Chapter 389 Qiao Yinan Ill

In a wave of grabs, A Li showed the advantage of multiple displacements and kept kiting the opponent Sun Ce, and when he pressed the opponent Sun Ce to half health, A Li suddenly stopped moving.

Sun Ce originally wanted to run, but turned around to see that the situation was wrong, and tentatively swiped a skill to go there.

Ah Li didn't move.

Yu Xingchen was almost dying of anxiety, and hurried forward to use one or three skills indiscriminately, trying to stop Sun Ce, but he didn't have time to look at Qiao Yinan, so he just asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Sun Ce's boat, which was about to escape, turned around 360 degrees and came back. The bow of the boat hit Ah Li on the head, showing off his skills.

Both Yu Xingchen and Qiao Yinan died in the grass on the next road, in less than five seconds.

With question marks all over her face, she said, "What's the matter with you just now??"

Qiao Yinan, who was clamoring for "killing the rower on the other side" half a minute ago, had his facial features twisted together, and his tone was weak as if he had just given birth.

Qiao Yinan: "...I have a stomachache."

"???" Yu Xingchen was a little silly, "Ah?? What's wrong?"

Xia Tian also noticed Qiao Yinan's strangeness, put down the small notebook that recorded the data in his hand, stepped forward and asked nervously: "What's going on?"

Qiao Yinan clutched his stomach, looking really uncomfortable.

He just shook his head, speechless.

Xia Tian immediately asked the referee to terminate the match.

After the referee came to see Qiao Yinan's condition, it was indeed an emergency, and he agreed to terminate the game. He and the staff quickly sent Qiao Yinan to the car, followed by Ji Mao, and rushed to the hospital.

The audience stretched their necks to look at the game seats, and there was an uproar, not knowing what happened.

No one could have imagined that this kind of thing happened in the game. The audience in the live and live broadcast room were stunned, the players were nervous, and the opponent was lucky.

The DX team playing against the PR team: Damn luckily the game was terminated, otherwise it would have lost.

In the live broadcast room, the audience could see Qiao Yinan arrogantly waving into the player's seat, and a few minutes later he was carried out of the player's seat pitifully.

The commentator received the short-term notice and quickly reacted, "Just received the news from the director that Nan of the PR team has temporarily suspended the game due to physical reasons. Let's take a look at an interview with DX coach and talk about their lineup this season. Where is the advantage of cooperation."

Then the entire live broadcast interface instantly switched to the interview column prepared in advance offline.

All of a sudden, the barrage was filled with "????"

[What's wrong with God Nan? ? 】

【Didn't you play well just now? ? ? 】

[What about the game? ? ? 】

After the game ended, they also waited anxiously in the background.

It's not because he's afraid that the game won't go ahead, but because he's worried about Qiao Yinan's physical condition.

Although Yu Xingshen usually dislikes Qiao Yinan the most, he has cooperated with AD for three years anyway.

When this sudden situation happened, she was still the most confused, imagining all kinds of bad situations in her mind.

Ten minutes later, Ji Mao called back, his tone was gnashing his teeth, "It's no big problem, it's just that yesterday's hot pot ruined my stomach."

Everyone: "..."

Damn they have been worried for so long!
I thought it was some kind of acute inflammation that required major surgery, and maybe I would never be able to fight side by side with Qiao Yinan again.

These ten minutes have tortured several teammates enough, and the worst ending has been thought of.

In the end, the fuck did he eat a bad stomach? ? ?

Waste of emotion!

(End of this chapter)

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