e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 430 Wearing a Championship Ring Like a Wedding Ring

Chapter 430 Wearing a Championship Ring Like a Wedding Ring
Nervous people like Qiao Yinan didn't know the relationship between the two of them, and they were still coaxing them to shake hands and hug each other.

The last hug is no hug...

After all, what do two big men look like.

shook hands.

In the eyes of the fans, one represents the freshmen and the other represents the past. Lin handed over the team to Zhai Xing, and watched with a smile as the new executor took the team to a further peak.

Only Yu Xingchen knew that the two of them probably didn't like the other, so he could only embarrassingly laugh along with the team members.

In Gu Xishen's eyes, it was probably because his rivals were jealous when they met each other.

However, under the flashing lights, the two were tall and tall, one was stern and the other was gentle, and their appearance was not inferior to first-line stars. They were like images in comics, and the fans at the scene shouted loudly like a concert.

There was even a fishbone CP biting a small handkerchief and weeping, "My lord, I'm sorry... woo woo woo but I really want to climb the wall..."

In fact, the moment when the atmosphere of the scene was pushed to a climax, and when the CP dog was cute again, was when the championship ring was awarded.

Just as Yu Xingchen was about to take the ring, Gu Xishen took it and lifted Yu Xingchen's outstretched hand to help her put it on, with a very skillful and natural movement.

Yu Xingchen: "..."

And it was worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

The sound at the scene was quiet for a second, and then there were countless booing sounds.

The whole thing is very good, not only to watch the game, but also to perform overtime.

It's worth the ticket.

Although Gu Xishen's movements were very casual, under the light, Yu Xingchen still gave Yu Xingshen a sense of ritual in a wedding hall.

The few team members who stood close were almost swollen with dog food, and they still had to look at the world with a smile, but their eyes were filled with the fact that the world is not worth it.

Next is the post-match interview session.

It is estimated that the reporter also received a request from the competition team. In order to cater to the fans and audience, the interview topic focused on the relationship between Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen.

The questions asked were sharper and sharper, and it was almost necessary to take off all the vests of the two of them in public.

"May I ask if you didn't expose your relationship inadvertently, would you take the initiative to make an official announcement?"

"When were you together?"

"Who's chasing who?"

"What's your teammate's attitude towards this matter?"

The question made Yu Xing Shen's face full of bewildered question marks, all he could think of was "Who am I and where am I? How the hell do I know??"

Gu Xishen saw Yu Xingchen's embarrassment, and reached out to take the microphone in Yu Xingchen's hand.

Then the camera turned to Gu Xishen's face.

The reporter suddenly felt something was wrong and frowned.

Gu Xishen's tone was light: "The official announcement, we have been together for a long time, I chased her."

He turned to Qiao Yinan and the others.

Qiao Yinan and the others were stunned for a while, and then they remembered that the last sentence the reporter asked was "What's the attitude of the teammates towards this matter?" They quickly answered one by one: "Absolutely support!"

"Support and support, the two are very affectionate and eat dog food every day!"

"Whoever doesn't support me will kill anyone."


After the interview, Gao Li was still laughing when he got into the nanny car: "Damn it, you didn't see the expression on the host's face. I remember that she was the one who came when Dui Gu was interviewed for the first time last time. The straight guy spoke to her well." Almost resigned on the spot, Gu Dui is really a dark horse in the interview world hahahahahahaha..."

Lin Yuanjin said that he wanted to accompany them to a celebration banquet, and then he would go back. Yu Xingchen came to see his aunt and felt uncomfortable, so he went back to the hotel first.

(End of this chapter)

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