e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 321 Yu Xingchen Finally Knows Why Gu Xishen Didn't Touch Her

Chapter 321 Yu Xingchen Finally Knows Why Gu Xishen Didn't Touch Her
Gu Xishen: "Don't make trouble, come back on the wedding day."

Yu Xingchen: "I don't care about this. If you don't touch me, do you plan to get out of the way?"

"Don't think about it."

Gu Xishen removed the tightly wrapped quilt for Yu Xingchen, planning to help her get dressed.

Then Gu Xishen saw the underwear that Mu Yanyan bought for her.

The place that should be covered can't be covered, and there is a vague sense of haze.

Gu Xi took a deep breath.

It had to be said that Mu Yanyan had made the right bet.

Gu Xishen really couldn't resist Yu Xing's wearing like this.

Seeing that Gu Xishen's movements stopped, and his eyes vaguely glanced somewhere, Yu Xingchen, who was not restrained by the quilt, became even more unscrupulous, and moved towards Gu Xishen, "I also bought tt to put under the pillow, are you sure?" Don't you want to try?"

The faint scent of jasmine in her breath had already filled his heart.

Gu Xishen's Adam's apple twitched, and in the next second, he wrapped the quilt around Yu Xingchen again, "I think I forgot something, put it on yourself and I'll be right back."

Yu Xingchen: "..."

The moment Gu Xishen closed the bedroom door, he heard Yu Xingchen call him from inside, "Gu Xishen!"

Gu Xi's heart was ruthless, as if he had never heard of it, he walked out of the apartment, and took out the cigarette case outside the corridor, so restless that he even lit the cigarette several times before he lit it.

Yu Xingchen had no idea how attractive she was to him.

Even if he didn't need to make such a move, as long as Yu Xingchen stood in front of him, he couldn't help but rub Yu Xingchen into his arms.

Gu Xishen pushed open the window in the corridor, and he and his excited little brother calmed down together.

By the time Yu Xingshen lost his temper and hurriedly tore the quilt away, Gu Xishen had already run away.

Yu Xing was so angry that he bit the quilt, took out his phone and left a message for Mu Yanyan.

Yu Xingchen: Manually smile.

Yu Xingchen: Are you ready to wash your hair upside down?On which live streaming platform?Tell me I'll take a look?
It was so late that Mu Yanyan must have fallen asleep.

Yu Xing was discouraged, wrapped up the quilt again and lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling.

So what exactly is wrong?

Obviously she could feel that Gu Xishen couldn't restrain himself.

But why didn't Gu Xishen rush forward!

Why not!
Yu Xingchen had a puff of breath in his mouth, bulging from left to right, back and forth several times, mentally irritable.

He felt very different from Gu Xishen who was blowing cold wind in the corridor.

Suddenly something on the bed "ding-ding" sounded twice.

Yu Xingchen stretched out his hand to touch it casually, and came across a cold object.

She took it out and looked, and found that it was Gu Xishen's cell phone, and a note named Jiang Hui left him a message.

Jiang Hui: It's cold, Mrs. Cao probably won't be able to coax her back.

What can't you coax back?

Curious about what they were talking about, Yu Xingchen unlocked Gu Xishen's phone and clicked on it to view the chat content.

Their chat records are all boring and watery topics.

Mostly Jiang Hui sent Gu Xishen some funny things, trying to get Gu Xishen to join him hahaha.

But it was obvious that Gu Xishen didn't want to talk to him very much.

The best way to see whether Gu Xishen was poked into a joke was probably the full stop that he often replied to Jiang Hui, which was thin and speechless.

Yu Xingchen didn't turn over a few pages at all, and then saw the source of the things she had been struggling with all this time.

(End of this chapter)

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