e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 353 You're welcome, this restaurant belongs to my family, order casually

Chapter 353 You're welcome, this restaurant belongs to my family, order casually
Since the last time in Gu Xishen's office, Xue Anya had put Yu Xingshen in a trap. Since then, Xue Anya has invited Yu Xingchen to visit the Canyon of Kings countless times, but Yu Xingchen has been used by Yu Xingchen for training matches/playing matches/ranking, etc. Wait for the reason to prevaricate awkwardly but politely.

Even she and Mu Yanyan Qi Ya have never been so tired playing games.

Xue Anya sat gracefully on her seat, seemingly casually said: "Xingchen, why are you so far away from your aunt, and your aunt doesn't know how to eat people."

Yu Xingchen looked around, only Gu Xishen was sitting next to Xue Anya, and the other three internet addicts didn't dare to sit next to each other.

For fear of infecting Xue Anya with the despondent atmosphere of an internet addicted teenager.

So Yu Xingchen had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit beside Xue Anya.

Sure enough, as soon as she sat down, Xue Anya gave Yu Xingchen a hand, holding Yu Xingchen's hand and not letting go.

Xue Anya: "I also watched your game live broadcast some time ago, and Xingshen really looks good no matter on the screen or in reality."

Yu Xingshen quickly started the business mutual bragging mode: "Where there is nothing, it can't compare to auntie. I saw you appearing on the camera again a while ago, and you are almost like a girl in her 20s in front of the camera."

Sure enough, a sweet mouth is the most flattering.

Xue Anya immediately smiled and her eyes curved into crescents: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth."

Gu Xishen next to him couldn't say a word, and sat silently drinking coffee.

If they didn't know, they would probably think that Yu Xingchen was his own daughter.

Everyone sighed, as expected of being a favorite of the group, he is popular everywhere.

It's just that after Mrs. Xue knows that Tuan Chong has abducted her son, will she still be so intimate.

In fact, Xue Anya already knew about it.

They knew it when they hooked up, and they were the first to know the truth.

The son's day-to-day useless, just when she thought the account was useless, he finally seduced her a daughter-in-law!

This is simply a good thing to go into the ancestral hall to burn incense and worship ancestors!

Xue Anya knew them all.

A wealthy lady of this level not only has no prejudice against their occupations, but also treats them with extra care, just like her own juniors.

Xue Anya waved to the elegantly dressed waiter, asking for a few menus, "I don't know what you all like to eat, so I chose a restaurant that looks okay on my own initiative, and you choose your own dishes. Don't be too polite, think about it. Order what to eat yourself."

Everyone took the menu, saw the name of the dish and the price next to the name of the dish, almost trembling and didn't throw the menu out.

This Xue Anya said "the hotel looks okay", the cheapest thing cost four figures, and it was still a bottle of mineral water.

It is said to be mineral water imported from Japan.

A slice of beef is 3000 yuan!

Even if they never treat their stomachs badly, they have never eaten in such a money grabbing restaurant.

Gu Xi listened to Yu Xingchen chatting with Xue Anya for a long time, and finally finished his last sip of coffee, "You're welcome, this restaurant belongs to my family, order whatever you want."

Everyone: "..."

Is there any more beautiful language in the world than "casual", "not bad money" and "my treat"?

No more!

The words "my family's property" finally brought this group of internet-addicted teenagers who were shocked by the series of zeros back to their senses, and realized that Gu Xishen's family is the richest man in the world!
I usually pay more than that for breakfast!

What are you afraid of!dot dot dot!
 Explode half of it first, there will be more at night
(End of this chapter)

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