e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 427 The last one

Chapter 427 The Last Hand

[Weak, pitiful, innocent, desperate, hugging her fat self with distress, Yu Shen]

[It is estimated that Yu Shen will definitely kill Miyamoto when he sees Miyamoto in the future, and will never let a Miyamoto appear alive in front of her]

【Miyamoto: I am invincible, what did I do wrong?】

【Invincible, you can cut it again and again. 】

In the commentary room, relying on the fact that the audience couldn't see this scene, he slapped the table and laughed out of image: "Is this the general who died in front of the super soldiers and refused to hand over the five kills?"

"It is estimated that the general is saying that the head can be given, but the pentakill cannot be given hahahahahaha!"

The absence of pentakills directly caused Yu Xingshen to be extremely negative in the second half of the game.

So much so that Gao Li was at a loss and began to comfort Yu Xingchen: "Don't, Yushen, I will give you the mid laner in the next round and you continue to carry."

Yu Xing has nothing to love about Shen Sheng, "Penta kills are not important anymore, the important thing is that there will never be a super soldier alive within my field of vision."

Yu Xingchen's depressed mentality lasted until he won the game, and won the championship with just one more win.

During the intermission, Yu Xingshen almost blocked Qing Feng's mid laner in the backstage directly, stood on tiptoe and grabbed his neck and yelled, "Why! Why! Why won't you give me a mere pentakill!! "

Gu Xishen hurriedly supported Yu Xingchen, and Qiao Yinan kept hypnotizing Yu Xingchen from the side: "You can't do it, you can't do it...you will be suspended..."

Frightened, Qingfeng's mid-laner on the opposite side had a strong desire to urinate, and he hid in the toilet shivering and dared not show up during the 10 minutes of the intermission.

The last time Yu Xingchen was targeted by the opponent, he was not so aggressive. Losing a pentakill was like killing her.

Yu Xingchen's murderous aura was completely polished off in the fifth round.

Honestly, he chose a real man, Xiahou Dun, and followed Qiao Yinan.

At that time, the commentator was still surprised and said: "Hey? Is Yu Shen not playing mid laner?"

Commentator B continued: "It's probably because I was pissed off by the last one. If my pentakill was robbed, then my teammates will never see me come out of the spring again in this round."

Both commentators were silent for a second, and then burst into loud laughter in the commentary room.

[Yu Shen: Garbage commentary!I'm going to call the police! ! 】

[Yushen: I feel offended. 】

Outside the e-sports arena, the lights are just on, and the neon lights are like a big net, covering the entire Yunjiang City, and the endless stream of traffic is rushing deeper, and everyone is busy in this top rich area in the wine pool and meat forest.

"Fight a dragon?"

"It depends."

"The opposite Shefu is going to you to get off the road."

After playing the game all night, she was already very nervous, Yu Xingchen squeezed her temples, so that she missed Gao Li's report, and when she went online, she subconsciously wanted to help Qiao Yinan get her vision.

Yu Xingchen watched the river crab moving coquettishly through the grass and reappearing, he suddenly felt something bad and paused.

Qiao Yinan's sentence "Be careful, there may be someone", before finishing the sentence, four people jumped out of the grass, almost frightened Yu Xingchen half to death, and ran to his own tower with all his skills, He was still cursing, "Fuck, the other side is addicted to playing this game and preparing for the Renaissance??? Xiahou Dun will not let go and force me to give me all the meat???"

(End of this chapter)

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