e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 423 Reaching for the Stars This Man Was Born for Stars

Chapter 423 Reaching for the Stars This Man Was Born for Stars

He said he was letting go, but he only relaxed the strength of his hand a little, leaving a fist-sized gap between him and her, still trapping her between the crook of his arm and the door panel.

The light in the lounge was not on.

Only a small patch of emergency lights on the side was on.

Gu Xishen's deep eyes were like a wild beast catching its prey. It was dangerous, but he couldn't help but let the prey indulge in the aggressive gaze.

It seemed that he was so willing that even his soul had to be sacrificed together.

Gu Xishen: "I'm not angry with you. You did the right thing. You were right to protect Qiao Yinan just now. I messed up."

Yu Xingchen pursed his lips tightly, and after hearing Gu Xishen finished speaking, he opened his mouth and said: "I have never denied your command, and I shouldn't refute your face in front of the team members. Although I am your girlfriend, the competition I forgot that you are the captain and I am the team member."

This was originally a very simple subordinate-subordinate relationship.

All she has to do is obey.

But relying on her relationship with Gu Xishen, she blatantly got stubborn in the competition.

If the fans knew about it, who would care who she was, she would have been flogged countless times in the saliva posts on Tieba.

Gu Xishen said, "I've never thought about it that way."

Gu Xishen's eye sockets were originally deep, and the narrow and long eye ends were dyed with a sharp and calm color, but facing Yu Xingchen, it seemed that there was a gentle barrier separating all the bad and indifferent things in it.

Yu Xingchen suddenly felt that he couldn't look directly at this overly heavy gaze, and lowered his eyes as if to escape.

Gu Xishen: "You forgot, the person who picked up the stars was born for the stars."

Yu Xing was startled.

Those busy memories, no matter they were hysterical, tender, painful or happy, all roared past in my mind like a tidal wave.

From the beginning to the end, no matter whether Gu Xishen became a first-line anchor, or became the god Gu in the players' mouths, he was only doing it for Yu Xingchen.

Even standing on this arena, he just wanted to stand side by side with Yu Xingchen.

Yu Xing bit her lower lip deeply, her pupils under her slender eyelashes seemed to be filled with puddles of water.

However, how can she bear it.

There was something complicated and deep in Gu Xishen's gaze, which was a love stronger than hers.

Gu Xishen: "I'm not as strong as you think at all. In the game, I will also make mistakes due to selfish desires, like I shouldn't block skills for you. It is because of my mistakes that you are targeted by the opponent. "

In fact, think about it from another angle, if it was Yu Xingshen, she would be chaotic because of her concern.

Gu Xishen didn't come here to be angry with her at all, but to relieve her emotions.

He knew that she had just been caught by the opponent and got angry, which would definitely affect the next few matches.

Especially at such critical times, if there is a slight mistake, it will be infinitely magnified and hung on the post bar to show the public.

Yu Xingchen suddenly stood on tiptoe and hugged Gu Xishen's neck, and buried his whole face between her arms and Gu Xishen's neck, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

As strong as Gu Xishen, he was like a god in front of outsiders.

No one would have imagined that when Gu Xishen made a mistake, he even apologized because he wanted to adjust her emotions.

She herself was thinking carefully: Gu Xishen was angry because she didn't obey the command and she refuted his face in public.

(End of this chapter)

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