e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 431 The beginning of Yushen being hacked by the whole people

Chapter 431 The beginning of Yushen being hacked by the whole people

Originally, Gu Xishen wanted to go back with her first, but was blocked by Yu Xingshen, "Are you still the captain?"

Sitting in the nanny's car, Gu Xishen was extremely upset as he listened to a few foodies discussing where to have a celebration banquet.

In the beginning, he should have forced Ji Mao to give Yu Xingchen the captaincy, since he should not be the captain anyway.

Qiao Yinan chose a barbecue restaurant. When a group of people went in, they were recognized, and they stuck in the lobby for a long time to get autographs and group photos.

Gu Xishen's mind was not on the barbecue at all, he ate a few bites in a hurry and went out to the toilet to smoke.

In the private room, Qiao Yinan was the one who talked the most nonsense, chattering non-stop, "Hey Team Lin, let me tell you that as soon as you left, Team Gu got Yu Shen!"

Qiao Yinan, this idiot...

Said everything that should not have been said.

Lu Bai poked Qiao Yinan with his finger under the table to signal him to shut up.

Qiao Yinan, who had no eyesight, also said: "Hey, Lu Bai, why are you poking me! I didn't steal your pork belly! Are your eyes cramped? Hey Team Lin, let me tell you that I didn't even notice it at first." It can be seen that the two have an affair!"

Lu Bai: "..."

He stretched out his hand, but helplessly lowered his head to support his forehead, and gave up saving Qiao Yinan, a stupid child with no winks.

Lin Yuanjin listened the whole time, with a smile on his lips, and even helped Qiao Yinan to agree with him.

Lin Yuanjin: "A man with a talent and a woman with a good looks are a good match."

When he said this, his light-colored eyes were filled with the warmest warmth in winter, and there was nothing unusual about it.

When Qiao Yinan finished talking about how Yu Xingchen and Gu Xishen were showing affection in the training room, Lin Yuanjin stood up and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

Qiao Yinan: "Okay, okay, but why hasn't Captain Gu come back yet, did he fall into the pit?"

Gao Li: "Do you want to get depressed and sneak away?"

Taking advantage of Gu Xishen's absence, a few people crazily spoke ill of him, and even let out mentally handicapped laughter.

Gu Xishen really had the idea of ​​sneaking out first, and was about to go out directly when he saw Lin Yuanjin walking in.

Gu Xishen raised his eyelids and took a look, with a cigarette between his fingers, he didn't speak.

Lin Yuanjin stopped him, "Gu Xishen."

Gu Xi leaned against the wall, his expression indifferent and undisciplined, the corners of his lips drawn down, one hand in his pocket, a half-burned cigarette between the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

The simple wall lamp in the toilet shone over, making half of his profile submerged in the darkness.

He raised his eyes to look at Lin Yuanjin again, and the meaning in his eyes was probably "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let the fart go quickly."

It's no wonder that Gu Xishen is so rude, it's probably like this for a rival in love, anyone who has a possessive desire for the other half.

What's more, it was inexplicably brought together by myself.

They don't usually show up, so they have to wait until their relationship is announced.

Lin Yuanjin said: "I just want to tell you something about Xingshen before."

Thin ash fell from the red cigarette butt like paper dust.Gu Xi shook the soot deeply, "Speak."

Lin Yuanjin said: "The first year of PR was the hardest time for the team. At that time, the team didn't have enough funds, so they had to go everywhere to play pheasant competitions to get bonuses. Once Xingshen appeared on the KOC, and no one noticed in the professional circle. To this little girl."

It would not be an exaggeration to say that she was a little girl, Yu Xingshen was only 17 years old at that time, which was the average age of the second PR team.

Lin Yuanjin said: "That was also the beginning of Xingshen being hacked by the whole people."

(End of this chapter)

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