e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 320 1 point fatter is better, 1 point fatter feels good to the touch

Chapter 320 A little fatter is better, a little fatter feels better

Yu Xing coughed heavily, and at the corner of the bathroom, facing the bed, posed the sexiest pose, and said softly, "Gu Xi..."


What about people? ? ?

The bed was empty, and the quilt was slightly moved, indicating that Gu Xishen got up again after lying down.

Yu Xingchen went to the living room and called out, "Gu Xishen?"

No one answered.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

Damn, she was so nervous for nothing.

What about people? ? ?

After walking around the apartment, it was freezing and cold, Yu Xing returned to the bed wrapped in a quilt, and called Gu Xishen, "Where did you go?"

Gu Xishen: "Go downstairs and get some snacks, what's the matter baby?"

Yu Xingchen: "No, nothing, come back quickly."

Gu Xishen always thought that Yu Xingchen was a pig who must have food at hand all the time.

In the cabinet in the training room, in the drawer of the bedside table, and on the back seat of the car, there are all kinds of snacks prepared all the time.

Sometimes Yu Xingchen just gets tired of playing games and doesn't want to touch his phone, not really greedy.

But during this period of time, Gu Xishen had given him the problem of not being able to relax his mouth.

Yu Xingshen lowered his head and pinched his belly, feeling that he had gained a lot of weight.

When Gu Xishen was cooking, he saw that there were no snacks in the refrigerator. Yu Xingchen habitually touched the coffee table several times when he was lying on the sofa, but found nothing to eat.

He asked Li Tezhu to send something.

Gu Xishen went back with a big bag of snacks, saw Yu Xing pinching his belly in self-pity, saw him back, raised his head and asked him: "Have I been fattened by you?"

Gu Xishen: "No."

Yu Xingchen: "Really?"

Gu Xishen: "I'm really not fat."

In fact, what he said in his heart is: a little fatter is better, and a little fatter feels better to the touch.

Yu Xingchen: "But I feel like I have flesh on my stomach."

Gu Xishen: "I'll touch it."

Gu Xishen didn't notice it, and even came to the door by himself, putting his hand under the bed.

When his palm touched Yu Xingchen's skin, he realized that Yu Xingchen didn't seem to be wearing anything.

Gu Xishen: "..."

Yu Xing Shen wore it, but the fabric was too little, so she couldn't feel it at all.

Yu Xingchen stretched out one hand under the quilt, propped his head up, his naked/exposed skin was delicate and fair, and it was pink just after getting out of the bath, and he looked at Gu Xishen leisurely.

Gu Xishen wanted to withdraw her hand, but found that Yu Xingchen grabbed her and pressed her firmly on her stomach.

Yu Xingchen: "I've already taken the initiative, you really..." Don't you think so?
Before Yu Xingchen finished speaking, Gu Xishen withdrew his hand abruptly, then wrapped Yu Xingchen with a quilt, and said righteously: "It's already October, the weather is turning cold, and it's easy to catch cold when you sleep without clothes on." , wrap it tightly, where is your nightgown?"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

It wasn't until Gu Xishen wrapped Yu Xingchen into a caterpillar shape that he finally found where her nightgown was.

Yu Xingchen was wrapped in the quilt and couldn't move on the bed, he managed to get his head out of the quilt, then Gu Xishen found the nightgown, and covered Yu Xingchen's face overwhelmingly.

Yu Xing was furious: "Gu Xishen!"

Gu Xishen sat by the bed, looked at Yu Xingchen with tolerance and helplessness: "What exactly do you want?"

Yu Xing glared at Gu Xishen, and said in an upright manner: "Can't you see it? Seduce you!"


(End of this chapter)

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