e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 425 The Pinru team asked Yu Shen to play as a support purely to preserve strength

Chapter 425 The Pinru team asked Yu Shen to play as a support purely to preserve strength
Gao Li didn't even trust Yu Xingshen's Zhuge Liang, "Shen Yu, it would be better for you to choose Zhou Yu or Bomb Cat. It's good to clear the line in the early stage, and wait for Team Gu to level [-] or Qiao Yinan to drop the opposite one." The tower will come up later to help you catch it."

Yu Xingchen clicked on the hero directly, "I think Zhuge Liang is pretty good."

At the moment when Yu Xingchen locked onto Zhuge Liang, even through the headset, he could hear the exclamation of fans from the auditorium.

Gao Li couldn't figure it out, "Where should I go? I haven't seen you playing Zhuge?"

Yu Xing said with a full of evil spirit: "It's better to use pentakill."

Gao Li: "..." I see.

Yu Xingchen's is a mid-laner Dharma King full of evil spirits. The last one was caught by the opponent and became a tenth-level cripple and could not fight back. All of them were saved for this one.

This has just been launched, and the fight has not yet started, everyone can feel that Yu Xingchen's attack is menacing.

Because she brought a punishment.

Punishing Zhuge Liang In the very early days, there was a national server Zhuge named An Ran who played this routine.

The specific operation is that after clearing the line, you can quickly go to the opponent's red zone to steal the three little pigs, and upgrade to level [-] faster.

If you play well, you can go to other roads to catch people and farm the economy faster.

If you don't play well, it's just that the line and wild are more frequent, but it's still useless.

It's like the lack of a summoner skill, the kind of sudden death every minute.

The opponent's mid laner is Mo Xie, who probably thought it was a joke for a support to play the mid laner and choose Zhuge Liang who had no bottom.

When his teammates asked him if he wanted to come to the middle to squat in a wave, he was directly rejected.

Qingfeng's mid laner: "It's not good to bully other girls all the time. I'm confident that I can kill her solo."

So when clearing the line at the beginning, it could be seen that Qingfeng's mid laner didn't think highly of Yu Xingchen, and even went straight out of the tower to clear the pawns and pressed Yu Xingchen's side.

Yu Xingchen's disadvantage continued until her level progress bar reached the early third level. After controlling the pawn line and clearing this wave, she directly spawned a full passive.

The opposite mid laner raised his eyebrows when he saw that Yu Xingchen was about to rise to level 4 after eating this wave of pawns. He reacted and retreated quickly, but was directly hit by Yu Xingchen's Ice Punishment and slowed down.

The mid laner on the opposite side is dumbfounded, how the hell punish Zhuge and upgrade to Ice? ?

Zhuge Liang's second skill followed by the first skill's extremely fast series of moves, the general Mo Xie, whose blood line was close to full, quickly bottomed out——

Commentary: "Ness, Nass, Nass! This wave of backhand attack made the arrogant general Mo Xie helplessly hand over a skill and flash back to the tower! Originally, Zhuge Liang was consumed half of his blood by the general Mo Xie when he was laning in the early stage. It is very possible to jump over the tower and kill one for one, but it is a loss!"

The general Mo Xie breathed a sigh of relief after returning to the tower, and just wanted to say to his teammates: "It's just a trivial matter..."

At this moment, Zhuge Liang's level rose from three to four in an instant, and the vitality bomb locked on the general Moxie in the tower——

first drop of blood!

Yu Xingchen directly used her strength to prove that her hero pool was as deep as Lake Baikal.

This is perfect control over minion gold and levels.

No mid laner with thousands of hands can't play this kind of operation at all. Even if Yu Xingchen missed a pawn before and didn't make up, he might not be able to fight back because he couldn't reach the fourth level smoothly.

Even the commentator was shocked and said: "The Pinru team asked Yu Shen to play support for the purpose of preserving strength, right???"

(End of this chapter)

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