e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 415 The Night of Champions officially begins

Chapter 415 The Night of Champions officially begins

Next to this fishbone CP sister, a young man handed over a tissue, "Are you so excited?"

She knocked on the candy of the real master, took the tissue and blew her nose without thinking, "Yes, the happiness of CP dog is so simple, the wife's food production is only a temporary spiritual food, and the official candy distribution is the lifelong benefit .”

After she finished blowing, she remembered to thank the big brother who handed over the paper.

As a result, she turned her head, and before she could squeeze out a "thank you" from her throat, she exploded on the spot when she saw that the person handing the paper was Lin Yuanjin.

"Ahhhhhhhh Team Lin!!"

Lin Yuanjin's face was engulfed in the dark light, his slender fingers were erected on his lips, and he made a silent movement, "Shhh, don't let anyone find out."

She was so excited that she couldn't help herself, she nodded frantically, "Okay, okay!"

Ahhhhhh today the CP official sent a wedding post, and the fan contestant happened to be sitting next to her and handed her a paper! !
I'm dreaming!
She must be dreaming! !
After the excited fans at the scene calmed down, the commentary continued to brag about the topic just now.

Then the headset of the commentator suddenly received a notification from the backstage, and then excitedly said to the camera: "It seems that today's surprise may not only be the live broadcast of the PR team Nosuke showing their affection, just received the news, Lin Yuanjin, a retired player from the PR team, also came to our game site and is now among the audience seats."

Lin Yuanjin's popularity as a veteran player is also very high, but he hasn't updated his social status for several months after retiring. Fans don't know where he is or what his hand injury is like.

He is probably the only one who can retire to the point where Lin Yuanjin is so clean.

At this moment, when the commentator said that Lin Yuanjin was also on the scene of the game, the audience all probed their brains and were extremely excited.

Even in the barrage is [What's the deal!Turn the camera around! 】

[Deduct the wages of the camera brother! !I want to see Team Lin! ! 】

After the competition team sold out, the camera was handed over to the scene and broadcast to Lin Yuanjin.

Lin Yuanjin also greeted generously.

This picture stayed on the big screen for more than ten seconds.

Fans screamed.

It seems that Lin Yuanjin is just an easter egg to increase the atmosphere, but in fact, the competition team asked Lin Yuanjin whether he would accept an interview, or to say a few words of blessing, but Lin Yuanjin refused on the grounds that "I will favor the PR team".

But enough easter eggs for today.

First, Gu Shenyu showed his affection in public, and then Lin Yuanjin, who had disappeared for several months, showed up. It was indeed the night of champions, and he almost wanted to add chicken legs to the competition group.

The off-site camera switched back to the commentary room again to continue the game commentary.

"However, today's game is a very difficult game for both sides. In terms of single-round hero pools, the variability of tactics is a test for both teams."

"The BO7 match between the two sides, the overall BP, and the night of champions are about to begin."

The game interface enters the BAN hero link.

"In this game, the Qingfeng team will choose the side first, and choose the blue side."

"I saw that the hero Dongfang Yao was chosen here. In fact, this hero has a very high appearance rate this season..."

The earphones cut off the sound of the commentary, Yu Xingchen watched them choose a hero, and said in surprise: "Diao Chan was chosen on the other side?"

Gu Xishen: "After Diao Chan gets blue, he will attack the wild area or harass the sides very frequently, just be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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