e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 432 Lin Yuanjin, You Can Be Humble, But You Can't Be Humble

Chapter 432 Lin Yuanjin, You Can Be Humble, But You Can't Be Humble
Originally, a few years ago, the e-sports industry was far less acceptable than it is now. When some people just faded from the concept of "e-sports = Internet addiction", many people began to slowly and tentatively understand this industry.

It was then that Yu Xingchen began to enter the players' eyes.

However, everyone still limited e-sports players to young and talented men. It was very unfriendly to Yu Xingshen, a female player whose appearance was comparable to that of a floret.

Hype, relying on her face, lying down to take responsibility, all kinds of inexplicable scapegoats were pinned on her so maliciously.

Lin Yuanjin: "At that time, her private messages and mailboxes were full of abuse, probably as much as when you made it public."

Gu Xishen gave his hand a cigarette, then snuffed out the burning red cigarette butt, threw it into the trash can, and said coldly: "I know what you want to say, my woman, I will protect it naturally, no need for an outsider bother."

Lin Yuanjin didn't have much reaction to Gu Xishen's word "outsider", but just twitched his lips: "That's the best."

Gu Xishen turned on the faucet to wash off the cigarette dust from his hands, the sound of rushing water mixed with his voice, "I also want to tell you something."

Gu Xi turned off the faucet with a deep bang, and the sound of the water stopped.

"I have known Xing Shen several years before you, so I am naturally aware of her affairs."

Gu Xishen dried his hands and walked out of the toilet.

Until his figure disappeared around the corner, Lin Yuanjin still didn't move, no emotion could be seen in his deep eyes, and the corners of his lips fell slightly, like a sculpture without temperature.


The water dripping from the faucet made a small sound, and the time that seemed to be stagnant at this time began to move.

Lin Yuanjin took off his glasses, revealing his cold eyes behind the glasses, turned on the faucet, scooped up a puddle of water with both hands and brushed it on his face.

Lin Yuanjin looked up at the man in the mirror.

He thought: what on earth is he doing?
Seeing the news that the two were together, did you come here from the imperial capital just to watch them side by side in the contestants' seats?

Mingming told himself that everything was over, since he had already been rejected, he should be a qualified loser and disappear in front of Yu Xingchen from then on.

But he still can't help it, and thinks like a bitter woman, who will be with her in the end, and who will be able to stand by her side in a fair manner.

Just thinking about it, his heart seemed to be tightly wrapped by wildly growing thorns, and then grew wantonly.

He supported the edge of the sink, and the water droplets on his face and hair rolled down drop by drop, hitting the back of his hand.

The strength can be said to be negligible, but it is no less than acupuncture.

After knowing it, Lin Yuanjin felt that he was slowly clenching his palms tightly. Those eyes that had always been warm and moist like the spring breeze were soaked in water, and there was a tinge of blood inexplicably overflowing.

Lin Yuanjin, you can be humble, but you cannot be mean.

He even made a special effort to pose as an old friend in front of Gu Xishen to say what was there and what was not.


In fact, she doesn't even have the qualifications to mention these things in front of Gu Xishen.

After all, Yu Xingchen was just an unattainable dream.

As long as you know, you are not the lover Yu Xingchen is looking for.
Gu Xishen and Yu Xingshen knew each other several years earlier than Lin Yuanjin, this is not a bug, it is a foreshadowing buried by Ranran, and they will probably choose a sweet campus memory to kill after the episode.

(End of this chapter)

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