e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 416 The first game was brutally abused by the opponent

Chapter 416 The first game was brutally abused by the opponent

The banpick session ended with Yu Xingchen locking onto the Bull Demon.

--Game start.

In fact, the strength of the Qingfeng team is not bad.

As a team from the ancient times of kings, unlike Pinru, which was born to take advantage of the KPL boom, Qingfeng was the favorite to win the championship in the first KPL competition.

If you have to use time to compare, probably when the Qingfeng team is in the KPL, [-]% of the players of the Pinru team are still rolling in the bronze round.

The shooter of the Qingfeng team is a relatively favored C position in the team, with first-class consciousness and skill that cannot be underestimated.

In order to protect Qiao Yinan during the laning match in the first 3 minutes, Yu Xingchen was forced to go home twice due to residual blood. Seeing him gave him a headache.

The middle and upper lanes chose to be conservative because they didn't know the opponent's style of play. After clearing the pawns, the two sides basically didn't dare to step forward to make troubles, so they could only help their own junglers to speed up the speed of clearing the jungle.

Everyone probably wants to wait for the jungler to develop first to break the stalemate on the court.

For a moment, all the heavy responsibility fell on Gu Xishen's Dongfang Yao.

Gu Xishen lived up to expectations and played this hero vividly. In the first wave of team battles, he single-handedly avoided Diao Chan's messy show and countless skills to get triple kills.

But the opponent got four kills.

Apart from Gu Xishen, Pinru's top laner, mid laner, and bottom lane shooter team also died in team battles.

The team battle ended with Gu Xishen passing through the Longkeng wall and saying goodbye to Team Qingfeng.

Even the commentator was surprised by the PR team battle, "Yao made three shots, and after evading Diao Chan's interception, he took the lead in cutting off the shooter of the Qingfeng team. Diao Chan directly turned around and hit the big move with a set of skills Putting Miyamoto on Liu Bang's body, Star accurately used a big move to isolate Pangu, but when he turned his head, he found that Qiao Yinan hadn't kept up with the output, and the PR mid laner also died instantly."

Commentator B twitched his lips, not knowing how to describe the operation of the black iron game: "It's pretty good." Except for Yao, basically no one has output.

Gu Xi returned to the city in the grass with deep blood, and calmly said two words.

"That's it?"

Full of sarcasm.

Of course, it was the four team members who died suddenly.

Yu Xingchen bowed his head first to admit his mistake, "Going too far ahead."

Qiao Yinan: "...I didn't keep up with the rhythm."

Lu Bai played with Miyamoto: "...I put it on Liu Bang."

Gao Li was playing Shangguan Wan'er, so he said in embarrassment, "No, I didn't fly."

What is the difference between Wan'er who didn't fly in the finals and a free-range chicken?
This man is really strong.

Everyone turned their "you are awesome" eyes on Gao Li one after another. If it wasn't for the live competition, they would probably give Gao Li a thumbs up and say, "You are so fierce, you dare to betray Team Gu".

Fortunately, Gu Xishen believed in his team members, otherwise he would have reported it long ago.

Those hot-eyed teamfights just now were like playing a counterfeit match.

Gu Xishen wasn't angry either, but it seemed that he had memorized what these people had done just now, and he would probably take it all out when he went back to replay.

Sprinkle some dog food on the phone, and Da Huang, raised by Uncle Zhang, the security guard at the base, sticks out his tongue and licks the screen twice, playing better than the rest of them.

This operation, due to their excellent community sending warmth, gave the opponent four heads and an economic gap of [-] as a meeting gift.

Gu Xishen, the only one whose economy could keep up with the other side, also had no way to recover from the collapse of the whole line.

(End of this chapter)

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