e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 426 Five kills were robbed by super soldiers

Chapter 426 Five kills were robbed by super soldiers
Yu Xingchen once again stole the three little pigs in the opponent's red zone before packing up and returning to the spring water. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the female fans in the auditorium holding a sign with the words "star is the best!!" and stood up excitedly to revel.

Yu Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Qingfeng's mid laner was also slapped in the face, and was teased leisurely by the jungler: "Can you kill solo?"

Qingfeng's mid laner said aggrievedly: "...I can't, come squat her."

The jungler snorted.

The jungler packs up and prepares to get a mana to start a team battle. While playing mana, he says to his mid laner, "I suspect you're just here to make a fucking joke..."

After saying this, the jungler shot into the grass and directly picked out the Dharma King Zhuge Liang, and was taken away by Zhuge 213 faster than Mo Xie.

By the way, a blue buff was also given.

Qingfeng jungler: "..."

Zhuge Liang stepped on his blue body and swaggered through the wall, and went back to withdraw his troops.

General Mo Xie: "That's it?"

This is just the beginning, and then Yu Xingchen simply used his strength to prove that your father is still your father.

With the economic blessing of two kills at the beginning, Yu Xingshen took off directly in the middle lane, even if the opponent had already realized that they were going to continue to target Zhuge Liang, it would not help.

Because at this time, Yu Xingshen had already become the center C position of this game, and was protected by the key.

Yu Xingchen's quadruple kill was obtained in the 9th minute of the game.

At that time, the three people on the opposite side were stalking her in the grass. Fortunately, she had a golden body to block the 1 control skills on the opposite side.

Gao Li's Liu Bang also rushed to support, and immediately gave the shield——

The four-player team fight quickly developed into a massive team fight.

The remaining shooter Yu Ji of the Qingfeng team and the mid laner Mo Xie rushed to them quickly, directly creating a sense of tragedy that Yu Xingchen would be killed once even if they were desperate.

Yu Xingchen yelled, "Fuck, shit, shit, I'm going to die!!", and at the same time, he sold his golden body and bought a resurrection armor very quickly, and brushed a passive on Chen Yaojin's body.

On the next road, Qiao Yinan also took the lead in rushing to the assassin on the opposite side with a bird, which added a wave of living space to Yu Xingchen, and then cooperated with Gu Xishen's free-for-all in an instant.

Yu Xingchen's Quadruple Kill announcement popped up on the screen, and everyone was watching the game with bated breath, expecting the second Pentakill to appear tonight.

[Ah, ah, ah, my daughter is so fierce! !revenge! !Go! 】

[Thousands of Blood Books begging stars to go and play mid laner! !That pentakill heart is really unstoppable even playing support! 】

Even the commentary took the lead in thinking about the commentary: "Now that Zhuge has successfully counterattacked the Jedi and got four kills, it is a shame to be targeted with one blood! There is also a go-getter, Mo Xie!——"

Yu Xingchen rushed over to take away the bloody head of general Mo Xie, but saw that general Mo Xie flashed through the wall and moved to the bottom lane, and was hit by a super soldier with a mallet.

The super soldier killed General Mo Xie.

Narrator: "Congratulations to Star for successfully getting tonight's—errrrrr?? Quadruple kills???"

Yu Xingchen: "..."



Yu Xingshen put down the phone silently, and hit the table again.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then a super soldier!

And damn it's a super soldier! ! !

Even the scene was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

[Fuck me, I'm going to die of laughter, Yu Shen is so dark hahahahaha]

[I still clearly remember the last time Yushen's hammer mother defended the tower at the limit, and then the crystal was clicked off by the super soldier, and it was the same]

(End of this chapter)

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