: How do you know?have you tried
Yu Xingchen: Then I must have tried and touched, otherwise you thought I would find someone who couldn't be satisfied... Ahhhhhhhh Mu Yanyan, you old bastard! !

The second rich woman contestant Mu Yanyan: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Yu Xing Shen Zai Mu Yanyan's hahaha, who was about to swipe the screen, was almost broken by her.

Mu Yanyan, the No. [-] rich woman contestant: Puchi...Okay, I'll hold back, you continue, I promise not to laugh.

Yu Xingchen: Which dog in front of the screen is laughing, then she will be single all her life!

No. [-] rich woman contestant Qi Yaya: ...

Qi Ya, who was secretly peeping and laughing presumptuously, pressed the corner of her mouth that was about to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, and tried her best to hold back her laughter for the sake of her happy life for the rest of her life.

She is just secretly eating a melon, is it necessary to be so desperate? !
Yu Xingchen's words blew out Qi Ya who was diving.

Yu Xingchen rolled his eyes.

Qi Ya, who has not been bubbling all this time, suddenly said quietly: "Okay, I know that your man's self-control has improved, so let's go."

Mu Yanyan, No. [-] rich woman contestant: Xingchen, the more you talk, the more I suspect that you are tricking the dog into killing him. Where did this trick of showing affection come from?Xingchen, please teach me, and I will try it when I have a partner in my next life.

Yu Xingchen: I was wronged! !

Yu Xingchen: I didn't! !

Yu Xingchen: I really already told him clearly, "It's okay", "I can", "There is no game tomorrow", "You come in", he just said dirty words to fuck / die / me, but once practiced Haven't paid for it...

Yu Xingchen was also tired.

In fact, she really doesn't matter!
Gu Xishen just go ahead boldly!
Don't be shy!

Gu Xishen was able to stop abruptly even though he missed the final touch several times, and ran to the bathroom calmly to let the Five Fingers girl see his children and grandchildren again.

The more times it happened, the more Yu Xingchen always had the illusion that Gu Xishen didn't dare to go up because it was convenient for him to pull out his body and leave in the future.

How dare Gu Xishen slip away? ?

His legs were broken by him!

A man who provokes and doesn't want to be responsible should be shot to death and poured into the bottom of the sea!
After listening to Yu Xingchen's tearful complaints and complaints, Mu Yanyan and Qi Ya summarized the following points for Yu Xingchen.One, is the most likely to happen.

That was the suspicion that Gu Xishen didn't want to take responsibility.

Two, Gu Xishen was inexperienced and dared not go up.
Trying to salvage this chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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