e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 424 Yu Xing Shen Plays Mid Laner

Chapter 424 Yu Xing Shen Plays Mid Laner
The mood of the people outside the lounge was gloomy, and they always felt that the couple, Nosuke, hadn't come back for so long, and it was probably because they broke up.

The next few matches are probably not 5V5 fair duels, maybe 3V5.

Even worse may be 3V7.

How tragic they were thinking, how dumbfounded they were when they saw Gu Xishen carrying Yu Xing and Shen Xiong back to their lounge.

The imaginary severance of kindness and righteousness did not happen.

On the contrary, the two of them, Yesuke, seemed to be about to enter the palace of marriage, making people wonder what kind of shady things they did in a small unknown corner in the short ten minutes.

Especially Yu Xingchen, who was still full of anger in the last fight, lay on Gu Xishen's body and couldn't get off. Xiaoniao Yiren's appearance was not as tough as usual, for fear that others would not know how good the relationship between the two was. .

For a moment, there was only one thought in everyone's mind.

Gu Shen deserves to be Gu Shen...

A tigress can handle it...

Gu Xi patted Yu Xingchen deeply, "Come down first."

Yu Xing Shen didn't speak, but hugged Gu Xishen even tighter.

Gu Xishen had no choice but to find a chair and sit down, letting Yu Xing sit on his lap.

Seeing this loving scene, everyone suddenly had a stomachache, but they still felt that it would be better to end the relationship.

At least the soul of the single dog has not been shown to leave the body and fly to the west.

Gu Xishen and Qiao Yinan discussed the choice of heroes for a while, "I think Qingfeng will target you in the next lane, you should try to choose a shooter with high mobility and strong self-protection ability, let's play meat with Xingshen .”

Yu Xingchen suddenly said, "I don't."

Everyone: "???"

Disobey Gu Dui in public.

Started again? Started again? ?
Dui Gu hasn't taught her a lesson just now? ? ?
Yu Xingchen raised his head from Gu Xishen's shoulders, revealing a pair of murderous eyes, looking at Gao Li, "Discuss something?"

Seen by Yu Xingchen's cannibalistic gaze, Gao Li subconsciously put his legs together, tightened his chrysanthemums, and stammered, "You, you say."

Yu Xingchen: "I'll be playing later."

Everyone suddenly realized that Yu Xingchen wanted to rely on his own strength to avenge his shame.

Yu Xingchen has been playing as a support player for so long that everyone almost forgot that she was also a woman who was ranked in the region by herself in singles.

Gao Li agreed, "No problem, then I'll go play with the assistant."

10 minutes passed and the game restarted.

Seeing several members of the Pinru team walking up to the player seats with a calm face, the Qingfeng team couldn't help wondering why Yu Xingchen hadn't been beaten down yet.

When did female players become so powerful in their psychological development?

And when choosing a hero in this round, Yu Xingshen blatantly chose Zhuge Liang.

Even the commentator couldn't help but "hiss" in shock, "I'm counting the days... When was the last time I saw Yu Shen playing mid laner in a game?"

Commentator B answered directly: "Don't forget it, it was last season, and it was the only one. Yu Shen chose Diaochan."

Commentary A: "We don't know much about Yushen's hero pool here. We can only say that her hero pool is indeed bottomless. Yushen's Zhuge Liang... can only expect to play a normal output."

Not only was the commentator confused, but even Yu Xingchen's old fans were also confused.

[Did Yushen play Zhuge forty games in the whole tuba? 】

[If Yushen chooses Diaochan, I still believe that she can kill a lot, Zhuge Liang emmmmm, I have never seen Yushen beat Zhuge Liang. 】

(End of this chapter)

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