e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 352 Qin Bianche's fans said to Yu Shen, look at me, sister-in-law!I am your sister-in-l

Chapter 352 Qin Bianche's fans said to Yu Shen, look at me, sister-in-law!I am your sister-in-law!

When everyone heard that it was Qin Bianche's younger sister, even though Yu Xing was so wrapped up that his eyes were not exposed, they still said out of conscience: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Sister is so cute!!! Is it Aidou's real sister?!"

"Sister-in-law look at me!! I'm your sister-in-law!!"

Yu Xingchen: "..."

She gritted her teeth, wishing she could beat Qin Bianche violently on the spot, "Just wait, I will take this revenge back sooner or later!"

Qin Bianche smiled ripplingly: "What's the matter, sister?"

Yu Xingchen rolled his eyes in shock, patted Qin Bianche's hand away in disgust, and ran away dragging his luggage, as if he hated this childhood sweetheart who was top in the entertainment industry.

Ji Mao first asked people to check the suitcase to the hotel, and then went to the competition committee to go through the entry procedures.

A series of things have been done, just in time for dinner.

It's just that I was very tired after running around all afternoon, and I didn't want to eat any special food in Yunjiang City, so a few people discussed going back to the hotel to eat.

The competition committee is really generous. The hotels booked for the contestants are all well-known local five-star hotels, and each person has one room, and the accommodation conditions are not too good.

While they were waiting for a taxi just now, Gu Xishen answered the phone, and while talking on the phone, he looked at Qiao Yinan and the others inexplicably.

After Gu Xishen said a few more words, he hung up the phone, put away his phone, and asked them, "Would you like to go for a luxurious meal?"

Lu Bai immediately said, "Go, go! Gu Shen, are you treating me?"

"It's not me." Gu Xishen said in a slow tone, "It's my mother."

Xue Anya's original words were that Gu Xishen was indebted to them for taking care of them (it doesn't matter who takes care of who), this time he came to Yunjiang City, as a big landlord (crossed out) and host, he must not treat them badly of.

So he asked Gu Xishen to bring them here, and Xue Anya invited them to a meal and asked if they would do it.

In fact, Xue Anya's most important thing is not to see those rough men, but her future daughter-in-law who is soft and sticky.

Oops, I haven't seen her for a few months, but I miss her so much.

When everyone heard that Mrs. Gu's chaebol, who often appeared on financial programs and magazines, wanted to invite them to dinner, they couldn't help being excited.

He even hurried back to the training base, changed into a set of clothes that didn't look so sloppy, and just beat his head and feet, why didn't he stuff a high-end suit in the suitcase.

The place where Xue Anya invited them to dinner was the kind that could only be matched with high-end dresses.

If Xue Anya hadn't said hello in advance and reserved the venue, Miss Yingbin would definitely throw them out.

Even though Xue Anya was wearing a long dress that looked so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary, her temperament, appearance, demeanor, and conversation were simply not at the same level as those scruffy Internet addicted teenagers like them.

It seems that they have become first-line players, and they are all people who have seen the world.

But when Xue Anya reached out to shake hands and say hello to them in a friendly way, Qiao Yinan, that good-for-nothing, subconsciously wiped his palms and backs with the hem of his clothes, carefully held Xue Anya's hand, and said, "Hello, hello... "

Even Xue Anya was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook hands with Qiao Yinan: "Don't be so cautious, I'm very easygoing."

Qiao Yinan's actions made Yu Xingshen overjoyed.

They probably never imagined that Xue Anya, a pampered and wealthy wife, not only loves to play games, but is also a big pit.

(End of this chapter)

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