e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 422 I'm Sorry Yushen, I'm A Little Greedy For Your Man

Chapter 422 I'm Sorry Yushen, I'm A Little Greedy For Your Man

[This look is so cute, I'm sorry Yushen, I'm actually a little bit greedy for your man...]

Gu Xishen's Duwei fans are still persevering in finding a sense of presence: [Garbage star plays a snake-skinned Joe, has no sense of presence at all, and the carry is entirely dependent on Gu Shen, get out of the team, you are not worthy of Gu Shen . 】

[Is it okay if I go to your house and unscrew your dog's head and hang it under the street lamp as a wind chime? 】


After Gu Xishen pursued and killed Zhang Liang, he took advantage of the situation and directly pushed the tower to take down the opposite crystal.

But the whole team was not excited about winning the game at all.

The referee came and told them that they could take a 10-minute intermission.

Gu Xishen didn't speak, stood up and walked backstage.

This was the first time that Gu Xishen did not wait for Yu Xingshen.

Yu Xingchen tilted his head and called out "Gu Xishen".

Gu Xishen ignored it and walked backstage.

Yu Xingshen gave a "tsk", pushed away the gaming chair and walked in.

The few teammates behind were at a loss.

Qiao Yinan: "Damn it, I almost forgot that Yu Shen blatantly disobeyed Dui Gu's command just now! Dui Gu is angry?"

Lu Bai murmured worriedly: "Will we see the scene of Ye Fuen breaking justice in the next move..."

Lu Bai's words immediately reached the point that the team members were most worried about.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that the advantage they had just fought back was about to fade away again.

Not only must the game be cold, but if love cannot withstand the test, it is likely to be cool too.

Gao Li: "Hey, so I still think that Lao Ji's rejection of the team's domestic sales at the beginning is a bit reasonable."


Yu Xingchen walked into the backstage, and as soon as he turned a corner, he was suddenly pulled forward by someone.

Yu Xingshen was caught off guard, and when he looked up, he realized that it was Gu Xishen.

Gu Xishen's grip was a little tight, Yu Xingchen struggled a few times but couldn't break free, so he could only shout angrily: "Gu Xishen!"

Gu Xishen didn't speak, and dragged her to continue walking.

Yu Xingchen could only see Gu Xishen's jawline, his whole body exuded an icy silence, and the shadow brought by his broad back was full of dark clouds pressing down on the city to destroy it.

Is this... angry?

The last time I saw Gu Xishen angry was in the first half of the year, when Xu Man insisted on coming to the two of them to join in the fun.

Normally, Gu Xishen would not even be willing to say a serious word in front of her, let alone get angry with her.

Yu Xingchen also knew that being able to bend and stretch is the last word in a relationship, so he didn't struggle anymore, let Gu Xishen pull him away, and took the lead in apologizing: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have blatantly disobeyed orders during the game, I was just angry at the time." It’s only when you’re dizzy that you’re stubborn.”

Yu Xingchen continued to criticize himself, "This is the first and last time, this kind of thing will never happen again, I will definitely control my emotions."

Gu Xishen directly pushed open an empty lounge, pulled Yu Xingchen in, and pushed Yu Xingchen against the door with his backhand, blocking Yu Xingchen's mouth that was still chattering.

Yu Xingshen's eyes widened immediately, and he said "ooohoo", not knowing what he was talking about.

What the hell!

This is going the wrong way!

Didn't Gu Xishen pull her to scold her for disobeying orders and want to break up with her? !
The moment Gu Xishen's breath came over her, he tightly wrapped her around her, holding her waist with one hand and pressing her shoulder with the other, completely pinning her against the door panel so that she could not move.

Gu Xishen kissed Yu Xingchen until she didn't resist at all before letting go of her.

(End of this chapter)

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