e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 414 Fishbone CP finally got the official food production

Chapter 414 Fishbone CP finally got the official food production
He smiled: "I saw the official announcement, congratulations."

Gu Xishen: "Thank you."

He only said these two words lightly, and he couldn't tell from the expression and tone that there was any sense of tit-for-tat in it, as if it was just a congratulation to an old friend who had returned.

Both of them were obviously polite, but somehow there was a trace of gunpowder smoke in the air.

Yu Xingchen: "Then let's go to the scene first, Team Lin."

Lin Yuanjin: "Okay."

After turning around, the smile on Yu Xingchen's face subsided, and he sighed silently.

In the final analysis, the highlight of this competition was Gu Xishen and Yu Xingshen.

When the two of them were sitting in the competition seats, the camera shot straight at their faces, and even the audience was taking pictures with their hands outstretched, and the sound of the shutter was endless.

Qiao Yinan approached Yu Xingchen and said, "Shen Yu, you two have become famous. Just now Ji Mao said that the number of people in the live broadcast room has increased by half compared to last time. Many of them came here because of the popular searches."

Yu Xingchen: "...Do you want this kind of fire? I'll give it to you."

Qiao Yinan: "Forget it, it's hard to get in the door, it's too miserable."

After the Qingfeng team on the opposite side took their seats, the lights on the scene dimmed, and all they could see were the countless light boards in the auditorium and the lights of the players' seats.

"Welcome to Yunjiang E-sports Center to watch today's game. Today's game is not only the final of the autumn competition, but also related to who will get the guaranteed tickets for the World Championship."

"As the first World Championship of Glory of Kings, outstanding teams and players from all over the world will gather, so of course only the team that can stand at the end will win the glory of the hall!"

"The strength of the two teams today is very strong, but in terms of the pressure on both sides, I still feel that the pressure on the PR team is a little bit greater. After all, the public opinion a few days ago has a lot of influence on the players. I believe the coach is also there. Before the game, I kept exhorting and brainwashing the players that they must win and must win.”

When the commentary mentioned the word "public opinion", the camera was also very sensible, showing the two protagonists in the center of public opinion.

Seeing that the camera captured him again, Yu Xingshen could only wave hello to the camera with a smile on his face.

This time, Gu Xishen was finally able to blatantly touch Yu Xingchen.

Before Yu Xingchen finished waving his hand, Gu Xishen directly embraced Yu Xingchen and kissed her side face.

Like an oath of sovereignty.

The sound at the scene was quiet for a moment, and then booing and exclamation erupted everywhere, even more enthusiastic than when they won the championship.

Yu Xingchen froze instantly.

The commentator's mouth, which was still beeping, suddenly opened wide.

The Qingfeng team on the opposite side wanted to poke their eyes after seeing this dog abuse scene.

Before the game even started, I felt that my momentum was a bit off.

After the commentator came to his senses, he could only stumble around and said, "This... is very enthusiastic about picking up stars."

Commentary B: "It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very good. There have been so many games in the past, but no one thinks that the two are a couple hahahahaha."

【Why do I feel like Gu Shen has been holding back for a long time...】

【After all, I can finally show off my girlfriend without hiding it...】

[Hey, the envy from a single dog. 】


The fishbone CP who came to the scene bit a handkerchief and cried, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

(End of this chapter)

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