e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 303 Blame me, I was wrong, I can breathe, is there a washboard?

Chapter 303 Blame me, I was wrong, I can breathe, is there a washboard?

After listening to Yu Xingchen's tearful complaints and complaints, Mu Yanyan and Qi Ya summarized the following points for Yu Xingchen.

One, is the most likely to happen.

That was the suspicion that Gu Xishen didn't want to take responsibility.

Two, Gu Xishen was inexperienced and dared not go up.

But this point was quickly rejected by Yu Xingshen.

Why don't you have experience, why don't you dare to go up?
When Yu Xingchen helped him, he would tell her where it was most comfortable to touch and which movement was the best...

This thousand-year-old dirty turtle type of man, you say he is inexperienced and dare not go up? ? ?
If I really didn't dare to take off her clothes every time I got under the quilt, I wouldn't take off her clothes so fast!
Another point was mentioned by Qi Ya inadvertently.

No. [-] rich woman contestant Qi Yaya: Could there be some psychological shadow...

As soon as Qi Ya put forward this conjecture, she immediately received strong support from Mu Yanyan.

Mu Yanyan, No. [-] rich woman contestant: If we agree with the first guess, then Xingshen will probably break Gu Xishen's leg and Shen Haihai... I think what Yaya said is more reliable.


So when Gu Xishen came out of the shower, he saw Yu Xingshen's weird and serious eyes, and looked him up and down.

Finally, he stopped his gaze on a certain key part of him.

Gu Xishen: "..."

Is it his illusion that the sudden coldness in his crotch...

Gu Xishen pretended to be calm and said, "Baby, what are you looking at?"

Yu Xingchen thought of a guess, and suddenly his face was benevolent, exuding a kindly light like the Virgin Mary, and he looked at Gu Xishen with a sigh of pity.

Yu Xingchen: "...it's fine."

Forget it.

What can I do with the man I choose.

Make do with it.

Yu Xingchen's voice that he was fine made Gu Xishen, an old man, start to panic.

If you want to say that men are most afraid of what their wives will say.

It's nothing more than "it's okay", "it's up to you", "I'm fine", "you go to sleep."

Gu Xishen was also accidentally tricked now.

In just a few seconds, he thought about it, from accidentally letting Yu Xingchen die when he was playing ranked during the day, to not adding coriander to the beef rice at night.

Following the clues, Gu Xishen even thought about last week night, when he fell asleep first when he was with Yu Xingshen, and that Yu Xingshen's aunt would come again in 20 days.

Thinking about it this way, there are so many fucking things he didn't do well!
Gu Xishen had a strong desire to survive, and suddenly said solemnly: "Blame me, I was wrong, I can breathe, is there a washboard? If not, I can kneel on the bed sheet and lift durians. I will write you a thousand words tomorrow morning." A word of self-criticism letter, I promise I will not do it again.”

Yu Xingchen: "????"

What is he beeping about?

Yu Xingchen looked at Gu Xishen in a daze, before she had time to reflect on whether she was too harsh on Gu Xishen, she was planning to apologize to Gu Xishen.

In the end, it was Gu Xishen who apologized first? ?

Yu Xingchen: "Why are you holding durians?? Did you do anything to offend me??"

Gu Xishen: "I didn't notice you when I played ranked with you in the afternoon, which made you die once."

When did Yu Xing think deeply? ? ?

Why didn't she pay attention? ? ?
Gu Xishen then added: "The chef forgot to add coriander to the beef rice tonight. I express my deep regret and will definitely deduct the chef's salary."

Yu Xingchen: "??"

How did Gu Xishen remember such small details so clearly? ? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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