e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 390 Pulling Xia Tian Over as a Substitute

Chapter 390 Pulling Xia Tian Over as a Substitute

Yu Xingshen asked Ji Mao on the phone: "Is it serious? Can we still compete?"

Ji Mao: "I'm a little dehydrated, and my whole body is weak. Today's game is dead. Go and adjust the time of the game with the tournament team to see if it works?"

Yu Xingchen hung up the phone, and then went to ask the referee: "Can the game time be adjusted a little?"

Referee: "How do you want to adjust?"

Although Yu Xingchen knew there was nothing to do, he still poked his finger and asked tentatively, "Tomorrow?"

The referee's face was short of the words "stern and selfless".

Even Yu Xingchen could only hold back the urge to agree, and coughed, "No, you have to consider the audience and other factors. The match can only be finished today, or..."

Yu Xingchen had some expectations on his face, "Or what?"

The referee spread his hands: "Either you admit defeat."

Yu Xingchen: "..."


It is indeed impossible to temporarily adjust the game time. After all, nearly a thousand spectators at the scene bought tickets to come in, and some even came from far away from other provinces. The energy and time they put in is absolutely irresistible.

The competition party can only release some prepared small programs and interviews first, and buy them half an hour.

However, in half an hour, let them transfer a substitute from the Shanghai Second Team. Is there any hope?

The answer is no.

So in desperation, the desperate people put their eyes on the coach Xia Tian.

Xia Tian panicked: "I can't! I'm just a coach!"

Yu Xingshen: "Accepted orders in the face of danger, coach, you don't want us to fail miserably without even reaching the gate of the finals."

Yu Xingchen waved his hand, signaling Gao Li and Lu Bai to take Xia Tian to the player's seat, and then said to the referee furiously: "The coach also has a competition certificate? If you have one, you can start the competition referee."

Xia Tian stretched out Erkang's hand, "Ya Butterfly!!"

It is not without reason that Xia Tian is so resistant to participating in the competition as a substitute.

It is entirely because I am a professional e-sports coach, and I have been this profession since I entered the e-sports circle.

Unlike many players who retire to become coaches.

Xia Tian has never sat in the player seat.

His perspective on the game has always been from the player's perspective.

In the coach's game structure, only this player is suitable for the arena, not like Yu Xingchen and others, who consider whether this hero is suitable for the arena.

The coach's operation and even the rank are not the best, but they can make correct judgments at the first time.

When Xia Tian was pushed to Qiao Yinan's position, he was still in a daze.

Not only the coaches, but even the audience and the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

At this time, the screen switched back to the game scene and the live broadcast room.

Commentary A: "The starting shooter Nan of the PR team was unable to participate in the game due to physical reasons. Today's game will be played by coach Xia Tian as a substitute."

Commentator B suppressed a smile and said: "I know that many viewers are worried about Nan's physical condition. The director also asked the PR team manager, and the news he got was that there is no major problem."

Commentator B paused for a moment, and finally couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud, "It's just that the hot pot last night made me sick to my stomach hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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